Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Channeling #54

Question: My ego constantly questions; what if, should I, could I?

GOD: The ego is your illusion, be in present time and hurry for nothing. For nothing that the ego would rush you for has any meaning. Your biggest fear is asking me for what you truly want in case you receive it. Your crazy ego beats you up with the fear that your success will hurt the feelings of another. You are truly not powerful enough to hurt another but your ego would have you believe you are. But you are familiar with hurt feelings thus your ego hires people into your life who look for evidence that others hurt them. This makes them unaccountable for their life and their actions. You must forgive them and move them out of your life, for they seek to drain your energy. Do not judge them, for in that place of judgment you judge only yourself.

Yet still you hurt and still you are afraid. You must ask me to show you that this is not real, forgive your mistake in perception and receive the love that I have for you now. Ask and it is yours. You have been afraid for your entire life, for you have been afraid of life, afraid to live. You were taught that to live = pain, but I say to you, we needed for you to experience this so you could learn the truth, that to die = life. The higher order keeps trying to recalibrate you, but until you let go of your fears and pain you will stay stuck in this place between two worlds.

It is you who are choosing to keep one foot in each of them by allowing your ego to control you through an overactive and hyper-vigilant conscience. You offer help but do not seek it, you offer love but do not expect it. You cannot give what you do not have and you will not have what you will not give. You will have love when you extend love only because you know you ARE love, not because you want to give love. You always ask for too little because you are afraid to step into your worth. You have decided that to rest is to hide and to be safe is to be small – when truly, to rest you need but remember who you are and to be safe is to connect to me.

There is no world, no time that can threaten you in the place that I have created for you. You fear that to step in this spotlight is to have chaos find you, yet to step into this light is to step into me, step into love and step into your real world. I created for you to extend healing therefore I created for you to need healing so you would understand. You have graduated from this school yet still do you sit in the cold, painful classroom waiting for the test to come; the test that you passed such a long time ago.

This course is done – leave the room, thank your teacher and honour the greatness you achieved through learning this.

The wounded healer must be wounded in order to learn healing – yet you persist in identifying with your wound and dismissing your gift. But remember that you are NOT the gift that I have given you, for once you identify with your gift the ego will try to use that to define you. Walk away from that perception as well. Who you think you are has no meaning and no importance. What matters is who I created for you to be and that you continue to seek correction for your vision to be corrected so that you may see this and see only this. We created for you to be Love and nothing else is real.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Channeling #53

BSE asks: The doctor’s new was bad. How can I create balance in my body with a serious virus in my liver? What do I need to focus on?

GOD: The most urgent requirement is to accept that the body is only as real as the Mind makes it. This being accepted helps relinquish your fear around the body. It is your greatest test of faith, your most urgent teaching of the truth about you – the real You. What I have created cannot die therefore neither can it be ill. Sickness appears to be in the world, yet it is in the minds of those who fear illness by making the body their salvation. Thus does mankind suffer - but this need not be. Heal your mind, turn your fear over to God, and pray for peace for your mind instead. Does this mean that you should not address the healthy requirements of body? Simply address those needs from a place of power, for it is known that the body can be healed by the power of the mind. See your body’s cries for healing as a cry for love. Maintain my vision for you in your mind – wholeness and healing.

Attachment signifies that the ego is grasping onto something – a pill, a diet, an idol in your ego mind that symbolizes wellness. Surely in this alone can you see the ego in all its cleverness and deceit, for have you not already held the wish for health? Your doctor gave you word of a bad virus in your body yet now this has become evidence for your mind to become sick – sick with worry.

The ego sees your body as its greatest evidence that salvation and healing is not for you. Where is God if the body be ill? If your body is ill, your mind often chooses against God. I do not say, “Don’t respect your body”, only that you do not allow it to control your mind and become the ego’s evidence that God has forsaken you.

