Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Channeling #29
Why do I feel such fear around teaching?
A teacher stands in front of the class for all to see and you fear being seen.   When living in fear the natural order is to attract, so when fear arrives and sees an open wound, by its very nature, it must hurl a spear into it.  When persisting along a teaching path, you must be aware of this sabotage your ego has created.  Upon overcoming it through recognition of your emergence into greatness, this gift will provide great joy and make the path swift and light.
Having attained this powerful light, grasping ones will always be there to steal it for their own.  Holding the Light means holding it in such a way as to preserve its sacred truth. There will always be those who will appear to hold you down and appear to hold you back until you step out of your self-inflicted prison and see that only you can block your path, you restrict yourself and that the only jailer present is you.

Rejoice in these new endeavours for they have long been a part of my plans to train and prepare you.  You choose not to believe and to forget the faith that others have in you because you forget time and again to truly look upon yourself. By not shining the Light of Love upon your personal wounds intensely or often enough, it has not become apparent who you really are. In this situation you cannot expect others to see. I ask you to be brave and take one final trip into the cold, dark place to rescue the one who huddles there before she perishes.  You must not let this aspect of yourself go unattended, for she will resurface in your next life until dealt with.
          She is begging for my light to be shone into the deepest caverns - delivering her forth from the cold. Just as the flower turns its face to seek the sunlight, so I ask you now to direct the light inward to open the darkness.  This lost child within has great gifts for you to share, for her soft heart and soul are the foundation of the innocence that wants to share.  Treat her well and nourish her, for she is the teacher.

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