Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Channeling #13
My core feels very shaky, what is happening?
Your core is a very deep place that I have created within all mankind and like your planet, it must be kept stable.  When we try to slow down joyful moments and speed up uncomfortable ones, our core is blocked from moving to its own rhythm, the rhythm of life.  Emotions cannot move, toxins cannot dissipate and walls cannot crumble without constant core movement. Imagine the catastrophic disasters that would happen should the core of the earth cease to move, the entire magnetic field would shift, weather patterns would change and the water and air currents would re-route themselves. So the same disasters happen within the human body as it is merely a miniature of the planet. All systems are replicas of each other. The earth is a smaller replica of the Galaxy, man is a smaller replica of this and each cell in your body is a smaller replica again; macrocosm – microcosm, yet they are the same.
Your liver powers your core energy movement and its emotional energy must be harnessed for it dictates the body’s energetic response to change, anger and frustration. The mind creates the emotional responses in the body so if you wish to balance your energy and calm your liver, then change your mind. This cooling action allows for this furnace to be regulated at a normal pace, it will not create soot, explosions or implosions. 
Your spleen minds the liver’s fiery temple calming its active judgement and smoothing the flow of the blood and your energy through the body.  It soothes the gall bladder’s righteous indignation, reminding it that the true driving force of our life is a passion born of love and forgiveness, not judgement and blame. You are not a victim of your circumstances. You are their creator whether you wish to believe this or not and you are the watcher of your circumstances.
So be in love today, remembering you are glorious and strong and your feelings in this moment, are actually a choice of your mind. You are capable of thinking and responding through your heart chakra and decisions and responses made through here will never be made through the ego, for thus will you bypass it’s craziness. Remind yourself gently of this truth and then lovingly watch as you cease to make turmoil real.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Channeling #12
My behaviour hurts my partner and he gets angry. What can I do differently?
Your insecure and controlling behaviour toward your partner is merely a reflection of how you are treating yourself at your core. Be loving and compassionate to yourself as his apparent attacks call for a non-responsive reaction. You are acting out your own pain and triggering his. Seek to understand what could be at the basis of his reactive behaviour and in doing this you will come to a greater understanding about your own pain.  Think, say and do nothing, as his continual failed relationship is with himself.  Neither does he know how to dwell in a realm of intimacy or acceptance of self or you.
It matters not what he or others think about you, as your thoughts about your relationship with me are the only ones of consequence.  He represents the part of your mind that is disloyal to your personal truth and shows no compassion.  When you relinquish the face that he reflects, there will be silence within you. When you see that he is your mirror, you will realize that you are but attacking yourself – through him.
Cast your seeds of anger, judgement, insecurity and lack of self-esteem into my sea of forgetfulness, for in this place there is nothing to sustain them so they will die.  Do not waste energy killing them, for thus you continue your battle and struggle and your ego will win.  Let the seeds of love, greatness, compassion, clarity, discretion, willingness, trust, and growth, fall on the fertile ground in your heart.  Ask my help in remembering to nurture or water them.  Practice mindfulness and willingness and remember to laugh.  Laughter helps you to see that much of life is a cosmic joke, for I do not take you as seriously as you take yourself.  I have grander plans for you so be discerning about these seeds of thought, do not tend ones that serve you not.
Choose friends wisely as relationships are a sacred trust and your perception of your worthiness will determine the quality of your unions.  Look within to find your unique inner male, outwardly manifest your kind and non-critical male energy and through the laws of magnetic attraction this male will appear in person.  Exercise your heart by jumping, dancing, moving and being joyful. Use your innate wisdom daily and use it wisely.  You need not feel alone, merely start one step at a time. Your trust and faith in each step of this is required. This process will come  together as YOU COME together.


