Channeling #43
I’d like to better understand relationships?
GOD: You are growing – you are always growing. Relinquish your need to control and fall back into the place of surrender and thus allow for space to open around you. A loved one must step into this space, or there is no relationship. This is much like the loading dock of a space station. If there is anything blocking the dock, (like your past issues or judgements) then it is impossible for the next ship willing to dock, to approach and engage.
You have moved to a deeper place of resolve, of watching to see what comes to you if you extend love. This is not to sit back and be lazy and make your partner do all the work to prove their love. There is a point in a relationship, where you must accept that love is a fact, see the love that is there and remember that all that is real is the love you were given. You have always sabotaged at this point because you fear love even more than you fear abandonment. For in abandonment one can hide, but in love – one must show up emotionally naked, on the level of your wound.
It is this that you find more terrifying than your fear of being alone. Yet your ego would keep this from you in order to hold you prisoner in relationships that do not nurture you. Your ego does not want healing for you, for then it is out of a job.
Your illusion is now dying and its demise requires that you remain constantly vigilant in your search for the love that is there and has always been there. Most humans make the mistake of seeking evidence for the wrongs we think are done to us.
Now you have an awareness that you are able to find that for which you seek if you would become that for which you seek. And you will gather new evidence to assure that. There is much beauty and peace within you and when you seek these and focus on them, you bring it to life on the inner screen of your psyche and project it out onto the landscape of your life.
Much is being revealed to you during this time. You must be calm and clear. This world is meant to be my playground for you, please see it thus or your efforts will go to waste. I have created for you to have this life in joy - so appreciate it. Ask for what you desire and give thanks when I deliver it.
You have always been loved – please remember that this is what you have forgotten.
On a lonely day years ago, I told God I was tired of doing it alone - that I needed him to show up and talk to me. And he did. For many years now when I ask God a question, I just have to make sure I have pen and paper, as the answer streams through in automatic writing. I welcome others to offer their deep questions, those things that you just can't figure out for yourself. Blessings and enjoy.
Letters From God

We're Loved
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Channeling #41
J seeks answers from her past life to help her understand the pain in this life.
You were an ancient soul, a princess whose life was serving others whose presence soothed your people’s pain and held a place of light for the tribe. You were a light that always glowed and alleviated fear of the dark side; except for the one who was darkness. Always jealous of your gifts, he set out to win your love to have control and power over you. Once he won your trust he betrayed you, taking you to a faraway place and leaving you alone.
While your soul knew no fear or rage, the inner woman felt vengeful and confused. You blamed your beauty and feminine power for attracting punishment and isolation. Over time your people’s faces grew dim and your family were deeply missed. When your pain became unbearable, you sent word to your betrayer begging to return home. This was allowed in exchange for your promise to never practice healing arts again.
Once home, people came to you and you soon saw that it was the Healer who was welcomed home and not you. They begged for healing but you could not dishonour your promise. They only saw that you withheld what they wanted and turned away. You were angry with the Great Spirit for this betrayal and with yourself for trusting love. Unable to bear this deep pain which cut your soul to bleed, you took your life.
At this stage in the present incarnation, healing gifts and memories of betrayal from a lifetime long past are returning. You MUST NOT try to match that ancient soul’s pain by hurting yourself. You need not pay a price for the rightful place of healer through your soul. You must now seek my help in overcoming all anxieties felt when NOT causing physical pain. Remember the loving heart of your ancient princess and have compassion.
Shamans are “Wounded Healers” and their depth of pain is equal to the depth of their gift if they choose to use it. This is not to be taken lightly or without reverence as this gift requires readiness and respect. Divination cards will be used to help you and others. Seek wisely and let spirit choose the right deck for you. You have used pain for too long now to distract you from seeing the truth about yourself. Lay down judgment and weapons to merely observe the visions that come as the messengers to light your path.
The world is not bad, only your perception of it. Pain is the fire that burns the human spirit, creating a magical alchemy process which converts pain, anger and blame back to Love. The God-self seeks evolution, only if you hear through your ego will you burn instead.
Your perception of who you are is of no importance to anyone, for you will always find faults. My perception is the only one that matters, for I did not create man’s distorted emotions or jagged mind, but I did create only the LOVE that is real by creating you. This is time to learn the remaining half of your lesson. I am with you to ensure that you do not learn it alone.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Channeling #40
Who are we?
