Channelling # 59
Funny how the slightest thing can send one into a judgement or blame place, such as putting down an object of little value, leaving and returning to find it gone. You feel your ego spouting, “How dare I not control the objects of this world, how dare it not be where I left it, how dare someone take it from me?”
How happy is the ego to give value to nothingness, if that is all it takes for you to appear to step out of heaven and into hell. For is it not the way of the world, the ego’s world, to seduce you into believing that anything outside of your God Self has any value. I say that the way of life and return to sanity that I offer you – is a required Course, A Course in Miracles.
While this may sound arrogant to say that only the time you choose to take the Course is optional for you, why can you not see that it is spoken from a place of Higher Authority? This Higher place is looked upon by the ego as something external that is being forced upon you and it reacts with resistance and defence. The ego cannot see that the Higher Authority from which I speak is equal to yours and its only goal is to join with you and present to you your inheritance. For I say that you shall remember the truth of who you are, but it is your choice whether you remember now or on your deathbed.
You are the Place in Heaven that you’ve shared with me for eons and yet you cannot see that you reside here with me, always have and that you only dreamt that you left home. You can choose the Now, the future, or the moment of your “perceived death” to step into Heaven and experience your Holy Instant. For at the moment of your transition you will realize that my words are the Truth.