Channeling #47
Amahra: From a place of stillness what comes next?
GOD: It is my intention to show you that your world is fleeting and only one thing lasts forever. This forever thing that you have been sent to be a steward of – is love. The forgiving realm of pure potential is the one thing that your technologists have never explored. Had man spent billions of dollars exploring the heart aspect of the mind, the brilliant place of love, he would already be home. Alas the minds of those who would believe that hate is real and that suffering is glory, keep the hands of their imaginary enemies raised to strike and keep the battles and the blood of ages dark – ever present among them. The seeking for self in the dark voids of hatred, greed and power over fellow man – comes from a place of victim and fear. Who is this monster that you have joined with and why do you find it necessary to keep feeding its hunger?
The plasma light grid that surrounds you becomes heavy and brittle with the pain and darkness that you project into it. You burden it with your psychotic wars and quests for evidence of betrayal and separation. This grid is your birthplace, your home and your life support. I did not create it to be your toxic dumping ground. I created it to be the inter-dimensional transport system that angels may travel among you and that you may experience the light path.
Your petty wars and grievances pull and snag the web of your existence. I feel your pain. I continue to mend this life support system that you would destroy, for without this intervention you would die in the mire of your own illusions. I have sent light-workers to mend your physical, mental, emotional and soul bodies and to restring this web that suspends and feeds you in potential and space. You would be forever imprisoned in the abyss of ego were this process not to continue. Yet you remain childish, stubborn, stuck and perplexed; seeking bandaids and painkillers to ease your problems. You beg me to ease your suffering. Yet you will not see that you are the cause of it.
My patience is vast and my compassion is endless. Yet I request that you emerge from your chrysalis and behave like the light being that I created you to be. I created you in truth and pure potential and gave you the gift of free will. You have taken this gift of free will and used it to destroy the very thing that I created to sustain you. The Web is a holy place, a place of peace, light and integrity and you have stretched it to its limits. It is your doorway through, the Arc of the Covenant. We created it so that you may walk through this doorway and look back and see, once and for all truly see – that you feel more pain from your judgment of your suffering, than from the suffering itself. You forget that a doorway is for walking through and you stay eternally stuck in this portal – afraid to move forward and be free.
So you stand in this place, paralyzed by the identity your tribe gave you. They said you were inadequate. If you could see your truth, all of this nonsense would be erased from your cellular memory. But the freedom to be joyful and fulfilled is too frightening for you. I have created a Garden of Eden in your heart and you choose not to enter it. The time to enter is now. Feel the yearning I have instilled in you, it will draw you in.
On a lonely day years ago, I told God I was tired of doing it alone - that I needed him to show up and talk to me. And he did. For many years now when I ask God a question, I just have to make sure I have pen and paper, as the answer streams through in automatic writing. I welcome others to offer their deep questions, those things that you just can't figure out for yourself. Blessings and enjoy.
Letters From God

We're Loved
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Channelling 119
K.H. asks: Dear God, what is happening to me? What is my next right action for healing and to be of service?
GOD: My child, nothing is happening to you, except perhaps your belief that your past was real. There is no right action. It’s time to stop asking questions. You need to pray to me and ask that I help you to see that your pain is not real; your feeling of unfulfilment is not real.
Mankind has learned to harness the atom, land on the moon and explore distant planets, yet cannot harness the wanderings of a compulsive mind. Every human being has in common the fact that I created them as a living extension of me, something Divine. Your physical body is but the house of your soul because I need you to sense, feel and explore in a way that I cannot. You are my feedback mechanisms. I created you to touch my Universe and let me know how it feels. Yet man seldom sends me feedback of awe and gratitude for what I created for him and created him for. Instead man’s undisciplined mind sends me feedback about the pain and suffering that man thinks that I am responsible for. But I am not.
In all of you are unique essences of life fuelled by soul types that manifest and handle your life in different ways. These essences and abilities are all that you need and you carry these with you because I put them there. They assist your experience and nurture you, yet you use them to see the negatives.
My child – you need to rest. You must stop questioning what is and wondering if there is something that you need to DO in order to fulfill or heal. Everything you need is right there inside you. The ego mind with its incessant chatter and insane equations is the only thing that keeps you from being of service.
When a question is asked in the following way, “What must I do, what do I need to do, what should I do?” it is fear-based mind asking the question for you. This part of you knows nothing of me and would protect you from me for it believes I am the enemy.
I am your salvation, but when your mind seeks a reason for things, you cannot see the truth. I designed your mind to be an open channel that receives my divine guidance and knowledge. It was not designed to worry, fret or obsess.
