Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Channeling #50

Wendy: I'm tired of life seeming hard and just want to say, “To hell with it.”

GOD: You are tired because you want to go home and your ego does not wish you to see that you ARE home and have always been home. Your soul still lies in its place of refuge but because your body is in pain, you split in two. I could say that pain is your greatest teacher but you already know that. You know that you have pain but have not chosen to stare down the author of your pain and rewrite the script.

It is a biography and the author was your ego and your father was cast as the lead. You have accepted his pain and his story as YOUR OWN – not seeing that it was merely the chronicled events of a soul in need of healing. You were born into this story and saw it as real. I ask you now to be the director who sees through the family conditioning and suggests a new ending for this script – a beautiful and sacred ending for a beautiful and sacred woman. You have fought bravely for your salvation for you could not see through the chaos of your military imprinting and observe that LIFE was really not the enemy for you to hold in fear, but be the gift that you were asked to open. Your battle is a myth, your enemy yourself.

All women must discard the pain of their fathers, for they only become self-torture. But they will teach you where not to tread and how to be more sensitive to the feelings of others.

How desperately the world needs the woman’s healing touch! Your home is gone, your God self ran away when your moved in. The stillness has always been with you. Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz, it has always been the playground of your magical mind, your innocent mind. Sad is the woman who makes real the arrows that pierce through her heart. For if made real, they poison the life in her veins and imprison her. He destroyed you in a past life; do not let it continue any further in this lifetime, as it affects your health. This lifetime is your time. You’ll make it through much because you’ve made it through much already.

You are learning to see that you can’t GET love from people but I give it freely through trees, moonbeams, sunbeams and my spirit which wells up constantly from within you from a precious place. It is the fathomless core that your ancient knowledge springs from and if you wish to take yourself on the shaman’s journey we will reveal more of your magical powers to you. Take heed to use them well, as they reflect the lamb and the sword. Do not be afraid to speak forth, but wait for your lips to speak only my words, the words of the Holy Spirit. Listen to my voice, cast off the illusions of the parent who was a test of your will and courage. You did well, but you were not meant to carry this. Notice how your fearful mind that does not trust bliss, seeks to seduce you again with “his” lies. Cast them down from your palace walls and banish them.

Live your own story. You are a gifted and innocent child who gave her power over to the father that you thought hurt you. Bury these harsh lessons in the deepest place and lift the lid no more. It was all a test and it is long finished. We urgently request you – take up your bed and walk, surrender every fibre of your being to me and live your own story, the story I would script for you, for it is the truth.

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