Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Channeling #56

Do you have a message for The Children of God?

You are one of the sensitive ones, those of my children who generate the light. Bask in this light now, for what a shame it would be if all the world’s doves were locked away in darkness allowing no one to hear their soft and loving calls.

There are many who need your gentle energy. I would ask you now to be trusting and reveal the power I have given you in order to lead others by example. Gently seek to find light within the darkness. So often, man rips apart the darkness like a greedy excited child who has found toys in the attic. You must approach the darkness with respect and the door will be open to you and the toys freely given. My children will remember me; I ask you to demonstrate peace and fulfillment, knowing I have and will, meet all wishes asked for. Teach others patience, as inexperienced ones grasp to take what they need believing that what is needed must be taken. For one to have the other must have not. Yet I store my true treasures within you. Remember you receive as you have asked. None of those toys of the darkness will deliver peace or joy, but only the insatiable yearning for more.

My sensitive children are healers and the cleansers of the planet. You believe the heavy burden is yours alone, yet you must realize it is everyone’s. I would gladly take all of it if you would but walk with me to the curb. All that is required is your willingness to ask, “God take this from me as you promised and carry these burdens for me.” The still light of God makes all burdens return to the realm of illusion from whence they came. Ego mind ridicules you for carrying them so long but remember that you are innocent. Would you ridicule a child for hanging onto to his security blanket until it is but a tattered square of fabric? To the child this blanket is safety, so a child is allowed to carry it until its trust of life prepares it for letting go. Your burdens are like this child’s blanket.

I created you a physical being to explore my Universe, as I cannot do it myself. Looking only through my eyes will reveal to you the beauty and splendour throughout it. A fearful mind creates sight through the eyes of past experiences, which contain pain, attack and defence. Your ego’s single goal is to protect you from me. How crazy is that? When anything is gazed upon through eyes of the Holy Spirit, then the struggling disappears, revealing only the love that was given.

Remember to keep my flame in your heart and my light in your eyes. Should the light grow dim in earthly moments, do not stumble in darkness but ask to be lifted up to see again.

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