Channeling # 112
T.T. asks - What do I need to understand or do, to get up and walk again?
My child, you are far wiser than you think, for you have already answered your own question – “How do I stand up for myself?” This means two things and both are important. Physically it means doing what the cripple did after Jesus spoke to him – to take the risk to make that struggle to keep your physical body moving as much as you can, in spite of the pain. For if a 72 year old man with arthritis can learn to run and wear the arthritis out of his joints, then so you can learn to walk again. On the emotional level this question has another meaning. It says, “How do I learn to develop the confidence in myself to stand in my truth and speak it, no matter whether others disagree or become confrontational at that moment?”
I would ask you what circumstances affected you as a young child where possibly you decided that to NOT speak up for yourself was simply safer and less stressful. You learned to keep the peace and not “stand up for yourself.” This is not to be judged for a child is helpless against elders who would impose their own will and hurts upon a child. The child must, according to its limited experience, do whatever it knows to do in order to survive. This is how the fear-based ego mind works in one who has power to use over someone else, “It says that I can not allow for you to have, what I was not allowed to have. There is not enough love to go around, so I must take mine back.” This is a shame for it seeks to cause separation on the very soul level where we are all one, an endless stream of consciousness connecting and learning many things at the same time in many bodies.
Your soul drives you to take charge of your life, but if you project that outwardly to others and thus help them to take charge of their life- then what about you? This is noble and likely what your soul chose for its incarnation here before you were born. When the body is physically still, or sick, only then does the mind and the soul become stronger, for something in the system is forced to move. The time you have spent not walking has forced you to drop into your path and calling here, your gift to help others. Yet the greatest teacher demonstrates as opposed to talking. Your greatest gift as a teacher is to demonstrate how to overcome being held back in life, by moving forward in your own. This is not to be done without preparation. Your body must be nourished and strengthened to prepare it for these steps. You must eliminate all processed foods, foods baked with flour, dairy, sugar, soda pops, alcohol and red meat. These foods cause the acid environment in the body that creates a breeding ground for arthritis. Your body must be alkaline to prevent the spread of arthritis. Eat only whole pure grains that are cooked: brown and wild rices, unprocessed oatmeal, quinoa, amaranth, lots of steamed vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, and eat your fruits organic and as a separate meal with nothing else. Take digestive enzymes with and between each meal. Your water must be filtered and an alkaline pH of 8.5 and the best product to do this for you is “Crystal Energy” drops from ‘Tools for Wellness.’
Eat many foods that are green: chlorella, spiralina, and blue-green algae as these contain much sunlight. Take 5,000 mgs of liquid Vitamin D every day. It is important to soak in warm baths with 2 cups of Epsom salts and rosemary, treat yourself and receive massages, have far infrared saunas very often – get lots of sunshine.
The most important thing is to have faith that you can do this, ask God to help you walk, to help you rise and move a little every day. Ask friends to assist you to walk when you feel you cannot do this alone. The difficult incarnations are like stainless steel which does not rust or break down. Just as we must not break down from the task we’ve been assigned here, we must be forged in the hottest fire just like stainless steel. The hottest fire for a human being – is pain and the loss of something vital to them. This only shows that you have been chosen, so I ask you now to CHOOSE yourself first and do these things, prepare yourself and see that you can still be a shining example for others once you are walking again. Your path is predestined and no matter what you do to stray, I will find ways to set you back upon it. So do not fear, care for yourself at this critical time and enjoy your life. Pray with gratitude every day for being given the purpose of guiding other souls to their personal power.
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