Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



 I think I invest a lot of energy protecting myself.

GOD:   Man is growing ever impatient for gratification and reward. No longer does he pause in the waiting period, the period where lessons are learned and the impatience felt is viewed as a welcome teacher for the next principle to be understood and integrated.
           Always are you judging that any emotion you feel is the wrong one. Your mind leaps into the future to escape the anxiety of your present moment. For if you are experiencing the “wrong emotion”, you will fear punishment by the one your ego holds in fear over you. It is sad that this one it would have you fear  – is Me.  The ego is in terror of present time. For present time is all there is and in its embrace lies not punishment or breakdown – but breakthrough and healing. Only in your Holy Instant do I have a moment of opportunity, that breathless pause in which you might choose for Me. 
             Learn to feel compassion for the inner child who waits for you behind your ego’s prison bars. The ego would have you believe that you would die if I found you; that you would be punished for making a mistake.  Thus I would say to you – this is the greatest hold the ego has over you.  As long as you believe this insanity you will continue to hire the ego to protect you from an illusion.
Yet through this insane illusion do I forever knock gently on the door of your heart and ask you to remember me, remember US. Your spirit self symbolizes the Grace of God that the ego hides from you. Why would you hire the kidnapper to safeguard the very child that they stole? How insane is it to trust the criminal who has kidnapped and abused your child to protect that child from harm? This is the insanity of the ego.
           If your God Self were set free, you could welcome your precious child back into your family. You see the craziness of the situation yet do you continue to dwell in it. When will you realize that the bodyguard you hired to protect your soul IS the very enemy that would harm you? Test her wings in a safe place . And do not be anxious for her. If she falls, I will catch her.
(The beautiful "Fallen Angel" painting depicted is an original 2.5x3 foot acrylic painting owned by Amahra. It is for sale for $350.)

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