Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Channelling  #68

I often feel selfish when trying to put myself first.

GOD:  For what is this journey of life if you are not prepared to travel it? How many opportunities and magical moments have you missed because you were too afraid of hurting someone, anyone except yourself? There are many miles of road and rays of sunlight and stardust ahead for you. Never should you wonder where your head will rest or where your soul will be safe. For I am always there, always watching over you, forever waiting for you to lay down your guard and ask me to answer your prayer.  Ask me to decide for you if you cannot choose or to see for you if you are blind. There is wisdom in the saying, “Whatsoever you have done to others has been done to you.”

Your karmic debt is but the measure of your guilt load. Your guilt load is too heavy for you to carry thus you are not able to act fearlessly in present time. For you put others before yourself in as much as you worry more about others than yourself. Yet there is no one else and guilt is not real. Give to yourself now, treat yourself well and watch your inner lotus-being, begin to flower. Your heart has laboured for a very long time and it would serve you now to relate only to those who do not frighten you. You must feel safe at this time in your life for so much is at stake. Be warm and watchful toward the parts of your body that play against you and ask yourself why you hate yourself so much that you would constantly use your body as your battleground.

Always in your own body can you find a reason to hate and feel lacking. You bring all of your guilt and shame to the surface when you relate to your body. Please relate to it kindly. Find more activities to enjoy and build strength, for you are still punishing your body by ingesting foods that are poison. Where did you lose this piece of your soul? What is the insidious guilt that controls you where sweetness is concerned? Where did you lose your sweetness? Why do you not laugh and play anymore – or is your heart as heavy as your body feels?

When you ingest poison I ask you to consider the child within who is starving. Who is she? It is time to find that missing girl and ask her what she needs. Ask her to forgive you for starving her. For whenever your innocent child arises, you weaken and starve her through eating the foods that you know will harm you. It is time to stop and commit to her well being.

But also will these poisons pad those parts of you that you are afraid to uncover. Why are you hiding the woman you have always said you wanted to be? Why do you sabotage? Where is your weakness in this regard? Stop now and let your beautiful one emerge.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Channeling #67
Is there an end to suffering on life’s path?
GOD: To what end does a weary traveler seek the truths of his journey if not to arrive at his destination?  To what end has he been honed, tried, tested and refined if not to arrive at a place of rest?  I say there is no end, and this may cause unrest in the mind.  It is meant to bring comfort; for the true meaning of a journey is that there is no end to potential and joy, which may be found from it.  Be comforted even though ego may say this means there is no end to suffering as when did I ask suffering be carried alone?  Cast it down and let me carry it.  Have I not always said I would ease weary minds by shouldering burdens?  Yet still they are hung onto for these heavy stories have become your identity.  The real truth of your identity is the truth about who I am, which is LOVE.  Why choose a heavy burden instead of the Light Path?  Man clings to stories and toys displaying them to the world like trophies on a shelf.  He shouts, “See this one and understand what it means about me or that one. How great am I to possess it!”
I say, “Seek not things for personal definition as there will always be a new and greater “thing”.”  You are defined by me and then further refined by the path YOU choose to walk along. Your path demonstrates you, but still means nothing about you.  How can the unexplainable be explained?
I would ask you to lie down illusions, impressions and opinions for here will they make sense. Practice faith - then leave the lesson behind.  For after decades does the load not become too heavy for you?  You use a bridge to cross an obstacle but you do not take the bridge with you.
Man’s hardest lesson is learning to let go and surrender all to me.  For as long as you choose to carry your burdens they will become the shield or armour you believe will protect you from attack.  Yet I have continuously reminded you that an attack from anyone is but an illusion.  But you struggle under this weight until you come to wonder why life is so hard.  It is not hard once destructive thoughts and armour are surrendered to me.  Truly all that attacks you on this plane, are your own thoughts and battles that you project onto your brothers.  They are not here to attack you but to reflect back and teach you where your hurts, woes and disillusionments are buried.  This reveals all your ego’s insane creations. They must be broken down one by one and left behind.  Only take the learning and leave behind the pain, heaviness, anger, blame, and judgment.  Through my hands and eyes it will feel weightless and the veil will be lifted.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