Through eons of time light years away - yet as close as your next breath the star seeds rest deeply within you. Like an eternal hologram, your life is an image already captured in its entirety. It hovers, suspended in your fascial web, yet each tiny fragment of it reflects your image in its entirety. There is no escape from the truth of what you are, yet mankind continues to run. You are constantly running on the treadmill of TIME; “not enough time, precious little time, time is too short, time is money, overtime and the worst of all – maybe next time”. You need to see that time merely spirals around you like a serpent chasing its tail – always busy, always elusive – never to be captured or tamed. Those who feel the stillness of the Angelic system within and meditate in that stillness are the ones for whom time does not exist so they can bend it as they wish.
For in this deep place of stillness, is the Ascendant, your sanctuary where time remains irrelevant.
Your personal star ship hovers over you like the Angel on your shoulder. The Angel is watching, waiting, guarding and wondering when you will surrender your weapons which are the falsehoods of the ego, when you will stop searching for the dream of who you are and when you will notice the Angelic presence reflected in the magical mirror in your inner kingdom. This inner kingdom is the Crystal Palace of Mirrors and Light. You must align your mirrors, your cranial bones, in order to expand your consciousness that you may cease this endless struggle. Thus your inner eye will then allow you to look through to God and thus you will see yourself. Then will you know that you are an extension of something that has the infinite magnitude of forever.
Mankind takes a huge leap of trust when he lays down his armour, (the ego mind) relinquishes his weapons, (stops attacking his brother) and yet this is where his efforts cease. He stands in this place, feeling vulnerable and defenceless, no wonder so many of you pick up your weapons again rather than feel this anxiety. Yet there is a third component to this process of your evolution. As long as you continue to stand in the battleground, expecting attack, looking for the enemy who would strike you down, you will feel unsafe. Your final challenge must be to walk off this battle ground and see, that your life is not meant to be one of wars and anger. It is meant to be a heaven on earth, a life the way I created it. The ego has stolen my gift of free will to mankind and thus he is thrust into cause and effect, action and reaction, attack and defence. If you would only see the illusion and lies that the ego tells you and turn your eyes to me, you would believe that the Garden of Eden is right here right now. This is the beginning of PEACE ON EARTH.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
L.S. asks:
What's behind my fear/sabotage
behavior in Relationship?”
A woman often worries more about the broken heart of another than she does her own. Try to remember that likely your partner’s heart came already broken and repaired many times over as well. Like the be-headed Celtic Green Man – the symbolic regeneration of your injured part is a testimony to man’s acceptance of life, birth, death and pain. Man understands these all too well, more than I hoped he would. So often the droplets of learning, like pearls, run off your skin and the opportunity for healing does not penetrate your defenses.
Like an actor learning to know his character, you’ve spent much of your life’s rehearsal time crafting and presenting an illusionary self to attract and impress the opposite sex in belief that your true self is inadequate. The men in your life have been your greatest teachers and if you are to move forward you must realise that you keep making the teachers I send you the authors of your pain.
Your frightened mind must find the place of forgiveness. You must ask for me to restock the faith in your grace bank account in order that you might have the strength to stay sane and see where you have yet to heal. You have handed over control of this bank account to your ego mind and it makes countless withdrawals from these precious reserves without your permission or knowledge. This leaves you overdrawn and confused. I ask you now to relinquish this insanity and let me administer this account for you. Your ego cannot accurately perceive your present as your ego is your past. Simply put, the ego is:
A…aspects of
That which stands between you and instant healing is the ego’s memory of your past. The most terrifying of your thoughts – is but an insane creation of your own ego mind and while it knows the truth, it seeks only to sabotage. Men have been many things to you – some you know and some things you are yet to discover. But wherever someone triggers you to react emotionally, there is a truth for you to discover about your own need to heal. A healed mind does not see attack from anyone for it is beyond their perception. But only be sure that you learn your part well. Be thankful for I sent man to show you the battles you fought endlessly with your inner masculine self.
If you will remember that the war is over you will no longer see your teachers as your enemies. Your torment will end when you choose to see. The lessons of your God mind are gentle, the lessons of the heart are joyful and real. The lessons of the ego mind are like jagged rocks upon which the weary bird seeks shelter. The bird is tired of flying, but fears that its feet will be hurt when it lands.
Remember to transmute energy, to send love and take away fear for where you resist, is where you deny yourself. It is my wish that you be healed and you let go of the illusions that you built around yourself regarding relationship. I want you to have clarity to prepare you for your path ahead.
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