Simply watch where your mind plays to see where it would trick you and delay your healing, for the ego loves this game. The only part of you that is real is your spirit, your unique soul. Your physical body is not real, only your mind thinks it is. Thus every ache and pain becomes the distraction to your healing. You wonder if I have abandoned you or you are being punished for doing something wrong. This is not true. The body is not real. Only the soul driving it – is real. Remember that I am the force that drives your soul and you will be healed. The physical body is a fragile thing and is easily insulted. Only the ego seeks an explanation for the pain. For as long as you believe that your healing lies in knowing why the bad happens, you will never heal. Bad things do not happen TO you, bad things simply happen. For I tell you that the judgement around personal pain or suffering of man causes more damage than anything else. It is simply a by-product of having a physical body and it is not personal. Only victims suffer, and victims do not heal. Pain does not cause you suffering for your anger about it does.
Nor must you overcome this supposed pain in order to be a hero. Pain does not cause the body or the soul to suffer, only the mind. For only in the mind is the pain preserved as real or personal. The ego wants man to seek a reason for his pain for this is greatest stall tactic of all time. You do not suffer because you have pain; you suffer because you believe that suffering is real. Let go of your need to be perfect before you can be of service, or that you need total healing before serving, or that in my eyes you need try to DO anything at all to be of service.
You occupy a space in my continuum. The Cosmos needs you and your unique frequency to fill this space in order for balance. My only commandment is that you be happy and that you love one another. This love may take many forms. Some of you are kind to each other by the laying of hands to help release an issue. Some of you are kind by simply smiling at another, or listening to another. You can be of service by doing that which you love. The artist receives my gift of passion to speak without words, and by his creations he raises the consciousness of those who view his paintings. He need not try to do anything. He simply expresses from his heart and soul the gift that I gave him. In doing this, he helps to heal the world.
Man believes that a struggle is necessary. He forgets Shangri La where my gift is so immense and apparently easy, that it is cast aside as it is too good to be true. But this is the miracle. What is it that you would do as a little child, do with so much joy, or do for nothing because you love it so much. This is what I would ask you to do to be of service to me. To be of service to me, you must be happy and do what brings you JOY. For this brings joy to the world I created. Man believes that a price must be paid, that life is hard. But only the mind sees it as hard and this is an illusion. So I ask you – what do you want in order to be happy. What brings you joy? Forget about saving the world, for in saving yourself you DO save the world. As long as man’s focus on saving others, the ego mind is very happy. I do not mean that you should ignore others needs, I mean that you do not ignore your needs at the expense of another. For this is not love, it is martyrdom.
The ego drives man to obsession about doing that perfect thing to be of service and cannot remember that the fact that you exist in this space and are happy - is the service that I require of you.
Man cannot see the utter magic that transforms a room when one of my children who is joyful about their passion and happy with themselves – simply walks in. You are one of those bright lights, but your vision is so focused on being of service that you’ve become blinded by your own wondrous light. I did not design life to be hard for you. Only the ego would have you believe that it is hard, that miracles are not common.
You need do nothing. Rest, remember those things that gave you joy as a child, before dysfunction tore your eyes away from me and made a false reality your life. This was not personal and not a punishment and there is no reason WHY it happened. But it can be a special training to shape you in ways necessary to raise your consciousness.
Do not ask, “What must I do to be of service?” This implies that you are guilty if you do the wrong thing. There is no wrong thing. What do you want to do? What does your heart desire?
I see you. I have always seen you. The traumatized mind can become obsessed about control and right doings. But the true healing is in leaping off the cliff and having the faith I gave you wings.
You are play, joy and kindness and one of my light beings that I have sent to be a steward on this planet. Yet still your ego mind would tell you that there is something that you need to do. The only thing you need do is ignore the voice that would lie to you about this. I hear that you need a recalibration for a deep part of you is alone and afraid and has forgotten our relationship. You need to be seen, truly seen. For this you must see yourself; deeply recognize this young child who cannot see the magnificent creature that she has grown into. Bring her into present time, this will give you support. Look at the image of the angel, do you not see yourself?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Channeling #46
Amahra: My clients were quiet today, but after I prayed for them they responded and understood the healing that was needed.
GOD: The call for healing is upon you and never has a doorway stood so open. Why do healers doubt the abundant gifts I offer them? I sent my prophets and angels to remind everyone of the incredible healing benefits received from working on the soul. This work is done in partnership with me and all it takes is commitment, allowing me to determine the outcome. This will become more and more evident in these days of compressed learning. Time is accelerating and the world’s frequency is quickening. Those who survive do so by knowing how to quiet their ego and maintain their energy fields and immune systems.