What about the health of the human body in general?
GOD:  Your lessons with me have progressed to the point where you understand that your mind creates your body. So which mind do you wish to create your body, your ego mind or Mine, for I created you. Still must you understand that your mind creates every level of every response from your body.  Your inner vision is often clouded and under immense pressure. At times it is all you can do to cope with demands of man’s society. Many of the images that would give you courage and strength are crushed and fractured within your mind and the answers I give you are buried under these folds in your mind’s fabric.
I wait for you to come to the place of trust in me regarding my wish to nurture you. While your mind knows this, still your heart does not trust in me. You know me, but you do not allow yourself to completely surrender into love for me, for always have I known and loved you. I understand the excruciating weight that you carry and I urge you to physically strengthen your body for this is the last wall of your mind. Your body appears as your wall, yet your wall is really your mind. Break free from this and watch your wall disintegrate. Your mind is under constant pressure from your thoughts, you fear being crushed yet you crush yourself constantly with every negative though that you generate.
It would be of able for you to remember, that the programming of the whole is determined by the parts that make up the whole. Consider that you are not a body that can be broken down into fragments, but fragments that have generated themselves into being.  These fragments are consciousness and the infinite awareness of a soul that seeks to experience the world and be in communion with me. Everything beautiful, peaceful, loving and majestic exists for you to experience in relationship with me. If your experiences are driven by fear, lack, worry and pain then they are driven by you – not by me. Step aside then for thus can circumstances be set into order by the true master – and the true master is me, your true body is a ship with me at the helm.
In asking you to relinquish your ego I ask not for you to relinquish control for control does not exist. Therefore I ask that you give up the illusion and only that. Be centered upon yourself for your-self is God. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and take comfort in the words spoken from the heart of God. Mankind only struggles with the concept of God because man has made me in his image – cruel, impatient, punitive, judgemental, and a place of consequence instead of a haven of refuge. Remember the truth, that I made you in my image and do not forget that this image is the face of Love.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



 I think I invest a lot of energy protecting myself.

GOD:   Man is growing ever impatient for gratification and reward. No longer does he pause in the waiting period, the period where lessons are learned and the impatience felt is viewed as a welcome teacher for the next principle to be understood and integrated.
           Always are you judging that any emotion you feel is the wrong one. Your mind leaps into the future to escape the anxiety of your present moment. For if you are experiencing the “wrong emotion”, you will fear punishment by the one your ego holds in fear over you. It is sad that this one it would have you fear  – is Me.  The ego is in terror of present time. For present time is all there is and in its embrace lies not punishment or breakdown – but breakthrough and healing. Only in your Holy Instant do I have a moment of opportunity, that breathless pause in which you might choose for Me. 
             Learn to feel compassion for the inner child who waits for you behind your ego’s prison bars. The ego would have you believe that you would die if I found you; that you would be punished for making a mistake.  Thus I would say to you – this is the greatest hold the ego has over you.  As long as you believe this insanity you will continue to hire the ego to protect you from an illusion.
Yet through this insane illusion do I forever knock gently on the door of your heart and ask you to remember me, remember US. Your spirit self symbolizes the Grace of God that the ego hides from you. Why would you hire the kidnapper to safeguard the very child that they stole? How insane is it to trust the criminal who has kidnapped and abused your child to protect that child from harm? This is the insanity of the ego.
           If your God Self were set free, you could welcome your precious child back into your family. You see the craziness of the situation yet do you continue to dwell in it. When will you realize that the bodyguard you hired to protect your soul IS the very enemy that would harm you? Test her wings in a safe place . And do not be anxious for her. If she falls, I will catch her.
(The beautiful "Fallen Angel" painting depicted is an original 2.5x3 foot acrylic painting owned by Amahra. It is for sale for $350.)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Channeling #63

A thought for today?

God: The mind of man is never still. The most useful information is not contrived but is inspired. Only when your mind is devoid of thought can my voice come through. This is the information that my comforter would give you. The comforter is the Holy Spirit, my messenger. It is the voice of peace, of love and of answers to the deep painful questions that cut into the heart and mind like jagged edges of rock. The ego would have you seek the jagged places in which to dwell. The ego mind is in a perpetual state of agitation and it would not have you realize this, thus its desire to hide until it becomes accepted by your mind. As the heavy rain gouges into the stream bed, so does the pathway of negative emotional response become etched into the landscape of your mind. It becomes familiar therefore surely it must be safe.

Yet at no time does it occur to you that this habitual pattern is a one-way trip to hell. If you would only seek the light-path in your mind, for here reality and truth, resides. Travel my path and you will find the pause between breathing in and breathing out. In that moment can you decide for peace, instead of reaction.

Your race is exhausted for you are constantly destroying the peaceful places on your planet. In your need to seek information in every moment you have saturated the world around you with microwaves and radio waves until the mind has no rest. Your mind is a holographic data base in which images are photographed and data is stored in the matrix that suspends you within its crystal grid. Your memories are stored not in your brain or skull, but in this plasma network of liquid, living light. Your thoughts are stored in this holographic grid which is beyond the boundaries of the mind.

How can this knowledge impact your everyday state of mind? The responsibility is enormous. As you walk away from the places where you conceived fearful and angry thoughts, you leave their resonance hanging there for others to absorb. Like a disturbing painting it will negatively impact. You have created all manner of ways to make you separate from your brother yet you choose not to see that ALL thoughts are shared and none are benign. Think in fear and anger and thus do you add to the distress and destruction of this planet. Seek to create peace by fighting war, and you only bring more war energy to the planet.

