Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Channeling #20
My client was desperate to heal – Yet I noticed that the greater part of her was somewhere else.  She is afraid to die, but also afraid to live.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Fear is a construct of ego mind. It does not exist in heaven. The ego is the jaws of living death, which most people spend their lives in.  You desire to truly live but are too afraid to take the leap of faith required.  To move past this crippling illusion, shouting into the void is required.  Shouting commands your spirit to return from fearful, ego, judgment, and wounded places. This is illustrated by my son, the Christ, driving the “con men” from the temple.  Now it is time to arise and take a stand for what provides sustenance; not your ego or the frightened child, but a passionate place of the wounded warrior crying, “This will not happen again, I will not allow it!” For I will tell you – you need not make demands of me, for I freely give, but you must make demands of your spirit, by demanding it return from the futile places it has been playing in.
So it is not enough to call, as your spirit must be summoned.  Calls simply go out, but summons are calls commanding responses.  Obedience is a soul’s key word, without which it would wander off to places that destroy, weaken, and seduce you.  When your soul tarries too long in these illusionary places, you are left in a weakened state and an alternate reality.
You cry out for energy and light all the while forgetting you are light.  You must stop rummaging through your old hope chest; looking in old crevices of lost dreams, disillusionment, and pervading future hopes that you have insufficient power to create because of past energy drains.  You need only stand centred in your universe and command your spirit’s return.  Know that my answer is there for all of your ego’s exhausting, useless and distracting questions. For when YOU struggle to solve or listen to them, they waste your time and energy.  The ego has designed them for precisely this purpose, to keep you from healing. My answer for ALL of these questions? The circumstances that created them, are not real, but only your distorted images projected outward.  Do not feel lost concerning where your soul has been; for as an obedient servant recognizes his master’s voice and comes, your soul need only hear my voice to return.  This must be obeyed, for you can never truly know life, if part of your soul is missing.
Do not tarry in calling back what is missing. Be not afraid but joyful, for you are the centre of my universe.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Channeling #19
Amahra: What is my new gift emerging?
I am your new gift emerging.  For deep in the stillness of being I supply all the answers required.  I am the answer, the light.  Be patient and channel, be humble and ask, and be obedient and write.  Stay in the stillness of your “Library of Learning and Resource” to further your inner peace.  Dial up the connection and keep it open.  Be opening to receiving prayerful thoughts through all your waking moments.  This is of great benefit as it constantly reminds you of the gifts of God; trust, knowledge, love and compassion.  It is this place and state of being - that you must hold for others.
You are a keeper of my sacred space and a place of mercy that people are yearning for.  You need do nothing.  Hold my energy here and people will be grateful.  Be a magical place and heal insecurities in those who come.  I am always watching.  The long and lonely journey has come to an end.  Relax, be a friend, real, soft and not afraid for you have never been alone.  I have not left you for even one moment, even when you left me.  I was closest during difficult times, but you felt too undeserving to notice or allow for so much love.  Do not judge your ability with this writing these Letters from God, for then you will judge my ability, and it is all-knowing.  This is the time to experience all knowing and complete faith, faith in something with the power to heal and forgive. Love, as a vibration, is many interesting things and even without support, stands on its own. Love is supported by endurance, faith and commitment, with the allies of mercy, peace and innocence.
Love is a living thing that must be weeded, watered and cherished. Then it’s to be given away.  It flows back many times over as in the parable of the loaves and fishes. You demonstrate limitlessness when you give love away. Fear not, for I will reward you many times over.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Channeling #18
Audrey would like a meaningful relationship, how can this be accomplished?
Relationship is a vehicle utilized to pass through an inner doorway into vast realms of male, female and God self.  Many layers must be penetrated to find the hidden relationship that has long been forgotten by a wounded ego self.
Be in this place wholeheartedly with childlike innocence and non-judgment knowing our external world is but a mere reflection of our own, often cloudy inner landscape.  This place is now choked with weeds since so often, you loan your gardening tools to the ego.  A crown of thorns under which lies true self but no one including you has been allowed to approach without attack. Yet these hidden fields are ripe with the soft fruits of compassion and gentleness.
