Channeling # 115
JRH asks: Why have all these things been happening to me in the last few years?
My child, things do not happen TO you, things just happen. It is human nature to take things personally, for when I gave you the gift of freedom of choice I gave you the freedom to choose to look at things differently. I find that human beings believe that I made them in my own image. Perhaps this creates a place of security for you to believe this, to believe that we look alike. But this is not what is seems. Because I am everywhere, I have no image, I have no appearance, I just am. I am love, divine light, benevolence, compassion, creation and peace and we are only alike in these ways - the spiritual ways for this is how I made you. But in giving you the gift of a consciousness of self, I gave you the ability to choose to let this divine light take charge of your life and move it easily along the path we have chosen. But often you choose to listen to the frightened human mind which says that you are alone, must defend yourself against others, that when bad things happen, I must not be remembering you.
Nothing could be further from the truth as when it comes to you, nothing could be closer to my heart. But in making you human, I made you to survive in a physical world that presents challenges to you and defines laws that you are subject to. In the random laws of cellular biology, I cannot prevent you from getting sick, but if your time has not yet come, I can send a miracle to keep you alive in order to do the work for which I sent you. I do not kill people, I create people – only man kills people. Yet nothing can kill the human heart more quickly than one who believes that bad things are a personal attack, that it means I am no longer with them, that they are unworthy, guilty, shamed or singled out. This is simply not true and I wish that you could see this.
What of the person who curses the heavy traffic and arrives at their destination late, but they cannot see that had they arrived at the earlier time they may have been killed or injured in an accident that would have taken place? How often is your hindsight 20/20? You push and struggle for something you have your heart set on, but in your limited awareness in the moment, you cannot see that if you would only relax, wait and trust, that I have something far better for you just around the corner. Yet still you do not trust in my love for you. You seek to run your life from the human mind and not your God mind. You choose the lessons that you would have in your life and what you would or would not learn from them. I cannot change this for I did not create your suffering – I have never created your suffering. The only part of you that is actually real is your spirit, the God force within you. There is nothing that can touch, harm, attack or even kill this, for it lives on. Only the body dies, and only the body suffers. Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your BODY is the real you, for it is not. Without your spirit driving it, your body is nothing, not even alive – simply carbon, dust.
When a bad thing happens to an animal, or it is injured it does not curse or get angry for it does not judge that the injury is personal. It does the healing to the best of its ability and carries on regardless. When a baby tries to walk and it keeps falling, it does not say, “What is wrong with me, why am I not able to walk, this is too difficult, I quit!” For it does not make any judgement about what is happening, and does not believe that I have abandoned it, the baby simply keeps trying until it gets the desired result. So I would ask you, what is the result you desire? Simply focus on that. If you seek healing for your body, again remember that the ills of the body need not dictate that your mind be ill or perceive attack from others or lack of love from me. Healing is a belief of the mind, the will to move on and the awareness to seek the necessary help and foods to give the physical body what it needs to be strong, for it is a vessel. Your body carries the precious cargo, your soul and thus it will need the proper fuel to move it. Every engine needs the proper fuel, you would not trust your life to an airplane that was run on tractor fuel, neither should you trust your vehicle to run on the wrong fuel. Do not judge or be angry at your body but love it where it is at, and practise gratitude. For if you judge it, the intelligence in your cells will perceive that YOU are the enemy attacking it for you choose to believe that life is attacking you – thus you would be mistaken.
I will say again that the finest steel is forged in the hottest fire and the refining fire for you is pain, for that is the only thing that will truly get your attention to take a look at what you are not giving yourself. Can you look in a mirror into your eyes and see me within, and say to that mirror image, “Truly I love you?” And if you do not do this with your brothers and sisters, then neither are you loving yourself, for it all starts within. When others show up and appear to attack you, see that they are the gurus and teachers that I have sent to show you where you are still judging and attacking yourself; to show you where you have yet to heal. For truly man only seems to pay attention to that which he sees outside of himself, so the enemy appears as your brother’s face, but it is not, it is your own.
So contemplate these things that seem to happen to you and look for a pattern in your life. Look for the ways that you have come to believe that bad things always happen, for if this is true then you will attract them to you. I did not place you on your planet to experience pain and anger - I did not make these things. These things do not exist in heaven they only exist on your plane, because YOU made them. You cannot ask me to take away your sadness or fear or misery, because I did not make these things. These things do not exist in Heaven where I live, but if you bring me close, then you can bring Heaven to you. Only what I created within you is real, so ask me by saying, “Please God, help me to see that my life can be joyful, help me to see that I am not being attacked or singled out, help me to see that I am a beautiful spirit and that you created me for a reason, a purpose that no one else can fulfill.”
So seek to find that purpose in the knowledge that when I made you, I did not make a mistake, but I made perfection. Remember that each time you look in the mirror, truly remember no matter how awkward or ashamed you feel. Ask me to show you my purpose for you, ask me to help you see that your pain is not real and that nothing can harm the real you.