Channeling #46
Amahra: My clients were quiet today, but after I prayed for them they responded and understood the healing that was needed.
GOD: The call for healing is upon you and never has a doorway stood so open. Why do healers doubt the abundant gifts I offer them? I sent my prophets and angels to remind everyone of the incredible healing benefits received from working on the soul. This work is done in partnership with me and all it takes is commitment, allowing me to determine the outcome. This will become more and more evident in these days of compressed learning. Time is accelerating and the world’s frequency is quickening. Those who survive do so by knowing how to quiet their ego and maintain their energy fields and immune systems.
Immune systems weaken when man is constantly tense, panicked and fearing attack. If you believe this is the state that I would hold for you, then you certainly need an ego. Your true strength is the conviction that attack is not possible. Like your white blood cells, the soldiers are then rested, fed and strong in the knowledge God is on their side, eliminating the battle within the castle walls. Should a body require their assistance, the cells leap into service, fuelled by my power to transform everything ungodly into healing.
This is rebalancing, restoration of equilibrium and redemption but not a battle. I do not recognize battles and wars for there are no attacks or defences required in Heaven. When emotional attacks occur from others or from yourself, your nervous system becomes a hyper-vigilant soldier, over-anxious to leap up in full armour, yet too exhausted to adequately fight. In its state of confusion it constantly ambushes, even its own master. This causes your immune system to attack itself causing autoimmune disorders.
Only the ego is happy with the spoils of war, bloodshed, pain and needless suffering. This only serves to transform the body into an emotionally starved camp. These prisoners are body organs and joints that sustain life. Yet the insane ego spends its time rubbing raw spots and picking at delicate strands that are none of its business, until they snag and break. The ego seeks personal admiration and praise for its war efforts; yet its stupid delusions destroy you, the very host sustaining it. Because of how deeply ingrained this ego system is, it prevents you from seeing that you attack only yourself.
You need only step back through a tiny space in time, into yourself and pause. Turn to the light that you might remember the insanity you created through a mind that believed it could be angry. Anger is but a smokescreen – a wall of self-doubt that pricks at the true wound beneath, the wound that harbours the fear that you are not good enough. For if you are, would not your brother have found you worthy and deserving of love? Would not your brother prove his love to you through the endless demonstrations that you demand. If you would but take that leap of faith into me and see through my eyes that your brother judges you not, and his antics attack you not, then you could forgive him for what he did not do. In this place could you forgive yourself for trying to step out of the Light of Heaven. I wait here for you seek me. I do not judge you, I only say, “Welcome home!”
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