Your liver symbolizes your adaptability to the world, your willingness to move through apparent change and is the core of your immune system. This system says, ”Do not attack me with your judgment, for I do not wish to defend an illusion!” If your immune system believes it is under threat, then must it deplete its power in trying to defend against further attack.” Thus do you attack yourself through the shadows that the ego haunts you with. The ego convinces you that to stop fighting = death, to turn to God also means annihilation and that your salvation lies in the death of the body. The ego convinces you that surrendering your health to God - is a trick. But I say, “I have made you perfect, so I see only perfection and love in you. So even if your body does become ill, I only ask that you not judge yourself as being ill.

There is no punishment for leaving me, only a welcome home for your return. The ego strives to convince you otherwise, for this would be its demise. I have created you as perfectly as I created the angels; but your body must be honoured by the laws of the physical plane. This still does not make the body real.

You are a light being. What are the foods of light? These are the best foods for your liver, the blue-green foods and the living juices from them. Remember what your immune system really is. It is that within you which rallies when you perceive attack. The body is a physical manifestation of the mind and the body cannot be ill, unless the mind judges it so. Heal your mind and your body will be able to choose growth instead of fear. Remember that the power I have given your mind is capable of recalibrating your DNA.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Channeling #52

Trina: “Is there a past life significance with my personal guides?

GOD: Trina, you have recognized this aspect of yourself as the pure-hearted warrior – the truth seeker who backs down to no one. She is the guide who lets you know the right path and the White path and the way to access the images and answers that inspire your path in this life.

You were also a native Indian Medicine Woman with great passion for the earthly plants and herbs and with their assistance and inspiration, you healed many. You chose the lonely way, devoting your life to discovering the hidden gifts of many plants and flowers; how to find them, how to pick them, and how to extract them. You lived alone and did not marry or bare children and thus your tribe accepted you, a woman, in this traditionally male role. You were marked at birth at being the one to carry on this lineage and before dying you taught what you knew to your sister’s son.

You dialogued with the animal spirits and they spoke to you and through you that their teachings and ways be delivered purely to those of your people who had need of their wisdom and their strengths.

Especially close to you were the spirits of the wolf and the black bear. You learned the energy of patience, of loyalty and of honouring the wisdom of Mother Nature’s cycles and her perfect timing for the events in your life. Nature honoured your respect for her by allowing you to call upon the rain, wind and sun in order to create safety and abundance for your people. You could manipulate the weather in times of need for this reason. You learned how to be the man that you were, but inside the body of a woman. It was an unusual custom for your people to hail a woman, as their Medicine Man. The elders were given clear wisdom and spiritual insight as to your true identity, which was that of a long-passed, legendary healer, who would lead your people into a new way of being and a deeper level of healing and awareness.

Your spirit guides would bring forth the energy that you were to draw from in any situation by manifesting a fur pelt in front of your tee pee. You would sit on this pelt and be guided to resolving issues for your people, through the energy of whatever animal had sent its fur to you. In essence, your most grounded guide now, is actually yourself from your past life.

Regarding your guardian angels, the Archangel Gabriel works closely with you and through you. He helps you to be a warrior of the truth and allows you to discern this truth on the physical plane. You are able to affect and bend the strands of those you work on to move negative patterns out of their bodies. Gabriel knows of your gifts of healing and whatever is called upon from you, he will calibrate you for it. These gifts come easily to you – this ability to see, discern and create permanent change in the structural balance of those you work on. Your perceptions and observations will be heeded and your suggestions will be received and acted upon. Do not be afraid to step forward and speak of your recommendations and abilities. My creation needs this now.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Channeling #51
Lorelei asks: ”Why is my life such a struggle? Why do I go into the darkness and shut down? Is it past life or something that I have done?”
 GOD: Lorelei, you struggle to find that longed-for elusive place to bring you out of the darkness. Yet you cannot see that your struggling IS your darkness. Does the willow awake one day and noticing the oak tree, begin to cast judgment on itself for not being an oak? Does it struggle to lift its gently weeping branches to be like the oak? Of course not!

