Channeling # 114
MF asks: My life has always been a constant struggle, would I be better on my own?
Rest my child. For only when you learn to be completely at peace with the way things are right now and accept them, will your struggle end.
Consider the person who struggles against the current to get to the shore in their small boat. The shore seems safe because it is familiar, so he strives to get there, only so he can struggle more in carrying everything over the rocks to take the long difficult road home. Yet if he had trusted, stayed in the boat and let the water simply carry him downstream, he would arrive with everything he needed, no carrying, no struggle, the direct route, in far less time. Man has come to believe that good things must come with a struggle. Who has told you this; only those who have forgotten that I give you life to enjoy, not to suffer. You may ask, “But what about the bad things that happen?” They are the crossroads in your life where you make the decision to suffer or not, by the way you choose to view these events. Often those around you who appear to be the most difficult to deal with, are reflecting back to you – how hard you are on yourself. Why would someone who always wanted things THEIR way bother you, unless you always wanted for things to be YOUR way? Therefore who has the issue with control, your brother? Actually – no. For in judging your brother or your life to be lacking, it is your frightened mind that has the issue. Your difficulties are NEVER outside of you, but inside of you when you forget the enormous potential that I created you with. It is right there, at your core. But you cover it with doubts, misperceptions, fears, judgements, stories, illusions and envy and suddenly one day, cry out that I have left you. But I have not, and never have. Simply you have covered your own light until it grows too dim to find in the darkness you have created for yourself.
Is it better to be alone? You are never alone. The face of your brother is a mirrored image of your own face. Look carefully. Does he seem unloving? Look again for if you would judge him to be unloving, then so must you be unloving. Understand this about yourself, for even though you were created perfect by me, your behaviour was not. Your behaviour is your own free will, but deep within I created a consciousness that would tell you what is right and good in this world. When you forget to see my face, I show you a reflection in your brother’s face. If this is not attractive to you, then be willing see that your own behaviour is what is unattractive. For in seeing that your brother’s love within, will show you your love within. For remembering how your brother truly is, you will remember who you are. Suddenly your life will not be the struggle that you believe it must be. For who taught you that? Even if there is hardship in life, it need not be judged as difficult. Does the lion judge and complain to me that his meal is not served to him on a plate? Or does he accept the moment and run fast to catch his prey as his instincts instruct him to. He does not question this, he just does.
I ask that you not question my purpose for you or judge it to be a struggle. Your struggle is that you do not accept your life as it is now. In acceptance will your life seem better and when this happens you will create a better life; but only because your perception of your life - has changed. For the only thing that can truly change, is your mind.
I send your brothers/family/friends to reflect to you what is going on within you. Watch them closely. For without them how will you know if you are smiling or frowning? Who will tell you? If you are stuck in your box and the directions for escape are written on the outside of your box, how will you read them? Your brother is the one who will help you to do this. And when you lose faith or strength, then I will lift you up. Pray for me to show you that your life is not a struggle, but it is a life, something precious and valuable. So how are you valuing it - by only seeing the negative so making your life negative?
I would ask you to find a quiet time to drop to your knees and bow your head, feel the light of me within you, the light that created you and keeps you going. In this light there is nothing that is wrong except wrongful thinking. Life is only a struggle when you resist what is, instead of practising gratitude for what is. When you bow your head, remember this – be truly grateful for being alive. Be grateful that I created you here for a reason and when you forget – ask me and I will remind you. Be grateful for being you. I do not make mistakes. You are not a mistake, nor is anything in your life. Remember that you chose this life before birth, but forgot. Now the hard things seem personal, but they are not, they just are. It is no measure of you, it simply is.
Will you remember who you are, will you take a moment to feel the angels that I set around you to make sure that you are safe? They never leave you, but your thoughts leave them. You would not be better to be alone, you would just be better – to be.
Know that I love you, and be thankful for this everyday. Change your mind about your life and you will have the life you seek.
1 comment:
WOW! I am speechless, it is not how I was thinking at all but every word is the truth! Thank you so much for making things clearer for me within my life! I am truly grateful! I will continue to pray for this and leave it in gods hands! Thanks again Amhara!
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