Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Monday, December 20, 2010


Channeling #42
H.S. asks : Why do people hate?

GOD: Deep in the recesses of man’s mind lies the spark of a divine truth that reminds you that you are an extension of Me. You have covered over this magical garden with myths, stories and illusions to prove that you are not loved. This is craziness – because you know deep within that you ARE love, yet continue to look for it from the world outside.
When will you see that this desperate search is a ploy of the ego mind, the crazy mind, and the tortured mind – to keep you from the truth? In this quest that offers no prize, you become angry; angry that life has not given you what you want, angry that you don’t have acceptance and approval from others. Yet you do not ask for what you want, you are mad at yourselves and do not accept yourselves. You continue to make your troubles about what is going on outside, yet truly are at war within and cannot see it.
You do not hate as you ARE love and love cannot hate; only your EGO is capable of hate. Hate is not the opposite of love, for love has no opposite. Love stands alone. Hate is the absence of love, the absence of self-love.  As long as you seek to GET love you will perceive that you have it not, and you will be angry. Love cannot be gotten from an outside source, love must be channelled through you, but a channel must be open at both ends as one must receive if one is to give. If you do not believe that you are worthy to receive love, you will close your inflowing channel and the vicious illusion of needing love and the never-ending cycle of torture continues.
You choose to condemn your vulnerable feelings, judging them to be a weakness instead of a strength learned from your valuable lessons. You want to hate those who do not love you as you would want, but you do not love yourself, so how then can you show your brother the face of love when you know not its countenance?
You say that you will cease your hatred when someone loves you, but if you all wait for a demonstration of love, then will there never be one. The law of magnetic attraction sends you what you focus on. If you seek love’s absence, you are the author of your own lack and the ego will find evidence to prove that this is true.
You must ask, “Who can I love?”  Not, “Who will love me?”  Love comes on the wings of the Dove, the symbol of the divine, the unconditional, and peace and freedom. Hate enslaves and love gives flight, hate burns and love illuminates, hate mutates and love transforms, hate contracts and love expands, hate binds and love frees, hate punishes and love forgives. I did not program hate into your tissue, only love. The ego seeks to cover over that precious jewel and uses your illusionary wounds to defend it. Every piece of information that it gathers for you, seeks to prove that you do not already have that for which you seek.

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