It does not focus on the place of “I am not – I have not!” it completely accepts that its life IS to weep. It judges not while it calmly drifts its leaves over the lake and drapes itself over the ground. When we try and we struggle, we are saying questioning the path we are given as not good enough. Where did you learn that life is meant to be a struggle? Where did you learn that life = pain? And why do you judge and resist the place where you find yourself right now?

I see a place in another time, where you are surrounded by a wall. Within, it is bleak with nowhere to rest or hide – nowhere for you to find comfort or escape. You are here because you found your soul mate in a married man who was a powerful political warrior. Through the ages the Goddess has paid the price of man’s transgressions. So you paid dearly. Another Goddess, his wife, betrayed you as an adulteress into the hands of those who wished to destroy you for the healing powers that you were given. Throughout the day people would throw stones down at you and as you became weaker it was harder to avoid them. It hurt to move, it hurt not to move. Your greatest wound was that he broke his promise to come for you, to free you on a night where feasting and celebration would take the villagers’ focus elsewhere.

You waited with feelings of hope and love in spite of the bruising in your body and soul. But as morning dawned you felt heartbroken, for he never came for you. Life had no meaning for you then, your heart felt as heavy as the stones they threw at you and after many days of hopelessness you chose to leave that life. You still carry this karma of hardships, persecution and deep betrayal. He appeared to choose his wife over you – and now you now see loss and betrayal everywhere.

You must now stop sending out messengers who gather evidence of betrayal, for this is finished. What I will tell you now will ease your suffering in this life. The truth is that you were NOT betrayed or forgotten. The night he promised to rescue you he was killed by a power-hungry peer who coveted his position. He planned to come for you and yours was the last name on his lips – a prayer that your death came soon and without suffering. You were loved and not forgotten. Release this sharp piece of glass that you carry in your heart. You know that every time your heart tried to fly it felt pierced by something nameless and ancient that you’ve never understood. But now you do, you know the truth, so be still. Your lessons shape and mould you, please stop struggling against them.

Your depression comes from your frustration in yourself. You could not accept that you were called to learn about pain and betrayal in order to walk the path of The Wounded Healer. Feel gratitude and joy for the sad times that have deepened your heart and soul. Your insane mind seeks to protect you from true intimacy in the belief that love betrays you. You put up a wall against life and then you struggle to break through it. Your lost male beloved is carried within you. You must summon this warrior now as he will show you strength. You now hold the only rocks that are being thrown, for you throw these persecutions at yourself.

If you perceive your life to be a struggle now, then we are asking you to take another look at your life – not a second look but a different look. What extraordinary abilities do you carry? Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Remove the mask of disguise you wear to cloak your greatness in fear that your past life will be repeated. It is repeated only in your fearful mind, thus I ask you to change your mind and so you will receive peace and clarity.

You have these feelings but you are none of them. You are God. You were never lost nor left, but on your healing path. Healers are tried and tested through dark nights of the soul until they break through illusion and find their gift for the world. It would seem at times that the lights have gone out in your life, but this is because this is the gift that must be found in the dark.


Fran - 3 Dominant Soul Types

Fran, you do have a challenging incarnation with your soul types as they all relate to higher plans, integrity, seriousness, self containment, holding the space for a better way. That can be a hard load to carry as while you are young in this life, your soul types are older and carry much of the world’s hope for the future. I hope these give you a better understanding of why are you, and why you feel, the way you do. If you look at the picture of Liv Ullmann, an actress, you will see the look in your own eyes in the photo you sent me.


This terminology is chosen specifically to convey the nature of their beard-stroking wisdom. They are philosophical, far-seeing, broad perspective, deeply comprehending wise man kind of figure relating to wisdom. It is abstract, "deep structure" perceiving, clear-eyed and conceptually understanding. It is the "male tribal elder". This is essence Wisdom, not necessarily this-life experiential wisdom, though that can become involved as well. WISE OLD MAN "soul types" tend to be "spirit specialists", highly oriented to higher principles, to bringing the spirit into the world, to spiritual aspiration, to concepts and ideals of perfection, to intense spiritual atunement. They can be acutely aware of how far things have strayed from the spiritual path.

