Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Monday, September 13, 2010


Channeling #16
My world sometimes seems so difficult. Tell me about my world.
If you don’t like the world, you cannot change it, but you can change your mind’s perception of it. The magical result of this is that your world will then instantly change. Remember that the universe is resonant and pliable, and it responds to your expectation of it. Expect bad things and your universe will respond like a faithful dog and fetch you the rotten bone. Expect wonderful things, and this is what you will receive. You create the universe fresh in every instant, so take care to create the one that you want, and fill it with the people that you seek.
The release from the bondage of your fear-based ego mind can happen in that flicker of eternity between heaven and hell – called The Holy Instant. The Holy Instant is the pause button for your belief about your Life.  In that moment, deciding to hear something new can happen instantly through your realization that YOU are the one who keeps playing the old tape and that you can choose to play a new one.
Anyone can make this choice, however you have forgotten to exercise that option.  It keeps you stuck in the same program and forever wondering why each new piece of music you seek to play is reminiscent of old sad and plaintive experiences.  These songs always sound familiar as they are the only ones that your ego has stored in its repertoire, yet you are fooled because it keeps changing the song titles to make them seem like new ones. If you seek a new experience, then play a new song.  Many new tapes exist in my Library of Potential, waiting to be claimed.  They beckon, they carry your name but still you have not claimed them.
Change your frequency to a positive one so you attract New Potential. Your frequency distorted during your head injury, but had human frequencies been maintained, you would have died. Recalibration was necessary to save you but these new frequencies do not match the heaviness of this place.  No matter what others say, you are not of this place and struggle with it however; those struggles shall be rewarded.  Use my energy faithfully as the testing time draws to a close at 2012. You have a gift of releasing the heaviness in the tissue of others. Feel this in your heart and be inspired as you have beieved heaviness to be normal for too long. 

You must trust and respect my authority, and do not rebel against your own body. It is your Merkabah vehicle and while you are fascinated with this light vehicle, you continue disrespecting it.  Be strong now and desire health and happiness.  This is no reason why happiness and great comfort cannot be felt, so you may enjoy doing your great work.

1 comment:

Randi Winter-Passionate Travel said...

Amahra, These are truly the words of everyone who has ever had the privilege of receiving a treatment from you... You absolutely have the ability and gift of releasing the heaviness in the tissues of others.

Being given the privilege of having a tomorrow always is cause for hope and pure potential.

There are others who are willing to hold you up while you hold up others.