Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Channelling # 59

      Funny how the slightest thing can send one into a judgement or blame place, such as putting down an object of little value, leaving and returning to find it gone. You feel your ego spouting, “How dare I not control the objects of this world, how dare it not be where I left it, how dare someone take it from me?”

      How happy is the ego to give value to nothingness, if that is all it takes for you to appear to step out of heaven and into hell. For is it not the way of the world, the ego’s world, to seduce you into believing that anything outside of your God Self has any value. I say that the way of life and return to sanity that I offer you – is a required Course, A Course in Miracles.

      While this may sound arrogant to say that only the time you choose to take the Course is optional for you, why can you not see that it is spoken from a place of Higher Authority? This Higher place is looked upon by the ego as something external that is being forced upon you and it reacts with resistance and defence. The ego cannot see that the Higher Authority from which I speak is equal to yours and its only goal is to join with you and present to you your inheritance. For I say that you shall remember the truth of who you are, but it is your choice whether you remember now or on your deathbed.

      You are the Place in Heaven that you’ve shared with me for eons and yet you cannot see that you reside here with me, always have and that you only dreamt that you left home. You can choose the Now, the future, or the moment of your “perceived death” to step into Heaven and experience your Holy Instant. For at the moment of your transition you will realize that my words are the Truth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Channeling #58

I witnessed miracles when my ACIM classmates had their Holy Instant.
The Holy Instant is my Miracle. It is a collapse in the realm of time and space and is actually the moment where I inhale, hold my breath and pause. In this moment of breathlessness, Karma stills, my Universe hovers like a thirsty hummingbird, and I wait for you to accept the nectar offered. I wait hoping for a breakthrough from ego’s chains that blind you and hope that soon you will step into the light, choose love and return home.

It requires patience in present time since I have always been the one who waits for you. I created this entire universe, this magical shifting game board, and observed how you played out the freedom of choice that I gifted you. I watch with baited breath and endless compassion - observing how you negotiate the maze that you created from it. I watch every twist and turn you make, every right turn to hell when the left turn led to me, every endless time of panic and running when my hope was that you would but pause and rest in my arms.

The maze was your ego mind’s second choice and a matrix you made real. Since it was created by man I could not illuminate the exit. I cannot see this insanity of your’s, for it is not real. What is real need not be escaped from. This maze is your mind’s projection and since I did not make it, I cannot remove it.

If you ask for my help and unconditional love, I can reveal the truth that your maze is but an illusion. It is only projections of a fearful mind created by your ego. You must not pray to me to show you the way out of your maze, but must pray for me to show you that your maze is NOT real. When I am allowed to clear your vision and you being to experience sight through my eyes, the universe collapses, time ceases and a miracle occurs. This miracle is the Son of God stepping into his true self back in Heaven. Why do you continue to choose illusion and pain, when I would allow you learning and growing through joy and laughter?

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Channeling #57

Why do some women let relationships with men destroy them and how do we cope?
Do you want to cope or live? What is coping? In this age, coping is an end result of false illusions that make life more demanding than you would desire or want. It is the end result of confusion in a separated mind and it is exhausting. This place provides only existence with no support for the joyful life you desire. Please step in and rectify this situation now for it is long overdue. Should women focus their fears or believed lack on men, and forget they are half man, then half of their life force energy is disowned.

For a very long time now you have asked for a different life and yet keep creating the existing one! When your relationship with your own energy system flows in synchronicity, so will your relationship with the energy of masculine and money. Thus will your life become the one you wished for.

You know that you control your life’s creation from the inside, yet do you persist in waiting for the outside to first show its support of you before you move. This is an impossible dream, as your external reality does not exist, other than as your holographic projection. Your external world exists SOLEY as a projection of your inner mind. Know only fear and you will continue to create the evidence that the world IS to be feared. I did not create a fearful world and through my strength allowed YOU to construct a world without fear. Please listen and start seeing my love demonstrated through you as the feelings of Inner Peace. This is the foundation I have laid.

There is a pliable web that moves and supports you on every level and through each facet of existence so trust it is there. I created it for you to receive information from and if its visions become unpleasant then pause for a moment and ask me to make it appear as I see it. If you do not like what is being heard pause and remember those sounds are coming through your ears. Then ask for the Holy Spirit to gently reveal the true story.