The WISE OLD MAN’s wisdom is typically left hemisphere-emphasizing analytic, synthetic, verbal/mental while very deep in terms of their comprehending the Cosmic and spiritual deep structural working of things. They are the far-reaching "overviewer", that understands from the mental body's perspective. They are not stuck in their heads, but are wise with profound understanding.

One of the issues for the WISE OLD MAN soul, is that due to human history thus far they tend to become rather pessimistic and despairing about their observations of the whole human condition. They can get stuck in believing they’re not able to make the necessary difference to change things. Because they are not skilled at the operational level like the WARRIOR is, they tend to generate a certain sense of learned helplessness and a rather sombre point of view.

A male example once said, "I don't know what weapons will be used in World War III. But I do know what weapons will be used in World War IV; Clubs." The seriousness and sombreness of the WISE OLD MAN, is not inherent to the "soul type," but their reaction to man’s continual "win-lose" and "lose-lose" situation. As we move through the great barriers we are in at the present, and go into the co-creative relationship with Cosmos in the future, they will become quite cheerful with the new directional trend.


The MONK soul type calls up the concept of constant meditation, contemplation and rumination. They basically think about things—all the time. And they sort of stay out of the fray because they are so busy thinking about things. Then periodically in one form or another, they share what they have been contemplating with the world. They are "mental body" dwellers, and they seek to understand the larger meanings of things, as well as to expand awareness and to inspire higher aspirations in others. They often experience a great deal of grief due to their pain at what they witness of the human condition, and due to the pain that accompanies their having commerce with the world.

The key to their ‘beingness’ is that they spend a lot of time in solitary contemplation. They frequently find themselves hurt and repulsed by society at large and by other people, and they prefer strongly to minimize involvement with the world around them. Yet at the same time, they are compelled to activate contact with the Cosmos in others somehow or other. So they have an ambivalent relationship with the environment, to say the least. They want to influence, inspire and elevate, while at the same time wanting to withdraw and to reject contact. However, there is another, more specifically focused version of the MONK, namely the "spiritual specialist." These individuals actually do end up in monasteries and convents at times. Or they will be a -mendicant" in India, wandering around with a begging bowl. They spend all their time in meditative activity of the spiritual type, with or without conscious contact with the -Home Office." The guru in the Himalayas or the Tibetan Lama are typical "spiritual specialist" type MONKs. Nevertheless, all MONKs are in one way or another higher plane-oriented, and all seek to activate inspiration and elevation of conceptualization. And in that way, these are rather more representative figures to portray the characteristics of the MONK "soul type" than would be, say an old or transcendent soul mystic. The latter do exist and make major contributions. But most MONKs are more involved in the mundane world than that.


The TEACHER is rarely somebody who gets up in front of groups and gets chalk on their coat, so to speak. That's not what a TEACHER is. A TEACHER is somebody who demonstrates how to be—they teach by BEING. They can't help but educate and elevate with their very ‘beingness’. So they basically live their life and leave a trail of transformed people behind them, like a "Johnny

Appleseed." There is something about them that inspires us to change for the better or to absorb what it is they bring. When they are younger souls, they inspire those at their soul level or younger. When they are older souls, they live well and inspire all the rest of us to do likewise. In effect, they translate all of their soul experience and life wisdom into a manner of manifestation that has the effect of sharing what they have learned from it all. They tend to come from a "wiser but sadder" orientation, at least in this "veil of tears" as it has been.