Immune systems weaken when man is constantly tense, panicked and fearing attack. If you believe this is the state that I would hold for you, then you certainly need an ego. Your true strength is the conviction that attack is not possible. Like your white blood cells, the soldiers are then rested, fed and strong in the knowledge God is on their side, eliminating the battle within the castle walls. Should a body require their assistance, the cells leap into service, fuelled by my power to transform everything ungodly into healing.
This is rebalancing, restoration of equilibrium and redemption but not a battle. I do not recognize battles and wars for there are no attacks or defences required in Heaven. When emotional attacks occur from others or from yourself, your nervous system becomes a hyper-vigilant soldier, over-anxious to leap up in full armour, yet too exhausted to adequately fight. In its state of confusion it constantly ambushes, even its own master. This causes your immune system to attack itself causing autoimmune disorders.
Only the ego is happy with the spoils of war, bloodshed, pain and needless suffering. This only serves to transform the body into an emotionally starved camp. These prisoners are body organs and joints that sustain life. Yet the insane ego spends its time rubbing raw spots and picking at delicate strands that are none of its business, until they snag and break. The ego seeks personal admiration and praise for its war efforts; yet its stupid delusions destroy you, the very host sustaining it. Because of how deeply ingrained this ego system is, it prevents you from seeing that you attack only yourself.
You need only step back through a tiny space in time, into yourself and pause. Turn to the light that you might remember the insanity you created through a mind that believed it could be angry. Anger is but a smokescreen – a wall of self-doubt that pricks at the true wound beneath, the wound that harbours the fear that you are not good enough. For if you are, would not your brother have found you worthy and deserving of love? Would not your brother prove his love to you through the endless demonstrations that you demand. If you would but take that leap of faith into me and see through my eyes that your brother judges you not, and his antics attack you not, then you could forgive him for what he did not do. In this place could you forgive yourself for trying to step out of the Light of Heaven. I wait here for you seek me. I do not judge you, I only say, “Welcome home!”
Monday, February 14, 2011
Channeling #44
Amahra: God, Lori wants to know how her past life lessons are best used in the here and now?”
GOD: There have been many remarkable archetypes of the Goddess that you have experienced in your lives.
Remember your quiet stealth as an Indian maiden as you padded silently through the fields to tend your crops. You learned patience for the new lives emerging through the soil, you learned to reach high as you watched them striving for their place in the sunlight and you learned respect for the wild animals and you endeavoured not to disturb them as you went about her tasks.
Remember your faith and courage as the homesteader’s wife protecting what your husband has carved out of the land for your children. You learned of birth and death as you tended the animals and helped them deliver their offspring while tending to your own. You learned to read the land and mother-nature’s moods and conversations.
In mythical life you experienced the solitude of the Selkie and what it was like to live in two realms in one life. You experienced the freedom of the seal exploring the ocean, the understanding of being captured by man. Your fur coat was kept hidden from you to prevent you from returning to the sea. You were compelled to live the human life until your seal skin was returned to you. The lure of the sea was too strong and you returned. You had experienced the love of a man, but the community harshly judged you, suspicious of how your exotic nature fascinated them. You learned to find courage in your own silence when others would be threatened by the solitude of your soul. Men were desirous of your beauty and sensuality and their women were threatened and hated you. You learned to cloak this energy and use it for spiritual purposes. Your passion emerges in the desire to serve and heal your land and your planet much like the tidal pull of the moon. The water obeys and moves at a slow and steady pace so as not to cause destruction, but to move in and out according to the breath of the planet.
Your gift of scanning the horizon and knowing what is yet to come is useful as an interpretive tool for weaving the coming events into a story that your kind can understand. You have the trust and innocence of a child with the courage and persistence of the rat. You continually try and present your ideas in a way that speaks your heart but yet is simple and magical. You hear the winds of change, interpret the forces of the spirit and function as a prophet to co-create the message that God is sending forth to this people. You are the keeper of the sacred space, the creator of alters on which people will come to worship, rest and to learn of solitude and trust. You create alters wherever you go and are able to find talismans which teach, cleanse and transform your kin and you lay them up on alters to which your people will come. This is why those who visit your Bed and Breakfast feel drawn to the many symbols which depict the shamanic realm that you live in.
Amahra: God, Lori wants to know how her past life lessons are best used in the here and now?”
GOD: There have been many remarkable archetypes of the Goddess that you have experienced in your lives.
Remember your quiet stealth as an Indian maiden as you padded silently through the fields to tend your crops. You learned patience for the new lives emerging through the soil, you learned to reach high as you watched them striving for their place in the sunlight and you learned respect for the wild animals and you endeavoured not to disturb them as you went about her tasks.
Remember your faith and courage as the homesteader’s wife protecting what your husband has carved out of the land for your children. You learned of birth and death as you tended the animals and helped them deliver their offspring while tending to your own. You learned to read the land and mother-nature’s moods and conversations.