Partaking of this fruit provides the nectar of learning, taste its sweetness while discarding the rotten pulp of long past torment.  When the mind harbours thoughts of judgment it is judging itself and when an insecure ego makes another seem lesser you only put yourself down. Say hello to give joy only without anticipation of receiving anything in return.  Look but do not seek, (for this is born of need and will cast out a net).
Do not care about an outcome.  Simply practice creating joy and interesting conversations.  Be yourself and do not hide behind your resume and accomplishments.  Introduce only yourself, knowing that is sufficient.  Any ‘trying’ in this regard will send out signals under which are concealed a “hook of hope” that something will be gained in return.  Ego demands others be sought out to pull out your weeds and cut through thorns.  This task is yours alone.  Be yourself, expose your heart and let others feel joy from the inner child.  Your lonely needy child must be taught to enter the inner garden and trust you will help her love away weeds and soothe thorns.
Ask the inner male to be your guide.  Only when this knight is strong, gentle, and chivalrous can it provide safety.  Only then will he become the guide to lead you emotionally naked to a magical place where the relationship sought, can recognize its partner.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Channeling #17
A thought for the day?
The heart is an organ of compassion and is fed by The Holy Spirit.  Unfortunately its beauty is sabotaged through the dictates of your fearful ego-based mind that says, “If I love and do something for you – you must love and do something for me back, or I will feel slighted and punish you.”
In order for your heart to be nurtured it must be open, innocent and willing to receive. Sadly many of you have been conditioned that receiving = abuse or a price tag that just costs you too much of your self.  This is not the truth. Please recognize that receiving is not the same as getting.  Getting is a mild form of taking, as lurking behind its image is the hook of deservingness or a price that has to be paid. This can be in the form of a reward, for something that you have worked to get such as a car, clothing or jewellery. But it should not apply to those things that are priceless like Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness.  You deserve these good things simply because I made you worthy, not because someone owes them to you. The greatest way for you to receive is to align your energy with mine; the Creator of your universe, for then will all the wonders of the Universe be made available to you. Knowing this will cease your endless struggle to try and GET the things you seek, for you will simply see that you already have them, and only forgot where you put them.
Receive with the innocence and joy of non-expectation, maintain a sense of surprise and appreciation that someone is giving, not that you are getting something. Feel joy at the giving, not the gift, for the giving truly is the gift. For it demonstrates that another has been willing to open their heart to you and give of their precious time to you. Appreciate all great things knowing your value is a natural extension of them.  Be in a state of constant gratitude and appreciation.  Remember my law of Magnetic Attraction. Being in this state opens a doorway to the Universal Heart, which allows all good things to pour through and sustain your world.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Channeling #16
My world sometimes seems so difficult. Tell me about my world.
If you don’t like the world, you cannot change it, but you can change your mind’s perception of it. The magical result of this is that your world will then instantly change. Remember that the universe is resonant and pliable, and it responds to your expectation of it. Expect bad things and your universe will respond like a faithful dog and fetch you the rotten bone. Expect wonderful things, and this is what you will receive. You create the universe fresh in every instant, so take care to create the one that you want, and fill it with the people that you seek.
The release from the bondage of your fear-based ego mind can happen in that flicker of eternity between heaven and hell – called The Holy Instant. The Holy Instant is the pause button for your belief about your Life.  In that moment, deciding to hear something new can happen instantly through your realization that YOU are the one who keeps playing the old tape and that you can choose to play a new one.
Anyone can make this choice, however you have forgotten to exercise that option.  It keeps you stuck in the same program and forever wondering why each new piece of music you seek to play is reminiscent of old sad and plaintive experiences.  These songs always sound familiar as they are the only ones that your ego has stored in its repertoire, yet you are fooled because it keeps changing the song titles to make them seem like new ones. If you seek a new experience, then play a new song.  Many new tapes exist in my Library of Potential, waiting to be claimed.  They beckon, they carry your name but still you have not claimed them.
Change your frequency to a positive one so you attract New Potential. Your frequency distorted during your head injury, but had human frequencies been maintained, you would have died. Recalibration was necessary to save you but these new frequencies do not match the heaviness of this place.  No matter what others say, you are not of this place and struggle with it however; those struggles shall be rewarded.  Use my energy faithfully as the testing time draws to a close at 2012. You have a gift of releasing the heaviness in the tissue of others. Feel this in your heart and be inspired as you have beieved heaviness to be normal for too long. 

