What about the health of the human body in general?
GOD: Your lessons with me have progressed to the point where you understand that your mind creates your body. So which mind do you wish to create your body, your ego mind or Mine, for I created you. Still must you understand that your mind creates every level of every response from your body. Your inner vision is often clouded and under immense pressure. At times it is all you can do to cope with demands of man’s society. Many of the images that would give you courage and strength are crushed and fractured within your mind and the answers I give you are buried under these folds in your mind’s fabric.
I wait for you to come to the place of trust in me regarding my wish to nurture you. While your mind knows this, still your heart does not trust in me. You know me, but you do not allow yourself to completely surrender into love for me, for always have I known and loved you. I understand the excruciating weight that you carry and I urge you to physically strengthen your body for this is the last wall of your mind. Your body appears as your wall, yet your wall is really your mind. Break free from this and watch your wall disintegrate. Your mind is under constant pressure from your thoughts, you fear being crushed yet you crush yourself constantly with every negative though that you generate.
It would be of able for you to remember, that the programming of the whole is determined by the parts that make up the whole. Consider that you are not a body that can be broken down into fragments, but fragments that have generated themselves into being. These fragments are consciousness and the infinite awareness of a soul that seeks to experience the world and be in communion with me. Everything beautiful, peaceful, loving and majestic exists for you to experience in relationship with me. If your experiences are driven by fear, lack, worry and pain then they are driven by you – not by me. Step aside then for thus can circumstances be set into order by the true master – and the true master is me, your true body is a ship with me at the helm.
In asking you to relinquish your ego I ask not for you to relinquish control for control does not exist. Therefore I ask that you give up the illusion and only that. Be centered upon yourself for your-self is God. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and take comfort in the words spoken from the heart of God. Mankind only struggles with the concept of God because man has made me in his image – cruel, impatient, punitive, judgemental, and a place of consequence instead of a haven of refuge. Remember the truth, that I made you in my image and do not forget that this image is the face of Love.
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