Channeling # 115

JRH asks: Why have all these things been happening to me in the last few years?
     My child, things do not happen TO you, things just happen. It is human nature to take things personally, for when I gave you the gift of freedom of choice I gave you the freedom to choose to look at things differently. I find that human beings believe that I made them in my own image. Perhaps this creates a place of security for you to believe this, to believe that we look alike. But this is not what is seems. Because I am everywhere, I have no image, I have no appearance, I just am. I am love, divine light, benevolence, compassion, creation and peace and we are only alike in these ways - the spiritual ways for this is how I made you. But in giving you the gift of a consciousness of self, I gave you the ability to choose to let this divine light take charge of your life and move it easily along the path we have chosen. But often you choose to listen to the frightened human mind which says that you are alone, must defend yourself against others, that when bad things happen, I must not be remembering you.
    Nothing could be further from the truth as when it comes to you, nothing could be closer to my heart. But in making you human, I made you to survive in a physical world that presents challenges to you and defines laws that you are subject to. In the random laws of cellular biology, I cannot prevent you from getting sick, but if your time has not yet come, I can send a miracle to keep you alive in order to do the work for which I sent you. I do not kill people, I create people – only man kills people. Yet nothing can kill the human heart more quickly than one who believes that bad things are a personal attack, that it means I am no longer with them, that they are unworthy, guilty, shamed or singled out. This is simply not true and I wish that you could see this.
    What of the person who curses the heavy traffic and arrives at their destination late, but they cannot see that had they arrived at the earlier time they may have been killed or injured in an accident that would have taken place? How often is your hindsight 20/20? You push and struggle for something you have your heart set on, but in your limited awareness in the moment, you cannot see that if you would only relax, wait and trust, that I have something far better for you just around the corner. Yet still you do not trust in my love for you. You seek to run your life from the human mind and not your God mind. You choose the lessons that you would have in your life and what you would or would not learn from them. I cannot change this for I did not create your suffering – I have never created your suffering. The only part of you that is actually real is your spirit, the God force within you. There is nothing that can touch, harm, attack or even kill this, for it lives on. Only the body dies, and only the body suffers. Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your BODY is the real you, for it is not. Without your spirit driving it, your body is nothing, not even alive – simply carbon, dust.
    When a bad thing happens to an animal, or it is injured it does not curse or get angry for it does not judge that the injury is personal. It does the healing to the best of its ability and carries on regardless. When a baby tries to walk and it keeps falling, it does not say, “What is wrong with me, why am I not able to walk, this is too difficult, I quit!” For it does not make any judgement about what is happening, and does not believe that I have abandoned it, the baby simply keeps trying until it gets the desired result. So I would ask you, what is the result you desire? Simply focus on that. If you seek healing for your body, again remember that the ills of the body need not dictate that your mind be ill or perceive attack from others or lack of love from me. Healing is a belief of the mind, the will to move on and the awareness to seek the necessary help and foods to give the physical body what it needs to be strong, for it is a vessel. Your body carries the precious cargo, your soul and thus it will need the proper fuel to move it. Every engine needs the proper fuel, you would not trust your life to an airplane that was run on tractor fuel, neither should you trust your vehicle to run on the wrong fuel. Do not judge or be angry at your body but love it where it is at, and practise gratitude. For if you judge it, the intelligence in your cells will perceive that YOU are the enemy attacking it for you choose to believe that life is attacking you – thus you would be mistaken.
    I will say again that the finest steel is forged in the hottest fire and the refining fire for you is pain, for that is the only thing that will truly get your attention to take a look at what you are not giving yourself. Can you look in a mirror into your eyes and see me within, and say to that mirror image, “Truly I love you?” And if you do not do this with your brothers and sisters, then neither are you loving yourself, for it all starts within. When others show up and appear to attack you, see that they are the gurus and teachers that I have sent to show you where you are still judging and attacking yourself; to show you where you have yet to heal. For truly man only seems to pay attention to that which he sees outside of himself, so the enemy appears as your brother’s face, but it is not, it is your own.
So contemplate these things that seem to happen to you and look for a pattern in your life. Look for the ways that you have come to believe that bad things always happen, for if this is true then you will attract them to you. I did not place you on your planet to experience pain and anger - I did not make these things. These things do not exist in heaven they only exist on your plane, because YOU made them. You cannot ask me to take away your sadness or fear or misery, because I did not make these things. These things do not exist in Heaven where I live, but if you bring me close, then you can bring Heaven to you. Only what I created within you is real, so ask me by saying, “Please God, help me to see that my life can be joyful, help me to see that I am not being attacked or singled out, help me to see that I am a beautiful spirit and that you created me for a reason, a purpose that no one else can fulfill.”
   So seek to find that purpose in the knowledge that when I made you, I did not make a mistake, but I made perfection. Remember that each time you look in the mirror, truly remember no matter how awkward or ashamed you feel. Ask me to show you my purpose for you, ask me to help you see that your pain is not real and that nothing can harm the real you.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Channeling #11


Talk to me about deeper understanding.