They are information-disseminators, awareness-generators, consciousness-expanders and manifestation-enhancers who may or may not be aware of this and who may or may not get up in front of people and formally teach. They more typically do it by example, by setting it up so that people learn from circumstances, through writing or creative works, through leaving a legend of a life or whatever. TEACHERs, like SHAMANs, take on many forms and teach many different things and in different ways. They perform, they excel with excellence, they mentor, they inspire, they produce admirable things, and in general, they exemplify how to do things right in whatever their field of work and in whatever manner they live. We all know of people who, for instance, are renowned for their gruff ways, yet whom everyone admires and unconsciously emulates. This is the way the TEACHER "soul type" works. There is a type of TEACHER called the "challenger." This is the type of person who seems to be constantly in mild disdain for other people's manifestation, but who somehow conveys that if you just try hard enough, you might get some recognition from this "very hard audience", so to speak. So people get challenged to try and when they bring the results of their efforts, the TEACHER will give justified recognition, validation and appreciation, and they will also see to it that others are made aware of the achievement.

Then they suddenly revert to form, in effect saying nonverbally or verbally, . . But I'll bet you can't do THIS or go beyond this . . ." To which the individual responds with a massive motivation to prove they can. This is the "challenger" type TEACHER in action. They pull the best out of people.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Channeling #50

Wendy: I'm tired of life seeming hard and just want to say, “To hell with it.”

GOD: You are tired because you want to go home and your ego does not wish you to see that you ARE home and have always been home. Your soul still lies in its place of refuge but because your body is in pain, you split in two. I could say that pain is your greatest teacher but you already know that. You know that you have pain but have not chosen to stare down the author of your pain and rewrite the script.

It is a biography and the author was your ego and your father was cast as the lead. You have accepted his pain and his story as YOUR OWN – not seeing that it was merely the chronicled events of a soul in need of healing. You were born into this story and saw it as real. I ask you now to be the director who sees through the family conditioning and suggests a new ending for this script – a beautiful and sacred ending for a beautiful and sacred woman. You have fought bravely for your salvation for you could not see through the chaos of your military imprinting and observe that LIFE was really not the enemy for you to hold in fear, but be the gift that you were asked to open. Your battle is a myth, your enemy yourself.

All women must discard the pain of their fathers, for they only become self-torture. But they will teach you where not to tread and how to be more sensitive to the feelings of others.

How desperately the world needs the woman’s healing touch! Your home is gone, your God self ran away when your moved in. The stillness has always been with you. Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz, it has always been the playground of your magical mind, your innocent mind. Sad is the woman who makes real the arrows that pierce through her heart. For if made real, they poison the life in her veins and imprison her. He destroyed you in a past life; do not let it continue any further in this lifetime, as it affects your health. This lifetime is your time. You’ll make it through much because you’ve made it through much already.

You are learning to see that you can’t GET love from people but I give it freely through trees, moonbeams, sunbeams and my spirit which wells up constantly from within you from a precious place. It is the fathomless core that your ancient knowledge springs from and if you wish to take yourself on the shaman’s journey we will reveal more of your magical powers to you. Take heed to use them well, as they reflect the lamb and the sword. Do not be afraid to speak forth, but wait for your lips to speak only my words, the words of the Holy Spirit. Listen to my voice, cast off the illusions of the parent who was a test of your will and courage. You did well, but you were not meant to carry this. Notice how your fearful mind that does not trust bliss, seeks to seduce you again with “his” lies. Cast them down from your palace walls and banish them.

Live your own story. You are a gifted and innocent child who gave her power over to the father that you thought hurt you. Bury these harsh lessons in the deepest place and lift the lid no more. It was all a test and it is long finished. We urgently request you – take up your bed and walk, surrender every fibre of your being to me and live your own story, the story I would script for you, for it is the truth.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Channeling #49

R.P asks: What is the meaning of the suicide energy around me?

GOD: The ego is very well acquainted with suicide for it is the author of it. The ego would have the mind believe that death is the release from all pain. In truth all pain is from the ego. You are extensions of me and I cannot be destroyed, but the memory of me can. In fact the ego moves into your mind and inhabits it like a parasite. It shows up with the charming, smiling face and the mind willingly becomes its servant. In truth, I am the master and your mind is designed be my channel but the clever voice of your ego convinces the mind that ‘being right and being in control’ are “The way – the truth – and the light”.

