Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Friday, December 31, 2010


C.H. asks: How does one measure success – in career, life, relationship?
Your question is one that every human should ask for so many of you are not happy. So many of you feel incomplete, like a large puzzle that you struggle to fill in and finish, but then you realize that one piece is missing! What is even sadder is that humans measure their self-perceived value and happiness according to the level of success they think they have. This is because humans are always seeking happiness and have equated happiness at being successful at something. Whatever you are successful at is a demonstration of one of the many gifts that I have given you. That missing piece you look everywhere for is right in the palm of my hand, always extending itself but you turned your back as you do not trust love. You are afraid to take it for fear that you would be under my control. But this belief is an illusion for you are an extension of me, you share my abilities but to a lesser degree simply because you are bound by the rules and restrictions of a physical body. The only thing you truly control is your current thought so you can choose to learn through joy or through pain. But you would rather learn through pain for your ego mind has told you that this is normal, this is the world. But it is not, it is the illusion you made for yourself.
I designed mankind to be my physical learning and feedback mechanism as through you I can touch and feel, and explore. Where you get yourself into trouble is that your ego steps in and takes you over, viewing the God part of you as the enemy who would take away your control. But deeply connecting to me does not rob you of your control, it makes you all powerful with the faith to move mountains. It gives you the clarity and wisdom to see that the truth of who you are, which is the Observer who watches you running around in circles, driven into craziness, despair, guilt, shame, judgment, confusion, overwhelm and ultimately – separation. The ego wants this. The more it strangles your mind, the more you believe the God voice within to be a threat to your freedom. Yet you were always free right from the moment I created you. Through your hurt and fragility you believed that you needed a bodyguard to keep intimacy away, for intimacy would cause you pain. Truly intimacy with me, your true self, eliminates pain for then you see your world as it really is – a bearer of gifts ready to respond to your prayers. Yet many of you do not even have the faith of the tiny mustard seed which does not judge that it must grow into a tiny plant, but simply grows according to the holographic map I have laid out for it, trusting the process with no judgment or resistance. And this is the plan that I have for you, for your unique part on this earth.
The only question you need ask is “What does it take to break through the chains of my frightened ego mind and live through the truth of my God self?”  For that – is true Success!
Why would I say this? I say this for when many of you ask about what would make you successful, what you are really asking is, “What would make me happy? Would success at something make me happy, make me feel good enough or as good as everyone else? What would bring me joy, love, peace, connection?” And it is so very simple you keep missing it. The ego has you believe that you need to DO something or GET something or HAVE something in order to be a success.  But that is its strategy to keep you chasing your tail and never finding the truth. For I made you an empowered Light Being with gifts that would bring you and others joy and there is nothing more successful than that. But you would rather listen to the voice of the ego and agree that you are small.
So there IS no answer to your question for you do not ask the right question. When you function within your God Self, in fact you already ARE all of those wonderful things. They never left you and you were never left, you just thought you were and began acting accordingly. But this is your illusion and it is a Global one, like mass hypnosis. I cannot take this illusion from you, as I did not create it, you did. But you can ask for my help in showing you that the ego world is not real – and I do this gladly.
It is not arrogant for you to say, “Truly I am loved and I have great gifts and powers,” for I made you so. It is arrogant to say that you are not great for then is your crazy ego mind arguing with the will of God and that is arrogance.
I did not make you small, I made you great. In realizing the true potential I have given you, you are already successful.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Channeling #42
H.S. asks : Why do people hate?