In mythical life you experienced the solitude of the Selkie and what it was like to live in two realms in one life. You experienced the freedom of the seal exploring the ocean, the understanding of being captured by man. Your fur coat was kept hidden from you to prevent you from returning to the sea. You were compelled to live the human life until your seal skin was returned to you. The lure of the sea was too strong and you returned. You had experienced the love of a man, but the community harshly judged you, suspicious of how your exotic nature fascinated them. You learned to find courage in your own silence when others would be threatened by the solitude of your soul. Men were desirous of your beauty and sensuality and their women were threatened and hated you. You learned to cloak this energy and use it for spiritual purposes. Your passion emerges in the desire to serve and heal your land and your planet much like the tidal pull of the moon. The water obeys and moves at a slow and steady pace so as not to cause destruction, but to move in and out according to the breath of the planet.
Your gift of scanning the horizon and knowing what is yet to come is useful as an interpretive tool for weaving the coming events into a story that your kind can understand. You have the trust and innocence of a child with the courage and persistence of the rat. You continually try and present your ideas in a way that speaks your heart but yet is simple and magical. You hear the winds of change, interpret the forces of the spirit and function as a prophet to co-create the message that God is sending forth to this people. You are the keeper of the sacred space, the creator of alters on which people will come to worship, rest and to learn of solitude and trust. You create alters wherever you go and are able to find talismans which teach, cleanse and transform your kin and you lay them up on alters to which your people will come. This is why those who visit your Bed and Breakfast feel drawn to the many symbols which depict the shamanic realm that you live in.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Channeling #45
Being tired and disheartened is so common in this world. I often feel sad.
GOD: Sadness and delicacy are the energies that you came to learn about – thus you carry a place for them so that others will see feel a resonance with you, a safe harbour in life’s stormy looking seas. You continually judge yourself for not being happy or not being something when “being” is what you are – who you are. To be is to be devoid of any personality, any judgment. You are not sad, you are light.
To identify with your emotions is to say that your personality is who you are. You must show up for what you are as it is your “trying” behaviour that keeps you stuck and separate from the gentle soul within. It fears your wrath for coming out wrongly. Pain has been part of your every waking moment for as long as you can remember.
Pain is energetic and emotional, yet it feels physical. This is the norm for humans, I ask that you rise above this and not make it your norm. Although you carry pain’s vibration and your clients resonate with it, you can still do your work on them if you are not in pain. Through your injuries we have permanently re-calibrated your tissue.
You do not have to continue to carry this, although part of you has not been able to accept this. Life can be enjoyed but you do not know how. Do not judge this or your pain will increase. Allow yourself to be where you are and watch this pain level decrease. We have always supported you, but you cannot see it. We are close but you anesthetise yourself so you cannot feel. Let your feelings out, but with them, re-visit each event but only briefly to learn but not to suffer.
Be where you are, know who you are and let go of what you are not. Your soul is strong, very strong and has been through everything. You need someone who will help and support you. But you must be honest with yourself about who you are and who you are not. This is coming into place and form; keep your hopes up in the stars from whence you came. Trust that we are constantly healing and regenerating you.
Being tired and disheartened is so common in this world. I often feel sad.
GOD: Sadness and delicacy are the energies that you came to learn about – thus you carry a place for them so that others will see feel a resonance with you, a safe harbour in life’s stormy looking seas. You continually judge yourself for not being happy or not being something when “being” is what you are – who you are. To be is to be devoid of any personality, any judgment. You are not sad, you are light.
To identify with your emotions is to say that your personality is who you are. You must show up for what you are as it is your “trying” behaviour that keeps you stuck and separate from the gentle soul within. It fears your wrath for coming out wrongly. Pain has been part of your every waking moment for as long as you can remember.
Pain is energetic and emotional, yet it feels physical. This is the norm for humans, I ask that you rise above this and not make it your norm. Although you carry pain’s vibration and your clients resonate with it, you can still do your work on them if you are not in pain. Through your injuries we have permanently re-calibrated your tissue.
You do not have to continue to carry this, although part of you has not been able to accept this. Life can be enjoyed but you do not know how. Do not judge this or your pain will increase. Allow yourself to be where you are and watch this pain level decrease. We have always supported you, but you cannot see it. We are close but you anesthetise yourself so you cannot feel. Let your feelings out, but with them, re-visit each event but only briefly to learn but not to suffer.
Be where you are, know who you are and let go of what you are not. Your soul is strong, very strong and has been through everything. You need someone who will help and support you. But you must be honest with yourself about who you are and who you are not. This is coming into place and form; keep your hopes up in the stars from whence you came. Trust that we are constantly healing and regenerating you.
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