Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Channeling #15
What is paranoia? 
Paranoia results from confusion of a hyper-vigilant system that is stressed and pressured to the point where nothing feels safe and no apparent path leads to safety.  A safe haven or place of solitude can’t be found once the mind has compartmentalized and begun looking through blind eyes for answers.  The mind searches for a stage where drama is playing and finds an arena where it thinks it has been slain; unaware that it has found the stage where the ego delights in presenting useless drama. It is a play that only resembles your life. You are drawn into the emotional workings and drama and craziness of each issue or character.  At the same time your senses are being overloaded so perceiving reality is difficult. The ego enjoys this immensely for it is the bringer of lies, judgement, conflict and confusion. It creates a diversion from the truth of your life.  By being willing to relinquish the craziness and taking a step further back into your peaceful God mind, you will be able to realize that even the current life you thought you were experiencing is but another play. The stakes within this illusion are higher as this one is truly believed by you to be real.
While an exhausted mind believes the small play to be true, ego mind also convinces it the BIG play is also real.  The more a mind is pulled out and stretched into many useless directions, the less time can be spent in communion with God and Nature.  Ego would rather destroy sanity than step off the useless treadmill of Samsara and surrender to the pure potential of the Void or Nirvana.  Ego’s greatest fear is being obsolete.  Why is this void feared so desperately?  If your value is constantly being measured against external interactions, the horror of nothingness is perceived. This leaves only your fear and pain of disappearing and of being devoured by silence.  In realizing that this Nothingness is your state of being, then is it seen that you ARE the silence, the Witness. You come to understand your world because you are its observer.
Ask yourself, “What is this crazy world that I have willed into being and is it even real”?
I tell you this. I created you and your soul but I did not create your mind, nor did I create for how you made up your mind about your world. I created the planet, and you created the world that you chose to project upon it. I did not create your pain and suffering, for I see only love. If you would only see through my eyes you would know a different world. What purpose would it serve me, to create your wars?  If you believe that suffering is real, then you will continue to create the suffering that you think is real in your own life.  It takes strong discipline of mind and compassion of the heart to pull your ego mind back from it’s playground of death and begin to see that only the love that is given in your life – is real.
How long do you wish to prolong your suffering?

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