GOD: Deep in the recesses of man’s mind lies the spark of a divine truth that reminds you that you are an extension of Me. You have covered over this magical garden with myths, stories and illusions to prove that you are not loved. This is craziness – because you know deep within that you ARE love, yet continue to look for it from the world outside.
When will you see that this desperate search is a ploy of the ego mind, the crazy mind, and the tortured mind – to keep you from the truth? In this quest that offers no prize, you become angry; angry that life has not given you what you want, angry that you don’t have acceptance and approval from others. Yet you do not ask for what you want, you are mad at yourselves and do not accept yourselves. You continue to make your troubles about what is going on outside, yet truly are at war within and cannot see it.
You do not hate as you ARE love and love cannot hate; only your EGO is capable of hate. Hate is not the opposite of love, for love has no opposite. Love stands alone. Hate is the absence of love, the absence of self-love.  As long as you seek to GET love you will perceive that you have it not, and you will be angry. Love cannot be gotten from an outside source, love must be channelled through you, but a channel must be open at both ends as one must receive if one is to give. If you do not believe that you are worthy to receive love, you will close your inflowing channel and the vicious illusion of needing love and the never-ending cycle of torture continues.
You choose to condemn your vulnerable feelings, judging them to be a weakness instead of a strength learned from your valuable lessons. You want to hate those who do not love you as you would want, but you do not love yourself, so how then can you show your brother the face of love when you know not its countenance?
You say that you will cease your hatred when someone loves you, but if you all wait for a demonstration of love, then will there never be one. The law of magnetic attraction sends you what you focus on. If you seek love’s absence, you are the author of your own lack and the ego will find evidence to prove that this is true.
You must ask, “Who can I love?”  Not, “Who will love me?”  Love comes on the wings of the Dove, the symbol of the divine, the unconditional, and peace and freedom. Hate enslaves and love gives flight, hate burns and love illuminates, hate mutates and love transforms, hate contracts and love expands, hate binds and love frees, hate punishes and love forgives. I did not program hate into your tissue, only love. The ego seeks to cover over that precious jewel and uses your illusionary wounds to defend it. Every piece of information that it gathers for you, seeks to prove that you do not already have that for which you seek.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Channeling #38
I often fear my future; perhaps I do not see myself clearly.
If only mankind could see himself as clearly as I see him. When you pull yourself up into the heavenly realms, it is easy to look down and see the magnificent picture. Yet you struggle with what you think is reality, unaware that you are stuck in an illusion that only looks real because you are in the middle of it. If you were centered in your soul realm, you could raise your vision and see that this is NOT personal, but schooling.
The realm of enchantment is the realm you were born into. It appeared lost for a time but for a good reason. Only in the absence of magic surrounding you, will you struggle and learn to create your own inner realm of mystical play. As deep as you are willing to go is as deep as I am willing to take you.  Only when you relinquish control to me, will the true “fall into love” commence. You have stood on the edge of this apparent abyss, your inner wall – mistaking the darkness for isolation and danger. You had not the patience to wait and see that the blinding sun was just below the horizon, waiting to burst forth and fill your life with light.  The darkness you see is but your own shadow because you stand with your back to the light. You choose not to risk turning around and facing that light that would illuminate every aspect of you. Thus you are not able to see your potential. You fear anger, blame and judgement far less than you fear love. For the light of love that I would shine on you will display your emotional nakedness – the guilty place where your ego would tell you that you are not good enough, that you will be rejected. But I tell you this. You will not fall to your death by turning around and facing this beautiful light that is my gift to you. You will only fall into the love that I have held for you for so long.
Have no fear for your future, for I have already written the script of your life and I’ve held it in my hands since before you were born and it will be taken care of for you. You are an extension of me, an extension of life and love and my biggest regret is that you continue to push it away from you. When I say come as a child to enter Heaven, I do not say that children are favoured. I mean that when your love and joy comes from innocence and expectation of good things – you are already in Heaven. If you are willing as a child to trust me and have faith, you will love and laugh through the rest of your life, for what I would gift to you delivers the best that is always “yet to come.”