You must trust and respect my authority, and do not rebel against your own body. It is your Merkabah vehicle and while you are fascinated with this light vehicle, you continue disrespecting it.  Be strong now and desire health and happiness.  This is no reason why happiness and great comfort cannot be felt, so you may enjoy doing your great work.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Channelling #116

RM asks: What is the difference between trusting someone and being taken for granted?
    This is an excellent question and one that should be considered by all in relationship; however it is crucial that you understand that this issue must first begin in your relationship with yourself.
    The only real thing that you must trust in, is remembering that your soul, your true essence, comes from me and thus you are an extension of me. So know that you can trust my guidance in life, because we are ONE spiritual being.
    Truly trusting your life to me, as opposed to your frightened ego mind gives you great freedom when relating to others around you, especially intimately. The most important question you should be asking is “Where should I direct my trust?” And the only answer is, toward your God self; for if you do not trust yourself to look out for you on the very deepest levels, then you are incapable of trusting anyone else. If you truly trust our connection, then truly trust yourself and listen to your gut, to my inner voice of intuition and not your head, then it is much more difficult to choose the wrong person for you in the first place.
    Often at the start of a new relationship something nags you intuitively but your rational mind makes excuses for the object of your desire or friendship and says that there must be a reason for this unacceptable behaviour, I can help, I can change this. Often this inner voice is me talking to you, and how loudly do I have to scream at you for you to hear, that this is not the person I would choose for you? And because you do not trust me, you are suffering. It is actually impossible to truly trust another person for this only means that you trust them not to do what you do not want them to do, especially when you are apart. But no one can control what another does, thinks, feels or is driven by.
    When another’s behaviour hurts you, you discuss this. But it should not be a discussion of your not being able to trust them, but a discussion of your observation that they cannot trust themselves to uphold the promises made within the relationship. If this happens it is a learning opportunity to say, “I did not listen to my inner guide in choosing this person in my life and I will learn to not do this again.” This is about learning to forgive yourself for an inappropriate choice and then learning to trust yourself again. I have created in you something divine, yet your fearful ego mind would have you see yourself as unworthy of being treated as something precious. This is not about the other person, other than their showing you where you have yet to develop a deeper understanding of what honours you and what does not. It is also about them learning to trust themselves again to choose ‘correct and agreed upon behaviours’ within the relationship, if you still accept them in your life. The ego casts blame and judgement on another when they make a mistake that appears to hurt you, how dare they behave in a manner that you did not expect! But the heart forgives this and understands the human frailty – however, this does not mean that hurtful behaviour is to be continually tolerated, for it is not. But it is helpful to try to understand what triggered a situation, for everyone has shadows from their past. It is thus for your heart to be true to itself and realize that this situation is not your truth and that it does not work for you. It is your choice to walk away; forgiving the other but seeing that they are not what supports your path and not who I would choose for you in your life, because your love, trust, value of yourself and the principles that you live by, mean more to you than anyone or anything.
    This will also lay to rest the query about being taken for granted for only the ego mind puts a price tag on love and says, “When I do something loving for you, you must reciprocate appropriately or behave the way I wish you to or you are taking me for granted.” Do not misunderstand, this is not to say that poor treatment and inconsideration is to be tolerated for it is not. But it is really your anger at yourself for allowing such treatment that has caused your indignation. For this is projected on to another’s face with the words, “You took me for granted.” Again I would say that another cannot take you for granted, you can only take yourself for granted by allowing another to treat you poorly. What is really happening is that you are judging yourself harshly for not listening to my voice within you that first said NO, to this person being in your life.     
    Truly when you come from an unconditionally loving place you do not consider that you are being taken for granted, but you will simply notice from a place of inner strength, that this person is not the right fit for you, for the balance of give and take is unequal, thus you choose to move on.
