On a lonely day years ago, I told God I was tired of doing it alone - that I needed him to show up and talk to me. And he did. For many years now when I ask God a question, I just have to make sure I have pen and paper, as the answer streams through in automatic writing. I welcome others to offer their deep questions, those things that you just can't figure out for yourself. Blessings and enjoy.
Letters From God
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Channeling # 112
T.T. asks - What do I need to understand or do, to get up and walk again?
My child, you are far wiser than you think, for you have already answered your own question – “How do I stand up for myself?” This means two things and both are important. Physically it means doing what the cripple did after Jesus spoke to him – to take the risk to make that struggle to keep your physical body moving as much as you can, in spite of the pain. For if a 72 year old man with arthritis can learn to run and wear the arthritis out of his joints, then so you can learn to walk again. On the emotional level this question has another meaning. It says, “How do I learn to develop the confidence in myself to stand in my truth and speak it, no matter whether others disagree or become confrontational at that moment?”
I would ask you what circumstances affected you as a young child where possibly you decided that to NOT speak up for yourself was simply safer and less stressful. You learned to keep the peace and not “stand up for yourself.” This is not to be judged for a child is helpless against elders who would impose their own will and hurts upon a child. The child must, according to its limited experience, do whatever it knows to do in order to survive. This is how the fear-based ego mind works in one who has power to use over someone else, “It says that I can not allow for you to have, what I was not allowed to have. There is not enough love to go around, so I must take mine back.” This is a shame for it seeks to cause separation on the very soul level where we are all one, an endless stream of consciousness connecting and learning many things at the same time in many bodies.
Your soul drives you to take charge of your life, but if you project that outwardly to others and thus help them to take charge of their life- then what about you? This is noble and likely what your soul chose for its incarnation here before you were born. When the body is physically still, or sick, only then does the mind and the soul become stronger, for something in the system is forced to move. The time you have spent not walking has forced you to drop into your path and calling here, your gift to help others. Yet the greatest teacher demonstrates as opposed to talking. Your greatest gift as a teacher is to demonstrate how to overcome being held back in life, by moving forward in your own. This is not to be done without preparation. Your body must be nourished and strengthened to prepare it for these steps. You must eliminate all processed foods, foods baked with flour, dairy, sugar, soda pops, alcohol and red meat. These foods cause the acid environment in the body that creates a breeding ground for arthritis. Your body must be alkaline to prevent the spread of arthritis. Eat only whole pure grains that are cooked: brown and wild rices, unprocessed oatmeal, quinoa, amaranth, lots of steamed vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, and eat your fruits organic and as a separate meal with nothing else. Take digestive enzymes with and between each meal. Your water must be filtered and an alkaline pH of 8.5 and the best product to do this for you is “Crystal Energy” drops from ‘Tools for Wellness.’
Eat many foods that are green: chlorella, spiralina, and blue-green algae as these contain much sunlight. Take 5,000 mgs of liquid Vitamin D every day. It is important to soak in warm baths with 2 cups of Epsom salts and rosemary, treat yourself and receive massages, have far infrared saunas very often – get lots of sunshine.
The most important thing is to have faith that you can do this, ask God to help you walk, to help you rise and move a little every day. Ask friends to assist you to walk when you feel you cannot do this alone. The difficult incarnations are like stainless steel which does not rust or break down. Just as we must not break down from the task we’ve been assigned here, we must be forged in the hottest fire just like stainless steel. The hottest fire for a human being – is pain and the loss of something vital to them. This only shows that you have been chosen, so I ask you now to CHOOSE yourself first and do these things, prepare yourself and see that you can still be a shining example for others once you are walking again. Your path is predestined and no matter what you do to stray, I will find ways to set you back upon it. So do not fear, care for yourself at this critical time and enjoy your life. Pray with gratitude every day for being given the purpose of guiding other souls to their personal power.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Channeling #5
Michael wishes to know the future relating to his career, life and relationship. Thank you for speaking.
Needing to know future results beyond present day is derived from the ego mind. Often the frightened child learns not to trust the present moment, so cannot relax enough to simply enjoy an adventure. It is like taking an amusement park ride and instead of being in your body and experiencing THIS ride, you spend the entire time wondering what the next one will be like. So you never in fact experienced the one you were just on. And this becomes the pattern of your life; the untrusting mind constantly looking for proof that the future will be under your control so that you can feel safe. But this is a fact of life, be in the moment, or the moment and your experience of it is lost.
Everyone gravitates towards places in life they were destined for and receive strong reminders when incorrect choices are made. That time you felt like the rug was being pulled out from under you, that time you were whacked across the back of the head for not following my guidance, that person at work who seemed to ruin your life until you had to leave, those were all me, making certain that you stayed on the path that you chose. Choosing wrongly causes a detour in your life, and it if would send you in the wrong direction, then a realignment must take place, as your path never changes. I will help make sure this realignment takes place – as long as you are willing to listen. I cannot interfere with your free will. Your path is preordained from the moment you are born, yet when bad things happen while you are here, it feels personal. Reminders of incorrect choices are valuable lessons to take heed of, but we are free to ignore them and make the free-will choice to take the incorrect path.
