Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Channeling #31

Michael: “Who am I and what should I be doing? I am not fulfilled.”
Who taught you that what should be done with life is a “should” and that one IS what they DO?  You learn that you must make a living but are not taught that you can do this through joyfully doing that which you would do for nothing. Parents fail to teach you in trusting that the universe puts a high value on you and will pay for the passion you hold in the valuable learned attributes from your childhood. Parents are your greatest teachers and you are often intensely and painfully taught through the paradigms of those who raised you. The older generations believe that when a child surpasses the fears of the parents, it builds character and “purifies” the soul. But I say truthfully, that when the child transcends the belief that their parent’s fears were ever real, then have they surpassed the previous generation.
I have been waiting for the “qualifier” to your question Michael and when it has not come I see a picture of someone who struggles with what he “should” write, how “should” he phrase the question? What is behind this word – should and where is it written that man SHOULD do anything? Who do you try to please, and whose anger do you seek to deflect, through not making a mistake?

In this world of conformity and other’s expectations, man has been conditioned to never ask, “What do I want?”  This question would not support the tribal mind that must dilute, cloud and squash individuality in order to preserve sustainability and control.  This lack of individuality causes man to forget individual needs and desires. The one must be sacrificed for the group. Why be so frightened and soul-robbed that you have no thoughts of what you desire for fear of offending others and having them withdraw their love? For in doing this, the only person you do offend, is yourself.

What tasks brought you rewarding feelings of love, yet you completed them well and without effort?  What ability did you judge irrelevant since you could accomplish it so easily at a highly competent level, you assumed everyone could do it – so it wasn’t special?  What was cast aside as a result of someone else’s disapproval?  Many humans appear to live in one world and perform in another.  Yet all must work with their own unique set of gifts, offering them to the universe for compensation.
Some people are the talent and others are the talent that must work with them - shaping, structuring and supporting artistic talents into logical realms for universal compensation.  It is like being a bridge between two worlds and you are a bridge.  Your structure bridges the gap between analytical and artistic and supports the realm of potential between them.  Someone must have the ability to map out a specific course and cost for the artistic elements to escape the void and be brought forth into reality. Creative ideas will flow from others and you are charged with ensuring there containment and survival. Align yourself with those whose vision creates your dreams, and then be the bridge to support that into reality.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Channeling #30
Why are we afraid to release fear?
How frightening would it be to live in a place with ‘no ego mind’, pure love and non-judgement?
How often do we eat a sweet treat and instead of relishing the flavour and giving thanks for small indulgences we turn it into a fear:  punishment, becoming sick or gaining weight.  Thus the body-mind becomes conditioned to anticipate delicious things in life have high price tags like guilt. This in turn creates fear of other’s ulterior motives thereby allowing them to ruin your life.
One must see both sides only for an instant to understand it is not what an individual does but the prayerful frame of mind with which things are done that truly matters to create a desired outcome.  Thus if things are done with a reverent prayerful attitude, there is no need for concern about what is being done as the Holy Spirit will choose for God instead.  This choice gives the sane mind the strength to override the ego’s choices. Thus one can indulge in the delicious chocolates in life without it becoming an addiction.
The Holy Spirit respects life and works diligently for me in passing learning and awareness into your consciousness.  In releasing fear you allow love, which breaks down walls and barriers.  Do you fear what is behind these barriers?  Of course, ego would insist on it.  For as long there is fear we hesitate to look inside that room or enter that door, thus the Holy Instant will be delayed.  Ego will lie and seek to convince you that God, the monstrous demon will burn you or strike you blind when you surrender into this place.
Yet are you not an extension of me?  If so then this is not a room in the devil’s playground, but a room in my house, the body I set you in.  All that will be found is a frightened, sad, and lonely child who looks with a vulnerable heart saying, “I have been waiting alone so long, why did no one find me sooner?” This is the Ego’s delight for now there are feelings of guilt, remorse and self-condemnation for abandoning this young place within.  Ego will try to stop this revelation even now suggesting this child, this piece of you will now attack upon entry.  This insanity is the voice of Ego.
This is the place where The Holy Spirit must be asked to look at this lost child and say, “I know you’ve been alone and scared for so very long.  I am here now so leave this hell.”  Only you can close the door of your heart, and forever have I been gently knocking.  I know there is fear in you for this is the absence of love, and your survival instincts led you to hide.  Never have I judged anyone. Only individuals driven by their ego mind will judge themselves.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Channeling #29
Why do I feel such fear around teaching?
A teacher stands in front of the class for all to see and you fear being seen.   When living in fear the natural order is to attract, so when fear arrives and sees an open wound, by its very nature, it must hurl a spear into it.  When persisting along a teaching path, you must be aware of this sabotage your ego has created.  Upon overcoming it through recognition of your emergence into greatness, this gift will provide great joy and make the path swift and light.
Having attained this powerful light, grasping ones will always be there to steal it for their own.  Holding the Light means holding it in such a way as to preserve its sacred truth. There will always be those who will appear to hold you down and appear to hold you back until you step out of your self-inflicted prison and see that only you can block your path, you restrict yourself and that the only jailer present is you.

Rejoice in these new endeavours for they have long been a part of my plans to train and prepare you.  You choose not to believe and to forget the faith that others have in you because you forget time and again to truly look upon yourself. By not shining the Light of Love upon your personal wounds intensely or often enough, it has not become apparent who you really are. In this situation you cannot expect others to see. I ask you to be brave and take one final trip into the cold, dark place to rescue the one who huddles there before she perishes.  You must not let this aspect of yourself go unattended, for she will resurface in your next life until dealt with.
          She is begging for my light to be shone into the deepest caverns - delivering her forth from the cold. Just as the flower turns its face to seek the sunlight, so I ask you now to direct the light inward to open the darkness.  This lost child within has great gifts for you to share, for her soft heart and soul are the foundation of the innocence that wants to share.  Treat her well and nourish her, for she is the teacher.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Channeling #28
May I have a quick thought for this day?
It is a wise thing to stay in your heart, thinking and speaking through it. But remember only when you are touching someone to allow me to touch them through you.
Life can be hard and frustrating on the human psyche. It is not an individual’s ability to love everyone but it is your responsibility to try. And when it seems impossible, this is when you allow me to do the loving for you by extending my feelings through your heart.  To accomplish this, your heart must remain constantly open. Don’t be disappointed when at any given moment, there will be those not ready to receive this love.  This must be respected as the individual’s journey towards receiving – simply commit to loving them in silence from your inner altar and through prayers.
You need not judge your ability to love others on those days when you would gladly poke them in the eye, simply love them through my strength. When you know that you do not have it, then it is only your responsibility to ask for it. I do not ask you to love everyone; I ask you to ask me to help you love everyone.  In this way your resources, energy and purity will be conserved while still enabling my great work to be done.