I have advised that if the world appears distasteful, remember you are the architect and you have created it without me. I seek not to treat you as mankind does. I seek not to scream upon your taking a wrong turn, hit you when you cry out in fear, humiliate you when you seek self-worth, take important pieces of you away from you or punish you for doing something wrong.

I sought instead only to provide praise for everything you’ve done. Always has the voice of man been louder than the voice The Holy Spirit. Hear me now; I see your greatness, I see what I made, I feel compassion for how the ego tortured you on that long journey where you knew not my presence. I cannot take this from you for I did not create it, you did. Unless you relinquish this fight of your own free will and let me create your world, forever will this insanity of yours, continue.

If your present world is crushing you, you have not given its burden to me. Give it to me, ask me to carry it, ask for my heart, my eyes and my ears and I will create for you the world that you were destined to have.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Channeling #56

Do you have a message for The Children of God?

You are one of the sensitive ones, those of my children who generate the light. Bask in this light now, for what a shame it would be if all the world’s doves were locked away in darkness allowing no one to hear their soft and loving calls.

There are many who need your gentle energy. I would ask you now to be trusting and reveal the power I have given you in order to lead others by example. Gently seek to find light within the darkness. So often, man rips apart the darkness like a greedy excited child who has found toys in the attic. You must approach the darkness with respect and the door will be open to you and the toys freely given. My children will remember me; I ask you to demonstrate peace and fulfillment, knowing I have and will, meet all wishes asked for. Teach others patience, as inexperienced ones grasp to take what they need believing that what is needed must be taken. For one to have the other must have not. Yet I store my true treasures within you. Remember you receive as you have asked. None of those toys of the darkness will deliver peace or joy, but only the insatiable yearning for more.

My sensitive children are healers and the cleansers of the planet. You believe the heavy burden is yours alone, yet you must realize it is everyone’s. I would gladly take all of it if you would but walk with me to the curb. All that is required is your willingness to ask, “God take this from me as you promised and carry these burdens for me.” The still light of God makes all burdens return to the realm of illusion from whence they came. Ego mind ridicules you for carrying them so long but remember that you are innocent. Would you ridicule a child for hanging onto to his security blanket until it is but a tattered square of fabric? To the child this blanket is safety, so a child is allowed to carry it until its trust of life prepares it for letting go. Your burdens are like this child’s blanket.

I created you a physical being to explore my Universe, as I cannot do it myself. Looking only through my eyes will reveal to you the beauty and splendour throughout it. A fearful mind creates sight through the eyes of past experiences, which contain pain, attack and defence. Your ego’s single goal is to protect you from me. How crazy is that? When anything is gazed upon through eyes of the Holy Spirit, then the struggling disappears, revealing only the love that was given.

Remember to keep my flame in your heart and my light in your eyes. Should the light grow dim in earthly moments, do not stumble in darkness but ask to be lifted up to see again.

Monday, April 4, 2011


There is a change or shift happening. What is it?
GOD: Man has dwelt in the house of fear for too long now even though I have always said, “Fear not, for my strength shall lead thee and through mine eyes shall you see peace in the world.”

Distractions and pain however have eliminated the ability to see or hear this. Your ears have been opened, eyes aligned, faith tested and even the mind has been stilled. It is not for you to question but simply wait in the peace and beauty of each present moment. There is no past, even though it feels like there has been and only by carrying it have it been given life. Every day there are reminders of the beauty inside you and every day I send my messenger, voice of the Holy Spirit, to calm the anxious mind. There has been much fear and suffering but now as I watch you grow closer to me, I see that finally there is remembrance of who you are.

I know my presence is sensed with each passing moment. I encourage your stomach to not churn over perceived realities that cause needless suffering. It is good to draw closer and always remember that it is YOU who must draw closer, for I have never left.

I have held your magnitude and potential in a hologram of light that will keep you on course. All you have ever needed to do to claim it, is to step into it.

For many years you have hidden and in many moments have you been frozen with fear and made real the tragedy in your life. End this now. I know you feel my love, light and strength more than ever. Take this power and yield it through the heart-place of your mind to assist yourself and others on their journey. Follow me; my path will not fail for on it you cannot be lost.

Welcome to your rightful home where the world can see my words through the writings that come through you. The tiny child within all of you is fearful of being seen. But see her through my eyes and this illusion will disappear.