Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Monday, September 20, 2010


Channeling #18
Audrey would like a meaningful relationship, how can this be accomplished?
Relationship is a vehicle utilized to pass through an inner doorway into vast realms of male, female and God self.  Many layers must be penetrated to find the hidden relationship that has long been forgotten by a wounded ego self.
Be in this place wholeheartedly with childlike innocence and non-judgment knowing our external world is but a mere reflection of our own, often cloudy inner landscape.  This place is now choked with weeds since so often, you loan your gardening tools to the ego.  A crown of thorns under which lies true self but no one including you has been allowed to approach without attack. Yet these hidden fields are ripe with the soft fruits of compassion and gentleness.
Partaking of this fruit provides the nectar of learning, taste its sweetness while discarding the rotten pulp of long past torment.  When the mind harbours thoughts of judgment it is judging itself and when an insecure ego makes another seem lesser you only put yourself down. Say hello to give joy only without anticipation of receiving anything in return.  Look but do not seek, (for this is born of need and will cast out a net).
Do not care about an outcome.  Simply practice creating joy and interesting conversations.  Be yourself and do not hide behind your resume and accomplishments.  Introduce only yourself, knowing that is sufficient.  Any ‘trying’ in this regard will send out signals under which are concealed a “hook of hope” that something will be gained in return.  Ego demands others be sought out to pull out your weeds and cut through thorns.  This task is yours alone.  Be yourself, expose your heart and let others feel joy from the inner child.  Your lonely needy child must be taught to enter the inner garden and trust you will help her love away weeds and soothe thorns.
Ask the inner male to be your guide.  Only when this knight is strong, gentle, and chivalrous can it provide safety.  Only then will he become the guide to lead you emotionally naked to a magical place where the relationship sought, can recognize its partner.

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