Channeling #5
Michael wishes to know the future relating to his career, life and relationship. Thank you for speaking.
Needing to know future results beyond present day is derived from the ego mind. Often the frightened child learns not to trust the present moment, so cannot relax enough to simply enjoy an adventure. It is like taking an amusement park ride and instead of being in your body and experiencing THIS ride, you spend the entire time wondering what the next one will be like. So you never in fact experienced the one you were just on. And this becomes the pattern of your life; the untrusting mind constantly looking for proof that the future will be under your control so that you can feel safe. But this is a fact of life, be in the moment, or the moment and your experience of it is lost.
Everyone gravitates towards places in life they were destined for and receive strong reminders when incorrect choices are made. That time you felt like the rug was being pulled out from under you, that time you were whacked across the back of the head for not following my guidance, that person at work who seemed to ruin your life until you had to leave, those were all me, making certain that you stayed on the path that you chose. Choosing wrongly causes a detour in your life, and it if would send you in the wrong direction, then a realignment must take place, as your path never changes. I will help make sure this realignment takes place – as long as you are willing to listen. I cannot interfere with your free will. Your path is preordained from the moment you are born, yet when bad things happen while you are here, it feels personal. Reminders of incorrect choices are valuable lessons to take heed of, but we are free to ignore them and make the free-will choice to take the incorrect path.
The only time therefore is now, and not being present within it dilutes your soul’s energy. This is why you fear the future, because you are choosing to have no present. Awareness then goes to inappropriate places while leaving only a mind that is on auto-pilot to try and enjoy the moment. This is impossible. When you are totally present and willing to create the life you want right now, it will stream into and become the future, but it will be seamless and therefore leave no room for worry. You cannot separate the body and mind, for thus separation will be your reality and you will be in fear and feel tired. These feelings are the result of not having sufficient energy, as the half of you resides in the past and half in the future. By never being wholly present you will suffer from worries over who you will become, you diminish the appreciation of who you already are. By not living soulfully and wholly in the present moment, you see only visions of what you lack. Your future calling and rightful place, depend on the clarity of each choice made in the present moment and on nothing else.
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