Monday, December 13, 2010


Channeling #36
A Woman’s Question:
How can I deal less painlessly with men in relationship?
God Says, “View them as spirit beings without gender and have no attachment to outcome.” You can offer love, you can give love but until someone asks for you and for your time exclusively, do not look at men in order to choose the one you think is yours.   Most important to be personally happy and learn ways to extend love to many people.  You must accept this so that you do not seek only for that one special one. You must be that special one before he can recognize you.
Life need not be hard but time needs to be spent reflecting on which aspects matter most.  Maintain a place of self-containment and mystery but work on being engaging to all.  Allow them to seek you, be drawn out and in the place of stillness allow my voice to speak.  What others want from or wish for you is of no consequence, only listen and seek for the grains of truth about yourself.  Throughout your life you have lived in fear of what others thought and for what gain? It is not that they care for you as much as they seek to gain love and enjoy the feel of importance.   But if you do not align with them and allow their words to change your life’s course, then of what importance are they?   Give to yourself but make contributions to all.  Love yourself while clearly demonstrating this to everyone encountered in daily life and especially those who would try to exert influence.  Build a strong inner male core for it is his task to protect and serve in a way that best serves your feminine Goddess.  Allow her to be gloriously fragile and mysterious, she need not explain herself to anyone nor change her course for anyone.  Being a reference point for the White Brotherhood I have placed upon you a very high value.  Be aware of who is being drawn, but take time to carefully decide, for your own sake.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Channeling #35
Tell me about unconditional love.
Unconditional love is a love that has no strings or price tag attached, and seeks to extend only joy to others.  It is a blessed and rare thing.  Everyone knows what unconditional love is and deeply desires it, but being lazy and ego based seldom achieve it.  Everyone wishes to GET or receive it, but does not wish to have it or GIVE it away.  How difficult is it to always watch for an opportunity to say, “How can I love you?”  In this picture ego says its illusionary needs will not be met.  Give with no expectation of receiving.  The less is sought in return, the more will be given. This is how God’s bank account works.  It is not a savings account, where love is saved for a special one or time therefore no withdrawals are made without first checking for possible dividends.  What can I GET from you?  It is not a “chequing” account, where you “check” out the potential of getting something in return before deciding to give love.  This Grace Bank Account works in reverse to what you have known or practised.
The more you withdraw and give away, the more God deposits into your account. Unconditional love is the Universal glue, yet its silken strands do not stick nor bind another to us like a fly trapped in a spider’s web.  Instead it slips through and permeates everything while weaving a story of hope, healing and peace.
It is desperately sought as you look in the nooks of another’s kind words or crannies of every promise made.  You hope that on another’s wings, love will fly into your arms.  Upon learning to stretch your wings extending them to the wounded self within, forgiveness will begin, wings will grow and flow of love begins.  Being in a state of love is but being open to dwell in a truth of what you are.  Stand upon the sacred ground where God can create the miracles sought.
Many things must happen before you can stand in this place.  Ego must be caught and gentled; love does not threaten or beat anyone into submission.  Why would you do this to someone while wishing for the dream of Love?  When living an illusion, love becomes an illusion.  Cobwebs must be swept away while ego’s true pain and dark agendas must surface and be captured, examined, forgiven and transformed.  During this transformation a matrix through which love can awaken is created.  As long as man seeks to get love, he will never see love is who he is.  Love has no opinions, ideas, masks or awareness of what it is, which is why it has nothing to defend and everything to extend.  Love is the face of truth.  Love flows from your wound and is the pivotal point of development.  Healing of this vulnerable place is the reason for being here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Channeling #34
Why is life so hard?
The hard life is one that is undesirable, yet although unwanted it is the one most people choose. You think you would never choose this; yet it is the life that you would attract. You re-create it for yourself time and time again. When will you stop? Must heaven and earth stand still for you as a testimony that I acknowledge you? When will you leap off Samsara’s treadmill and pause for your Holy Instant? When will your gaze be humble enough to look down and see that the treadmill appears to move only because you will not stop running?
Rest, pause and take in the wonder all around you. Observe the glorious sights I have created to be seen like a master chef setting out endless delectable delicacies on a banquet table. Sadly through insecurities and feelings of unworthiness you assumed this table was set for someone else. Yet do I not tell you time and again that there IS no one else? There is no one but you. Are not the sons and daughters of the King and Queen royalty by decree of their birth? And are not you the sons and daughters of a King? You do not ask for too much, nay you ask for too little.
I beseech you not to stand in the beggars’ line, holding your hands out for the crumbs you hope to receive. Instead, open your hands and remember my parable of the loaves and fishes. Did you really think that this lesson was about food? Hold your hands out with the faith and the power of love and see that I would forever fill your hands with gifts. Share them with all who are less fortunate because they have forgotten the truth of what they are, a Child of Divinity.
You have not - because you ask not and you ask not out of fear of being beholden to me. Have I not told you that my love carries no price or debt to repay? Yet you spend your life living in this useless guilt rather than surrendering and letting love flow freely through and extending it to others. It is not too late, it is never too late. Ask what you wish of me.  I give you an easy life, if you would but take it.

