Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Channeling #13
My core feels very shaky, what is happening?
Your core is a very deep place that I have created within all mankind and like your planet, it must be kept stable.  When we try to slow down joyful moments and speed up uncomfortable ones, our core is blocked from moving to its own rhythm, the rhythm of life.  Emotions cannot move, toxins cannot dissipate and walls cannot crumble without constant core movement. Imagine the catastrophic disasters that would happen should the core of the earth cease to move, the entire magnetic field would shift, weather patterns would change and the water and air currents would re-route themselves. So the same disasters happen within the human body as it is merely a miniature of the planet. All systems are replicas of each other. The earth is a smaller replica of the Galaxy, man is a smaller replica of this and each cell in your body is a smaller replica again; macrocosm – microcosm, yet they are the same.
Your liver powers your core energy movement and its emotional energy must be harnessed for it dictates the body’s energetic response to change, anger and frustration. The mind creates the emotional responses in the body so if you wish to balance your energy and calm your liver, then change your mind. This cooling action allows for this furnace to be regulated at a normal pace, it will not create soot, explosions or implosions. 
Your spleen minds the liver’s fiery temple calming its active judgement and smoothing the flow of the blood and your energy through the body.  It soothes the gall bladder’s righteous indignation, reminding it that the true driving force of our life is a passion born of love and forgiveness, not judgement and blame. You are not a victim of your circumstances. You are their creator whether you wish to believe this or not and you are the watcher of your circumstances.
So be in love today, remembering you are glorious and strong and your feelings in this moment, are actually a choice of your mind. You are capable of thinking and responding through your heart chakra and decisions and responses made through here will never be made through the ego, for thus will you bypass it’s craziness. Remind yourself gently of this truth and then lovingly watch as you cease to make turmoil real.

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