There is much to understand about this, and you must willingly wish to complete your tasks. Often you will be the place of ‘no pain’, the refuge of ‘non judgement’, and the wellspring of compassion for those who come. You must move beyond human logic, for it is illusionary, illogical and the sanctuary of the ego. These small miracles you perform are what I prepared you for. I understand that you have paid a high price for your ability to do this, only wait and you will see how this was necessary. Create for yourself a more grounded balance, as the greatest threats are internal while the external ones and your fears about them only serve to become addictions. These addictions offer no rewards as they cause weakness and bad feelings. Please remember that in your life, there is everything to feel good about.

My wish for you is that you feel powerful and in charge of your temple, as it is my conduit. When electrical wiring is compressed, it does not conduct to its full capacity – so much you be calm and peaceful to be of the greatest use for my purpose. Polish your roughness, replace frayed emotions and ease suffering for your time has come, and the time for foolishness is past. You need help in understanding the truth about humility for you were previously humiliated in your youth.

While this was painful for you, its purpose was to teach you to be humble. For when a healer’s ability becomes known, it becomes a breeding ground for arrogance and false pride. This was a test. Do not allow your ego to suggest feelings of superiority, for when that voice is heard, you have forgotten the perfection of mine. No external sources need provide reminders of your perfection for I have already set them within you. If you forget, know that I will remind you. Thoughts of “good enough or better than”, have no place in your life unless you want your ego to take control.

Your life will be a vehicle through which demonstrations of gifts and willingness will emanate. Drive it with precision while maintaining humility. The willingness to obey and demonstrate greatness is your ally and when you master this you will naturally be standing in the light of great favour. This favour is the gift I seek to bestow on all of my children to seek to know of my plans for them.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Channeling #10
Gayle feels as though she is stuck on the fence. What path should she follow? What is her current mission?
You are fulfilling the objective to teach. As you unable to view yourself through the eyes of those you’ve helped you assume you are doing nothing. It feels like sitting on the fence to you, but much can be done from that place. You may rest from what is behind while reflecting and gazing at what lies ahead. So pause. Do not straddle a fence like a horse, for a horse needs guidance and direction while the fence is a marker of one life pasture ending and the commencement of another. It serves to keep things protected and designated and acts as a marker around the perimeter of something which brings forth special purpose. You are like this fence for you offer guidance illuminating a dimensional pathway between two worlds. It surrounds that which is of value and chosen for special purposes.
A king sits on the throne and I sit on the altar; a designated position where one can be found. Although we are all one, the special ones must be approached reverently. Your position is to do just what you are judging - sitting on the fence of which you form a portal. You needn’t move as those in the fields will approach you for guidance, knowing they will be kept safe and in their rightful place. When their time is ready, you show them the gate by way of stories and myths. Yours is the direction of pause and stillness, the most vast and valuable of all; for it is the location of inner sanctuary, where only Holy ones abide. How could the seekers become enlightened and clarified with visions of heaven, if you were not the still one that could always been found? Yours is not the direction of movement but the guiding light that is always there, marking the exit from an old realm into vast potentials of the next. I will come - do not fear. Unpack slowly and carefully by lifting your fragile vessel from its crate so that others may see when walking along the fence. There are many seeking their path through to the next pasture, searching for new fertile soil.
You are the Oracle, the Observer. The pilgrimage has already begun, so trust and know your path will unfold. Those who are meant to see you will recognize your signpost. You are in the right place. Staying on the fence ensures you do not fall and break.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Channeling # 114