Monday, December 6, 2010



Advice on relationship with the male aspect?

GOD:  You have made clear the desires of your heart. Now, step back into the softness of your feminine and let the male energy fulfill his role as the initiator.  You cannot take the first step for him, as he is the hunter.  Both the male and the female energies deserve to be fulfilled and what I offer them in this life - is love.  But you often choose to see something else when your brother offers it to. For you would see it tainted with your past pain.
You and your brother have the same desire to join, but you complicate it with so much mindless fear and diversion, that you no longer recognize that your wishes are the same. You struggle to gain control of your world with your mind, to dissect, box and hide away the vulnerable areas that you think are being threatened. The ego would defend them and thus would have you feel invincible.  You think you are powerful because of your thoughts.
You are not powerful from this thinking mind, as this is the construct of the ego. You are powerful in your God mind.  The God mind is but a receiver and what you think has no meaning, what you want has no meaning and even what you fear has no meaning. That is the beauty of this, thus is your life without meaning and thus your liberation begins here, from the place of NO MIND.  In the place of NO MIND it becomes easier to see that your brother is not the opposite sex from you and therefore different and separate, but he is an extension of the same part of me that you are, a spirit being not to be feared but to be joined with.
A meaningless life is not a useless life; a meaningless life is an ego-less life that is free of judgments and thoughts of separation.  It is time to put away your fear-based thought system. Your ego mind does not rule THE world, it rules YOUR world. Only when the heart rules your mind and my spirit rules your heart, is your world safe and at peace, for the voice of the ego is quieted. The love that you judge to be lacking from others is but the love you do not give. The ego would not have you realize this for it would change the face of your relationships if you were to step into Heaven.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Channeling #32
What is innocence?
Innocence is lightness of being where there is an attachment place for wings.  It is an inevitable meeting place of Divine Force and Human Frailty.  For only from this humble place can feelings of greatness begin to be felt without becoming arrogant.  Arrogance is a state of mind not thinking, “I am more than good enough.”  But rather, “I am NOT good enough.”
How could God be insane enough to judge it or any creations as lacking in any way?  Why would greatness extend itself only to be cut down?  How arrogant are we to think God’s creations are inadequate?
This type of thinking has no place in me, but only resides in your fear-based mind.  A fearful mind is an ego mind; that so desperately wants to keep innocence out of sight that it projects those visions outward to appear in puppies or babies.  Therefore when viewing them you would say, “There lies the desired innocence I seek and my salvation.”
The mind that wants death for you is the mind that must not let you remember your innocence, and must not allow you to see that God never forgot you.  Only you have forgotten me by forgetting your divinity. Only through remembering this is your innocence regained.  It was never a case of your feeling guilty because you had lost your innocence, because you were never guilty in the first place. Never think for an instant that your ego would have you realize this.
Here must begin the first level of forgiveness where the Son of God forgives himself for forgetting me, and for forgetting his true nature. Then must the Son forgive himself for believing that I would punish him for forgetting. I never lost sight of you, you lost sight of me. For I was always there knocking gently at the door of your heart, waiting for you to open that door and bid me to enter; not to a godless place, but to a place where I was but forgotten. The remembering of this place is the remembering of your innocence, remembering the mind that is seen from the heart, and remembering that you never truly left this home, but only dreamt you did.