The only time therefore is now, and not being present within it dilutes your soul’s energy. This is why you fear the future, because you are choosing to have no present. Awareness then goes to inappropriate places while leaving only a mind that is on auto-pilot to try and enjoy the moment. This is impossible. When you are totally present and willing to create the life you want right now, it will stream into and become the future, but it will be seamless and therefore leave no room for worry. You cannot separate the body and mind, for thus separation will be your reality and you will be in fear and feel tired. These feelings are the result of not having sufficient energy, as the half of you resides in the past and half in the future. By never being wholly present you will suffer from worries over who you will become, you diminish the appreciation of who you already are. By not living soulfully and wholly in the present moment, you see only visions of what you lack. Your future calling and rightful place, depend on the clarity of each choice made in the present moment and on nothing else.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Channeling #4
What is my purpose and what must I master?
You are a master weaver yet first must master yourself and the elements of light. It takes great skill to weave filaments of light and repair the human body and these light filaments are the fascia. Believe in your ability, for it is my gift, and you are called to release shock from the tissues of those who must relax before 2012. You are all required to process more information now, and the new frequencies are stressful. You will repair those who are injured along their path here. Heaviness from this place weighs deeply upon their tissue so you will retune, reconstruct and recalibrate their fractured parts. Do this willingly as the rewards will be great. You are able to do this task of mending, for so have you learned to mend yourself. Have faith in your purpose here for it is not given to many or given lightly. Information will manifest itself and brethren will come and will be receive them upon your altar of love and ability. You will be known, sought, found and must teach.
Enlist others to help them come through and know others here will become apparent. The Christ is watching over you. Touch with love, clear your circuits and be open to what comes through.
It is essential to now cast off the shroud of uneasiness, that which is uncertainty or confusion and that, which needs to be excused or explained. Take my shield, The Merkabah, wear it knowing it provides protection. You had to experience frailty of the human body in order to understand and have compassion for its suffering while gaining respect for its ability to regenerate. A brush with death brought you closer to life, which was a part of being cut and polished. Remember that laser shines through the crystalline structure of a jewel and you are our gemstone. I am increasing your facets and power so your gifts will become clearer. Please be aware.
Be in grace and faith knowing that while I was always only a breath away, I am now closer still and am your breath. Keep your vision still and shield your heart. Remember that the healers of this planet have been sent ahead to prepare for Christ’s reappearance. This is your purpose here; all of you. You are helping to shift the vibration of this planet and as such are constantly being re-calibrated by me. You will be safe.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Channeling #2
From a woman friend:
Help me understand how to function more easily in male relationships.
Relate to yourself and only to yourself. The one for which you wait has not yet arrived at an appropriate place for you. You would not recognize him. You are also not presently at the right stage in your evolution where you are letting your light shine, so he would not find you either. The only eyes you need look through to find this man is my all-seeing eye, for I know who he is. To trust me in this way takes courage. My eyes cut to the core, exposing truth and the face beneath, before anything else. The path for which you came is a solitary walk, which you have traveled before and still continue. You live a solitary life and often feel alone whether by yourself or in a crowd. Therefore, many times you feel abandoned but I remind you this is only a feeling and not the truth.
Work on our connection and know that I guide and steer your passage and his. Men seem a strange breed to most women, but they are simply an extension of your inner male in a physical body. To find the person you want, you must be the person you want. If you don’t want you, why would he? Have the faith to seek that silent place within for in this place you will receive healing from me. These actions are good for you, as you need your strength. Do not fret about the one who is meant for you.
Do your own self-work and be in the right place within and without – be in your rightful and righteous place. Be clear and be still. You move too much and on this path of swiftness it is simply hard for someone to catch up to you. The “Man” you seek is for now a knowing in your core. Based on your past, it will be a new place of your acceptance for the male. It is a difficult location to establish as always males have appeared to betray you.
I am erasing these wounds from your circuits, so seek them no more. Be diligent in completely cleansing yourself, your vision and your heart; for clarity will be required to recognize the ‘Man’ that I will help you to attract into your life. Remember your light must shine so he can recognize you.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thy Will Be Done
Channeling #1
I am so very tired, feel there is no safe place, have never felt I belonged and have fear of being found. Who are you and what is your name?
Being found versus being found out are two distinctively different things. Fear of being found out, stems from believing whom you are and what you do is not good enough. Is God not enough? Now is precisely the time in your life to be found, discovered and with discovery comes applause and recognition: found out – feels like a punishment.
I am the Precious One and my Holy Spirit has been trying to penetrate your veil for many years. The White Brotherhood, the Archangels, and the fiery Seraphim Angels, who are closest to me, surround you if you would only rest long enough to feel them. Rest now my child, your journey had been arduous and your pain is now at an end. Remember why you are here. Your feelings of exhaustion are derived from your fight to protect the world, as you know it. You hold the power to create your world in every moment, but have lost sight through your journey.
