Channeling #7
God, I believe my friend Gayle is a past life connection? Who was she?
Gayle was your maternal grandmother from an ancient time in another dimension and is from a lineage of Light Workers. To establish a location here on your planet, you would speak of this place as Atlantis. In those times lasers could be used to restore normal photonic light communication in cancer cells, thus bringing them back into the fold, without destruction of any cells. Life could be restored to dying cells. Gayle was such a surgeon and your teacher. She taught you well as witnessed by your rise to the high position of Light Surgeon working with blue lasers. Your kind functioned at a higher level, because your laser research allowed you to switch on all 12 strands of their DNA.
The darker forces of this time feared your ability to elevate vibrations of your kind beyond normal capabilities. They sought to control the light as they do now, I will call them
“The Overcomers.” You were perceived as a threat, since the enemy sought to rule over your race. Your people were invaded and you were captured; forced to perform DNA enhancement on their ruler. Successful completion of this experiment showed that their kind could be brought to greater levels of power and thus you became their slave. You were forbidden to help or perform surgery on your own kind and ordered to perform DNA enhancement on their peoples of the high positions. You rebelled against this and you became a thorn in their side, threatening their plans to control your people. They would not kill you as you were the only one who could perform this surgery. When you were imprisoned in your own laboratory you began covertly sabotaging your equipment.
Gayle plotted your escape but a rebel within your own people, the one who cannot be named or trusted, exposed this in order to gain favour. You set your fiery crystal laser with brilliant light laced with pink and blue streams of consciousness, on a destruct sequence and used it against yourself in the ultimate sacrifice.
As no one can turn the light of God against itself, so began a chain reaction whose vibrations engulfed all betrayers and inhibitors. All untrustworthy ones were destroyed and you were transported to a parallel dimension so your body was never found.
Your grandmother grieved deeply for your loss, believing she was the cause of your destruction but in this lifetime is now able to see you again. Light Weaver teachings ceased upon her demise and this information was deposited into Akashic Records under your name. We have opened the book containing these teachings allowing them to filter through you. This is why you are able to realign human connective tissue and release trauma in ways that are not normally familiar.
You have been re-instated in order to use your healing ability for others, the past journey is done and it is time for you to move on.
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