Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Channeling #20
My client was desperate to heal – Yet I noticed that the greater part of her was somewhere else.  She is afraid to die, but also afraid to live.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Fear is a construct of ego mind. It does not exist in heaven. The ego is the jaws of living death, which most people spend their lives in.  You desire to truly live but are too afraid to take the leap of faith required.  To move past this crippling illusion, shouting into the void is required.  Shouting commands your spirit to return from fearful, ego, judgment, and wounded places. This is illustrated by my son, the Christ, driving the “con men” from the temple.  Now it is time to arise and take a stand for what provides sustenance; not your ego or the frightened child, but a passionate place of the wounded warrior crying, “This will not happen again, I will not allow it!” For I will tell you – you need not make demands of me, for I freely give, but you must make demands of your spirit, by demanding it return from the futile places it has been playing in.
So it is not enough to call, as your spirit must be summoned.  Calls simply go out, but summons are calls commanding responses.  Obedience is a soul’s key word, without which it would wander off to places that destroy, weaken, and seduce you.  When your soul tarries too long in these illusionary places, you are left in a weakened state and an alternate reality.
You cry out for energy and light all the while forgetting you are light.  You must stop rummaging through your old hope chest; looking in old crevices of lost dreams, disillusionment, and pervading future hopes that you have insufficient power to create because of past energy drains.  You need only stand centred in your universe and command your spirit’s return.  Know that my answer is there for all of your ego’s exhausting, useless and distracting questions. For when YOU struggle to solve or listen to them, they waste your time and energy.  The ego has designed them for precisely this purpose, to keep you from healing. My answer for ALL of these questions? The circumstances that created them, are not real, but only your distorted images projected outward.  Do not feel lost concerning where your soul has been; for as an obedient servant recognizes his master’s voice and comes, your soul need only hear my voice to return.  This must be obeyed, for you can never truly know life, if part of your soul is missing.
Do not tarry in calling back what is missing. Be not afraid but joyful, for you are the centre of my universe.

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