You would strive for “world peace” yet you will not acknowledge that you perpetrate war through your harsh judgments. The battle is in your mind and you are projecting it outside of yourself into the world that you see, but cannot see that you have created. You will have “world peace” when your mind is peaceful. Angry thoughts are just as damaging as radiation leaks from an atomic reactor. They are energetic arrows that pierce through the energy fields of all who are near. As you are the author of your world – your world will cease its relentless path of destruction when you stop your mind from thinking destructive thoughts.

Harness your mind and truly you have harnessed the power of the universe. Cease the war within your own mind and you will stop projecting it onto your brother. Only then shall you have the elusive “world peace” that you all seek.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Channeling #62

“How can I stay present when the past seems to keep recurring?”

Memories keep throwing up meaningless images, which the ego uses to provide evidence of pain. The belief in pain and separation occurs in ego mind. Ego’s goal is to constantly return to the past and dwell in personal hell. It recalls being a victim in the world’s clutches and will defend itself to your death. It would not have you see that you create this insane world to hide from my sight and avoid punishment. Yet do I stand patiently knocking at your heart’s door, asking that my child choose sanity.

If this world is undesirable look through my eyes and see the world differently. Should current thoughts disturb you, ask my Holy Spirit to create new ones. The ego’s home resides in the frontal lobe or conscious area of the brain and it can be hard to escape the thoughts or images stored there. To be open-minded the mind must be open, to expand consciousness the mind must expand. If time does not exist, and there is only the present moment, then what is the past but a constructed image of something nonexistent? When you are in your thoughts, you are not in present time and thus you are unable to feel the truth or heal. The realm of present time is in feelings, which the ego would lie to you about.

Feelings cannot be analyzed, interpreted or explained but their energy can be moved through your body and released. The ego would hold you hostage and trade your brilliant light for death. Raised in the presence of many unspoken thoughts, unexpressed feelings and bargains, your mother allowed her hopes and dreams to be dashed by selling a piece of her soul for survival and approval. This bought peace and ensured the family would not be cast out but her soul’s belief was, “Why have you forsaken me, sacrificing hopes and truth for approval?” Her anger and frustration wanted answers but instead she kept quiet for fear of confrontation.

The ego would have your mother’s path and belief system to influence your reality. Since your mother’s paradigm was in the past and time is only now, you are living in an illusion. See the truth of what your mother appeared to do, what she gave up and how only the love she demonstrated was real. Grieve and emote long repressed feelings as to relinquish these is to give up control. I will carry and transform this burden if you would only ask my help in showing you that it’s not real.

Remember that to speak about your feelings on this is to remember them from your past. When you express emotions of anger, sadness etc., you are in present time. But when you are merely talking about them or thinking about them, you are in the past - remembering. Let the mind go so as to feel and express the stuck energy, but do not judge them, simple observe them. Be here NOW where I can find you - for the past would belong to your ego. In the present I can provide miracles.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Channeling #61

“What is the issue around my third eye?”
        The 3rd eye represents the final barrier you feel you must cross. For years you’ve stood at this wall waiting for the perfect circumstance to provide an opening. This is how your fear-based mind has fooled you, for there is no RIGHT time to find it, there is only THIS moment and in truth there is NO wall. Only your ego mind would seek to convince you to wait for a better time, for in healing is the ego annihilated. Only the present moment is of value to God. In seeking another moment to be better than the one God has provided, you throw back his gift.
        The concept of liberation is frightening to ego for the ego’s sovereignty lies in your ignorance. That, which you want, is precisely what ego would have you be afraid of. Ego seeks to delay gratification, which creates an endless loop of suffering. You seek to seize the moment yet are afraid of the reward for doing so as ego would have you feel guilty for achieving it. This loop is the final barrier. You are convinced that safety lies in avoiding this barrier - that letting it be insures safety. This is just another ego mind illusion. When children suffer, I send the comforter to help them - so be aware of the angels I have sent. Look for messengers I send who would help you. Where is it written that you must do this alone?
        There is no separation between you and these divine helpers other than ego. Those I would send to help you will not judge you. There is no need to heal alone as I do not wish this. This is where ego would offer safety by ensuring you never trust anyone’s help, thus in your aloneness will you suffer.
        This barrier you hide behind does not serve or protect, but your ego would keep you ignorant of this. Trust I have gifted you with ability to see through spirit. Therefore if an image is not one of peace, it comes not from me.
        Ego would convince you that the gift of vision will only bring more responsibility than can be safely handled. Upon changing your mind and being willing to truly see, how then could you speak of what you saw? Here is where you must trust that images I reveal to you are innocent of judgement. Your past perceived mistakes would not be visible within these images, for now you are defining them through my eyes.
        I ask you not to judge, explain or be accountable for what I would have you see. I ask only that you look into this realm and allow my interpretations to speak through you.