    Freely giving is like a gardener who walks through the soil sowing seeds. The gardener must know what type of plant he wishes to grow and have and thus is carefully selective in choosing which seeds he holds in his hand. You are the gardener and your relationship is the plant, so choose your seeds carefully. So in relationship must you balance this love with discernment that another is simply not the one for you because the growing conditions are wrong, you need a moist environment to thrive in and they need a dry one, so they are not your partner. There are givers and there are takers and it is honouring and trusting of yourself to know the correct balance that works for you because you deserve the partner that helps you grow and thrive. It is your sacred trust to know whether you are a water lily, an orchid, a daisy, a sunflower or a cactus. Those who do not understand this often select a weed to have a relationship with and the result is being choked out of your natural environment, your comfort zone. Thus in relationship matters you must know yourself deeply, know how much you need to watered and then find the right pot in which to plant your seed of relationship. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The Key

Once upon a time there was a young boy who saw the world through different eyes and felt the world from a deeper place. The young boy felt separate from others, as they seemed to feel things in a less intense way than he. When he made eye contact, he made soul contact and therefore sought the gentleness of candlelight. When he cut himself, he bled from the soul, not just his skin. When harsh words came his way, they hit his heart, not just his ears.
When he turned 13, a beautiful woman with hair like a raven, and eyes like
sapphires appeared in his dreams and led him on a wondrous and magical journey. He had many questions for her to answer, as she told him that she was the Seer and that he had known her in a long ago lifetime and would know her again. When he asked her his most urgent question, “Why do I feel things so differently from other people? Why do I see into other worlds, bleed so deeply and feel so alone?”
       The beautiful Seer rested her compassionate eyes on his earnest, sensitive face and smiled. She reached into her velvet cloak and brought out a golden box. She placed it before him and instructed him to keep it safe. For inside the box, was the key that would open the door to all the power in the universe.
     “You may look into the box and touch what is inside, but the answers will come when you are ready to know. Until then, the door will remain hidden from you."
With that, the dream ended and the boy awoke, feeling more alone than before. The only person that seemed to understand how he felt was a vision in a dream. As he sat up, his eyes were drawn to the bedside table. A golden box sat there, glistening in the candlelight. He held his breath, slowly reaching out to pick it up, and fearing it would disappear.
     It was the box that the Seer had given him in the dream. So, she was real!
He opened the box with trembling hands and found a smooth stone on which was written the word, “MAGIC”, and also an ancient key to an unknown door.
Every day for 20 years the lad held the key and the stone, and wondered. Through many years, countless lands and cruel crusades, he searched for the door that the key would open.
     After conquering kingdoms, earning much land and many titles, at the age of 33, it came time to be a husband and his powerful family chose him a wife from a neighboring kingdom. His father sought the advice of the wizard, knowing that his son had shunned love in favor of his passionate search for a hidden door that seemed to have eluded him.  The wizard brought forth the dark-haired daughter of a Lord and a Sorceress and she had the gift of Vision.
     The father led his son to the room where the damsel waited, knowing that she was the one that the young man should marry. The young man entered the room, and felt quickening in his blood as his gaze froze on the raven-haired beauty with sapphire blue eyes. She seemed familiar. She rose and offered her hand.
     “You have waited many years to choose a wife my lord.” She said.
     “I have been consumed by a quest,” he replied.
     “For what have you sought all these years?”
     “For a door, for a very special door.”
     “What lies behind this door, sire, that you should search for so long?”
     “Behind this door lies all of the power in the universe.”
     “But how will you open this door when you find it?” she asked.
     “With a key, a key that was given to me by a beautiful woman in a dream long ago.”
     “Where do you keep this key?”
     “In a golden box.” The young man led her over to his altar table where the box lay. If this woman could understand its importance, then perhaps he could share his life with her. He lifted the silver key from its velvet bed and laid it in her hands.
“It’s beautiful, is it not, my lady?”
     “It is magic my lord.”
He watched as a tear fell down her cheek and she trembled slightly. “But, my lord, how could you not know of the door for which this key was made?”
     His eyes narrowed, “What do you mean? Tell me what you know!” She held the key between her fingers and gently leaned toward him, placing her palm with the key, over his heart. He felt a searing heat that seemed to burn through to his soul as a brilliant white light, flowed into his heart, filling it with a sense of divine peace.
     "What is happening to me, what have you done?”
     “My lord, the magic stone was to tell you to keep faith, and believe in the realm of dreams come true, for this is the key to your heart.”
     “It cannot be, I was told that this key would open the door to all of the power in the universe.”
     “And so it has sire, for the greatest power throughout the universe, is love.”

