Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Channeling #34
Why is life so hard?
The hard life is one that is undesirable, yet although unwanted it is the one most people choose. You think you would never choose this; yet it is the life that you would attract. You re-create it for yourself time and time again. When will you stop? Must heaven and earth stand still for you as a testimony that I acknowledge you? When will you leap off Samsara’s treadmill and pause for your Holy Instant? When will your gaze be humble enough to look down and see that the treadmill appears to move only because you will not stop running?
Rest, pause and take in the wonder all around you. Observe the glorious sights I have created to be seen like a master chef setting out endless delectable delicacies on a banquet table. Sadly through insecurities and feelings of unworthiness you assumed this table was set for someone else. Yet do I not tell you time and again that there IS no one else? There is no one but you. Are not the sons and daughters of the King and Queen royalty by decree of their birth? And are not you the sons and daughters of a King? You do not ask for too much, nay you ask for too little.
I beseech you not to stand in the beggars’ line, holding your hands out for the crumbs you hope to receive. Instead, open your hands and remember my parable of the loaves and fishes. Did you really think that this lesson was about food? Hold your hands out with the faith and the power of love and see that I would forever fill your hands with gifts. Share them with all who are less fortunate because they have forgotten the truth of what they are, a Child of Divinity.
You have not - because you ask not and you ask not out of fear of being beholden to me. Have I not told you that my love carries no price or debt to repay? Yet you spend your life living in this useless guilt rather than surrendering and letting love flow freely through and extending it to others. It is not too late, it is never too late. Ask what you wish of me.  I give you an easy life, if you would but take it.

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