MF asks: My life has always been a constant struggle, would I be better on my own?
Rest my child. For only when you learn to be completely at peace with the way things are right now and accept them, will your struggle end.
Consider the person who struggles against the current to get to the shore in their small boat. The shore seems safe because it is familiar, so he strives to get there, only so he can struggle more in carrying everything over the rocks to take the long difficult road home. Yet if he had trusted, stayed in the boat and let the water simply carry him downstream, he would arrive with everything he needed, no carrying, no struggle, the direct route, in far less time. Man has come to believe that good things must come with a struggle. Who has told you this; only those who have forgotten that I give you life to enjoy, not to suffer. You may ask, “But what about the bad things that happen?” They are the crossroads in your life where you make the decision to suffer or not, by the way you choose to view these events. Often those around you who appear to be the most difficult to deal with, are reflecting back to you – how hard you are on yourself. Why would someone who always wanted things THEIR way bother you, unless you always wanted for things to be YOUR way? Therefore who has the issue with control, your brother? Actually – no. For in judging your brother or your life to be lacking, it is your frightened mind that has the issue. Your difficulties are NEVER outside of you, but inside of you when you forget the enormous potential that I created you with. It is right there, at your core. But you cover it with doubts, misperceptions, fears, judgements, stories, illusions and envy and suddenly one day, cry out that I have left you. But I have not, and never have. Simply you have covered your own light until it grows too dim to find in the darkness you have created for yourself.
Is it better to be alone? You are never alone. The face of your brother is a mirrored image of your own face. Look carefully. Does he seem unloving? Look again for if you would judge him to be unloving, then so must you be unloving. Understand this about yourself, for even though you were created perfect by me, your behaviour was not. Your behaviour is your own free will, but deep within I created a consciousness that would tell you what is right and good in this world. When you forget to see my face, I show you a reflection in your brother’s face. If this is not attractive to you, then be willing see that your own behaviour is what is unattractive. For in seeing that your brother’s love within, will show you your love within. For remembering how your brother truly is, you will remember who you are. Suddenly your life will not be the struggle that you believe it must be. For who taught you that? Even if there is hardship in life, it need not be judged as difficult. Does the lion judge and complain to me that his meal is not served to him on a plate? Or does he accept the moment and run fast to catch his prey as his instincts instruct him to. He does not question this, he just does.
I ask that you not question my purpose for you or judge it to be a struggle. Your struggle is that you do not accept your life as it is now. In acceptance will your life seem better and when this happens you will create a better life; but only because your perception of your life - has changed. For the only thing that can truly change, is your mind.
I send your brothers/family/friends to reflect to you what is going on within you. Watch them closely. For without them how will you know if you are smiling or frowning? Who will tell you? If you are stuck in your box and the directions for escape are written on the outside of your box, how will you read them? Your brother is the one who will help you to do this. And when you lose faith or strength, then I will lift you up. Pray for me to show you that your life is not a struggle, but it is a life, something precious and valuable. So how are you valuing it - by only seeing the negative so making your life negative?
I would ask you to find a quiet time to drop to your knees and bow your head, feel the light of me within you, the light that created you and keeps you going. In this light there is nothing that is wrong except wrongful thinking. Life is only a struggle when you resist what is, instead of practising gratitude for what is. When you bow your head, remember this – be truly grateful for being alive. Be grateful that I created you here for a reason and when you forget – ask me and I will remind you. Be grateful for being you. I do not make mistakes. You are not a mistake, nor is anything in your life. Remember that you chose this life before birth, but forgot. Now the hard things seem personal, but they are not, they just are. It is no measure of you, it simply is.
Will you remember who you are, will you take a moment to feel the angels that I set around you to make sure that you are safe? They never leave you, but your thoughts leave them. You would not be better to be alone, you would just be better – to be.
Know that I love you, and be thankful for this everyday. Change your mind about your life and you will have the life you seek.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Channeling #113

JH asks: Why have I had mental illness, violence and sexual abuse in my life, and especially why was I sexually molested by my mother as a baby and young girl until I was taken away from her?