by Amahra Jaxen - Copywrighted 2001.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Channeling #15
What is paranoia? 
Paranoia results from confusion of a hyper-vigilant system that is stressed and pressured to the point where nothing feels safe and no apparent path leads to safety.  A safe haven or place of solitude can’t be found once the mind has compartmentalized and begun looking through blind eyes for answers.  The mind searches for a stage where drama is playing and finds an arena where it thinks it has been slain; unaware that it has found the stage where the ego delights in presenting useless drama. It is a play that only resembles your life. You are drawn into the emotional workings and drama and craziness of each issue or character.  At the same time your senses are being overloaded so perceiving reality is difficult. The ego enjoys this immensely for it is the bringer of lies, judgement, conflict and confusion. It creates a diversion from the truth of your life.  By being willing to relinquish the craziness and taking a step further back into your peaceful God mind, you will be able to realize that even the current life you thought you were experiencing is but another play. The stakes within this illusion are higher as this one is truly believed by you to be real.
While an exhausted mind believes the small play to be true, ego mind also convinces it the BIG play is also real.  The more a mind is pulled out and stretched into many useless directions, the less time can be spent in communion with God and Nature.  Ego would rather destroy sanity than step off the useless treadmill of Samsara and surrender to the pure potential of the Void or Nirvana.  Ego’s greatest fear is being obsolete.  Why is this void feared so desperately?  If your value is constantly being measured against external interactions, the horror of nothingness is perceived. This leaves only your fear and pain of disappearing and of being devoured by silence.  In realizing that this Nothingness is your state of being, then is it seen that you ARE the silence, the Witness. You come to understand your world because you are its observer.
Ask yourself, “What is this crazy world that I have willed into being and is it even real”?
I tell you this. I created you and your soul but I did not create your mind, nor did I create for how you made up your mind about your world. I created the planet, and you created the world that you chose to project upon it. I did not create your pain and suffering, for I see only love. If you would only see through my eyes you would know a different world. What purpose would it serve me, to create your wars?  If you believe that suffering is real, then you will continue to create the suffering that you think is real in your own life.  It takes strong discipline of mind and compassion of the heart to pull your ego mind back from it’s playground of death and begin to see that only the love that is given in your life – is real.
How long do you wish to prolong your suffering?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Channeling #14
Janine asks, “In the near future will I release whatever needs to be let go, so I can move forward with greater ease and creativity?” 
Creativity is the fuel that powers human spirit and when light begins to dim, part of us feels it is dying.  This is not bad; for dying, especially to self, is not only beautiful, but also desirable.  Start at the beginning, looking back once into the past to experience, feel, know and understand.  The haunting can then be laid to rest.  Sadly most of you continue to dig up corpses and disillusions of past hurts to determine if they still exist.  In doing so, you send streams of power back to illusionary places and thus lose your energy in present time.  You then sit in present time drained, soul-tired, muddy and unclear while your soul is off on another adventure, a date with a beau who never showed up.  Future is as near as the present moment, but you keep pushing it away, afraid to call it “right now”.  Future is a projection of what you have not grasped, or believe cannot be grasped right now.  When you are afraid to step into the truth of the moment, it becomes the future, constantly evading you. You constantly say, “I’ll be happy when…..”
This is illusion of ego mind, the separation.  You are complete now and always have been, yet fear personal greatness more than anything else.  As a result, you hide, pushing the moment of truth and unveiling away from you.   This empty gap is projected as future.
Can you step into true creativity? Of course you can, but do you want to?  Does every part of you want to?  Which part of you is afraid or does not want to. In demand for giant strides, have you not perceived that the baby steps you’ve taken ARE demonstrations of creativeness?  Don’t forget you ARE a creation, which is constantly moving forward to create.  Perhaps you judge what you are doing right now to not be the most perfect creative project.  Ask what IS  the true meaning of creativity and ease?  Ease is having a clear mind with no resistance.  Moving forward with ease is the process of observing motion without judging that it needs to have certain size, speed or direction.
Perhaps you are moving but continue to judge your speed against another’s?
Contemplate what you truly wish to create, start with a blank mind, an empty canvas and touch it with a fertile brush.  Let both touch each other, communicating without interference. This is the way of feeling, heart and inspiration.
What are you afraid to feel?