The guilt born of making a mistake is what ruined the Garden of Eden. I would never punish you for making a mistake, but your ego would. The Garden of Eden was always meant to be the peaceful, guilt-free haven of your mind, the mind that is connected to God and hears my voice, The Holy Spirit. You lost sight of the still, cool light of Christ that is your core. The ego’s anger and raging fires soon blacken your vision of the pure light of self. You no longer see the truth of who you are, but the truth that the ego would have us believe in – guilt, fear, and separation.

The ego instructs you to hide these painful burdens from my sight and carry this insanity all by yourself. You are now convinced that God is the enemy who would punish you if you were to turn to him. This is the ultimate lie and your fear of redemption. The ego strives only to GET and to TAKE and believes in competition, lack and limited resources. It saddens me that many of you carry this illusion often to the grave. I seek not to attack you, but to teach you to relinquish your attack on yourself and your brother. Surrendering this burden would catapult you into the guilt-free place of spirit.

The ego sends out its messengers to ever bring us proof that our brother would attack and destroy us. But your brother is merely the screen your ego projects on. Your brother reflects your buried ghosts, but you would believe that HE is the source of our problems and the root of our pain and dis-ease.

All that we really we see when we look around us, is an image that our mind has projected onto a target. When you see suicide reflected around you, you are being given an opportunity to see where your ego seeks to kill parts of your psyche. The moment you step out of this self-imposed box you step in my light see the truth, of yourself and your life. Awareness like this threatens the ego for healing your mind and your heart would demolish it. The ego is more threatened by this because you are healing.

Watch to see where the ego fools you, controls you, where it tells you that you need to GET love and approval. This is not necessary in my realm, for God simply IS Love and you are this extension. Rebuild the strong bridge that connects our minds. The ego offers only death – yet cloaks it in the robes of everything man strives to get in order to be good enough. If you believe in this illusion, your mind will be split.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Channeling #48

Rosemary has nightmares about a dark man and asks: What does the dark man want from me?

GOD: The dark man is the perfect personification of the Dark Wizard or hidden magical aspects of your own inner male. You fear him when he manifests, because you have not yet had the courage to know him and understand that he is not outside of you, but within.
Through the ages the Dark Wizard challenges us to wisely use our power and to make the choice of filtering it through the Selfless Heart or through the twisted mirror of the Ego. The ego’s realm is a harsh reality and can be a brutal realization when we discover the truth about ourselves. The Selfless Heart is the compassion through which we forgive ourselves for the choices that we made in error through the ignorance of a betrayed inner child.

The Dark Wizard requires the eyes of the hawk and the clarity of a crystal. He asks you to willingly and fearlessly dive into your dark recesses with him and understand the power he wields through you – and the potential to use or abuse it. He is your Garden of Gethseme, the easy road’s last temptation that is purchased with your soul. The Way of the Wizard is a path of one who is arrogant yet humble, touchable but not of this place and the one from who more is required than most. He would have you know that the rocks on your path are not cruel tricks to cause you to stumble and bruise yourself, but are the teachers who cause you to learn to tread softly and carefully with your power. If you do not – and you fall, the resulting pain will remind you to rise up and walk the Light Path again.

The Dark Wizard wants to show you than you cannot walk the true path of Light, unless you embrace the Dark Wizard and carry him with as your teacher. He shows you the power you can wield through passion and magic.

Without the fall from grace there is no rising up – like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. When did you last search through these ashes of yours to find the precious jewel that we sent to you? The Dark Wizard wants to help you find it and in finding it you will realize an aspect of your self.

It is crucial for the Women of this Age, to hold and cherish the male energy, especially the Dark Male – as we women have seen what happens to civilizations through which the Men have carried this cup and made it about war. The Woman is the Grail, the Cup, the Womb of Creation, the dark and mysterious place and it is this vessel that must carry the Dark Wizard and tender him safe with the feminine that he might harm us no more. The feminine is what the Dark Wizard has sought through the ages but in his ignorance he has nearly buried her. The Dark Wizard wishes you to embrace him into the Unconditional Love of the heart that he may see the light.