You hear me through the voice of the Holy Spirit, but consider the letters you write, to be ‘Letters from God.’
This has never been your place, but it is your time. In this place you feel broken and have hoped to be refined so now I am shaping, healing and restoring you. There should be no judgement around the discomfort and pain suffered from this place, as it has provided valuable learning lessons. It was not a punishment.
Learn to just be without doing, listen without your mind speaking, speak without judgment and judge only through my eyes and my compassion that is contained within your heart. Therefore you will not judge, but only observe with compassion.
Now that you have become still and asked for me, you are found. Your journey has been over rough roads and you have travelled it well. You did not come to this place by chance but were specifically sent for you are of great value to me. Your kind needs pure food, not the kind normally eaten as it causes many allergies. Nourish yourself in order to do that for which you were sent. Rest now, for your time is coming. Let your heart speak out as your inactive throat has been paralysed too long. Release all feelings of persecution, guilt, and pretence, as they are all part of an illusionary trap.
I am watching over you and you are not chained, but contained, as this was the only way I could keep you safe. Allow yourself the freedom to move now, as I have given you the gift of play so use it. Do not be fearful of closeness, as I have cloaked you from those who would cause harm. You originate from a brilliant and shining place, where light is laser-like. Use this light to open your inner vision and view the eternity of your being.
I am so very tired, feel there is no safe place, have never felt I belonged and have fear of being found. Who are you and what is your name?
Being found versus being found out are two distinctively different things. Fear of being found out, stems from believing whom you are and what you do is not good enough. Is God not enough? Now is precisely the time in your life to be found, discovered and with discovery comes applause and recognition: found out – feels like a punishment.
I am the Precious One and my Holy Spirit has been trying to penetrate your veil for many years. The White Brotherhood, the Archangels, and the fiery Seraphim Angels, who are closest to me, surround you if you would only rest long enough to feel them. Rest now my child, your journey had been arduous and your pain is now at an end. Remember why you are here. Your feelings of exhaustion are derived from your fight to protect the world, as you know it. You hold the power to create your world in every moment, but have lost sight through your journey.
You hear me through the voice of the Holy Spirit, but consider the letters you write, to be ‘Letters from God.’
This has never been your place, but it is your time. In this place you feel broken and have hoped to be refined so now I am shaping, healing and restoring you. There should be no judgement around the discomfort and pain suffered from this place, as it has provided valuable learning lessons. It was not a punishment.
Learn to just be without doing, listen without your mind speaking, speak without judgment and judge only through my eyes and my compassion that is contained within your heart. Therefore you will not judge, but only observe with compassion.
Now that you have become still and asked for me, you are found. Your journey has been over rough roads and you have travelled it well. You did not come to this place by chance but were specifically sent for you are of great value to me. Your kind needs pure food, not the kind normally eaten as it causes many allergies. Nourish yourself in order to do that for which you were sent. Rest now, for your time is coming. Let your heart speak out as your inactive throat has been paralysed too long. Release all feelings of persecution, guilt, and pretence, as they are all part of an illusionary trap.
I am watching over you and you are not chained, but contained, as this was the only way I could keep you safe. Allow yourself the freedom to move now, as I have given you the gift of play so use it. Do not be fearful of closeness, as I have cloaked you from those who would cause harm. You originate from a brilliant and shining place, where light is laser-like. Use this light to open your inner vision and view the eternity of your being.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Channeling #3
Who am I? Thank you for speaking.
Rest my child, as you are light. Light is necessary for a seedling to grow and your inherent light must be allowed to shine on part of you that needs to grow. Dormant seedlings grow and blossom when environmental conditions come together to support flourishing. Your crystalline webbing structure must be fed properly with foods containing light; silica, earth, water and warmth.
Lie out a cloth, bless everything on it then eat with reverence and the consciousness of everything. Let nothing be unnoticed, but let everything pass through and by. Your church must be a cathedral of light, which is so important as its vibration is your heartbeat, its alignment is your vision and its energy your knowing.
Working within energy and light realms of your inner cosmos will allow others to come to you for healing. You have been weaving a protective chrysalis for many years. When a mistake was made, I picked up the broken filaments and repaired strands. Do not stop to look back thus making your past a reality, as your balance and way will then be lost.
Your path has been and will be taken care of so come to know, love and be yourself. I have been sent to help you find and discover yourself. When you are blind, ask me to clear your vision; when you are numb, ask me to open your heart; as when you cannot, I will.
Look to the sun, as it is fuel but remember the moon is its shadow. Develop ability and clarity to balance light and shade in your life and when to step into or out of each. Also learn when to step out of the way and allow illumination as your shadow is necessary so do not keep fighting, let it be.
The time is getting close now and will be soon. Relax. All is well.
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