God: This is a question that no one should ever have to ask. I gifted living beings the honour of a free will – but they did not respect it. Mankind wants freedom to do as he/she wills, demanding that I give him power to overcome weakness, but he will not trust that I made him strong. So he steals power from others.
You were raised to be nice to others, yet others were not always nice to you. So what does nice or normal even mean? My greatest gift to man is the gift of life. It is his choice what to do with that life. Souls with lower level incarnations do not perceive that their hardships are vital lessons to teach them something; compassion, strength, respect, faith, strong will. They resent their perceived hardship and in anger, make someone else pay for what was done to them.
But how accurate is the mind’s picture of the long ago past? Does it remember the truth, or what it believes is the truth? Others around them will project their own issues and fears onto the situation, according to their own perception. It is a heartbreaking experience to NOT be protected by your own mother. Yet she is still only the physical vessel from which I gave you life. And if for some reason you needed to be raised by someone else, then a strong situation must happen to force you onto a safer path. And is not mental illness only the way the traumatized mind seeks to resolve what has happened around it? Therefore is it an illness, or merely a coping mechanism to handle hardship in a way that does not further damage the delicate mind? Be kind to yourself in this regard, you were not ill, you were seeking a way through that would allow you to survive and make sense of the senseless.
You all seek to understand WHY something bad has happened to you. You believe that if you can understand it, then you can accept it and let it go. But I say to you, the greatest act of faith is just to let it go. How can there truly be an answer as to why a mother would abuse her own child? Only a mother who was so confused by her own past pain could project it outward and act it out on her own child. It may have been the only thing that allowed her to keep the slightest grip on her sanity. This acting out is often the only way a mind can make peace with what happened. But for the child to ask why this happened is like the sand on the beach asking why the waves pound upon it time after time after time; it’s simply because they do. Wherever there is power, it will be abused. Wherever there is empowerment, it will create miracles.
People ask why do I not take their suffering from them? They cannot understand that since I did not create suffering that I cannot take it from them. Mankind is the author of the suffering on your planet for suffering does not exist in heaven. Once I give you the gift of life I will listen to your prayers to help you see things in another way, to see that your life itself is the gift yet it may not look the way you’d imagined it would. When another appears to abuse you, they are acting out their suffering on you, but still they are not trying to hurt you, they are in their own private hell and project their face onto yours. And even if they physically hurt your body, they do not hurt you, for nothing can hurt the depth and strength of the soul that I breathed life into for you.
Yet only understand the enormous gift of compassion, kindness, humility, integrity, respect that you would learn from a life of having to instil these qualities in yourself. How much stronger is the one who builds strength from the inside and does not need external approval? How much more love do they have to give, because they know all too well how it feels to do without it?
What I hope for you is to not spend a lifetime in a negative state that needn’t have held any power over you. The true question is not why? – (why did this happen?) but how? – (how do I get past this?).
There is an urge that will motivate one to commit an act – a reason behind the behaviour that others won’t understand. Yet there is never an explanation that will adequately explain why to the receiver. If you continue to keep your eyes upon me, focus on spirit and light, you will see that your physical body is not real, what seems to happen to you only happens to it. For without your soul to drive it, your body is nothing. The light of your soul is real, therefore know that nothing can touch you - not even death. Pray that I will help you to see that your body is not real, only your mind’s perception of it. Pray that I will help you to see that what happened to your body is not real, only your mind’s perception of it. For the finest steel is forged in the hottest fire, and the hottest fire for you, is pain. It refines you and makes you stainless. Be proud of who you are, and what you have risen from, but be not that. Be spirit.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Channeling #8

Lisa wishes to know whether she will be happy with the outcome of her situation.
When one is completely in the present, outcomes or situations do not exist.
Too often, you ask, “Will I be happy when …. or will I be happy if???” when in truth happiness is only achieved, if it is the goal that you seek. And this must be the goal on the level of our conscious and our unconscious mind.
Happy people tend to be able to maintain their happiness in most situations, as joy is not contingent on external needs but bubbles forth from an inner wellspring of divine grace. I am always willing to give you this in endless supply, but you forget that. You perceive that your source runs dry because you continually grasp hold of the “No Faith” faucet and seek to find what you need by turning that on instead. The life of “No Faith” is one that the ego loves, as it is an image-driven illusion that must have an external event on which to attach its emotional state.
Know that these situations are self-created and serve only to keep you from focusing your energy on the truth, for once distracted you cannot make the correct choice. You will choose according to the will to avoid pain, and choose from a fear-based place. You must remember to focus on enhancing your soul to enable it to spring forth from the well of experience. Enriching your inner world will change your outer world. Your beliefs fuel your thoughts, and your thoughts drive your body. Which thoughts drive your body now?
By needing to know what will happen next, you show a lack of trust in my love and the knowledge that I am the author of every situation. If a situation seems to become undesirable, your change of heart will cause the situation to change. Should the new situation also prove undesirable, keep making further changes until the desired result has been achieved. Remember your state of mind, is your situation.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I've Met You in Another Time

Channeling #7
God, I believe my friend Gayle is a past life connection? Who was she?
Gayle was your maternal grandmother from an ancient time in another dimension and is from a lineage of Light Workers. To establish a location here on your planet, you would speak of this place as Atlantis. In those times lasers could be used to restore normal photonic light communication in cancer cells, thus bringing them back into the fold, without destruction of any cells. Life could be restored to dying cells. Gayle was such a surgeon and your teacher. She taught you well as witnessed by your rise to the high position of Light Surgeon working with blue lasers. Your kind functioned at a higher level, because your laser research allowed you to switch on all 12 strands of their DNA.
The darker forces of this time feared your ability to elevate vibrations of your kind beyond normal capabilities. They sought to control the light as they do now, I will call them
“The Overcomers.” You were perceived as a threat, since the enemy sought to rule over your race. Your people were invaded and you were captured; forced to perform DNA enhancement on their ruler. Successful completion of this experiment showed that their kind could be brought to greater levels of power and thus you became their slave. You were forbidden to help or perform surgery on your own kind and ordered to perform DNA enhancement on their peoples of the high positions. You rebelled against this and you became a thorn in their side, threatening their plans to control your people. They would not kill you as you were the only one who could perform this surgery. When you were imprisoned in your own laboratory you began covertly sabotaging your equipment.
Gayle plotted your escape but a rebel within your own people, the one who cannot be named or trusted, exposed this in order to gain favour. You set your fiery crystal laser with brilliant light laced with pink and blue streams of consciousness, on a destruct sequence and used it against yourself in the ultimate sacrifice.
As no one can turn the light of God against itself, so began a chain reaction whose vibrations engulfed all betrayers and inhibitors. All untrustworthy ones were destroyed and you were transported to a parallel dimension so your body was never found.
Your grandmother grieved deeply for your loss, believing she was the cause of your destruction but in this lifetime is now able to see you again. Light Weaver teachings ceased upon her demise and this information was deposited into Akashic Records under your name. We have opened the book containing these teachings allowing them to filter through you. This is why you are able to realign human connective tissue and release trauma in ways that are not normally familiar.
You have been re-instated in order to use your healing ability for others, the past journey is done and it is time for you to move on.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Channeling #6
What is my message for tomorrow, and thank you for speaking?
Ministering, like any form of ministration is not to be practised or taken lightly. It must be administered prayerfully and respectfully with other’s needs in mind as too often help is applied where not requested. Who are you to determine another’s needs, for is that not my decision? Putting your own self-interests aside, while adopting a humble and prayerful approach, will bring forth miracles and great rewards. Seek not self-recognition or accolades from others, but seek my recognition only. If all people obeyed this principle, healing would be an easier thing to find in your world.
Seek out my presence diligently and urgently until it is closer to your mind’s eye than your own thoughts. Learn to recognize me in many things and miracles and watch for angels among those who are around you. I am guarding and refining you in every moment and because you represent me, please conduct yourself respectfully and with true humble understanding.

Call back your soul from any of the places where it does not belong. When you feel weak, ask me to call it back for you, but understand that I cannot do this unless you ask for my help. Your soul will always willingly answer my call, for your soul is an extension of mine and knows its maker’s voice. I am the architect of light, of love, life and life eternal. It is time to step into this new dimension for now readiness and recognition are at hand. Your true home is like a hall of faceted crystal and the Most High are calling their lost child back.