Letters From God

Letters From God
We're Loved

Friday, March 11, 2011


Fran - 3 Dominant Soul Types

Fran, you do have a challenging incarnation with your soul types as they all relate to higher plans, integrity, seriousness, self containment, holding the space for a better way. That can be a hard load to carry as while you are young in this life, your soul types are older and carry much of the world’s hope for the future. I hope these give you a better understanding of why are you, and why you feel, the way you do. If you look at the picture of Liv Ullmann, an actress, you will see the look in your own eyes in the photo you sent me.


This terminology is chosen specifically to convey the nature of their beard-stroking wisdom. They are philosophical, far-seeing, broad perspective, deeply comprehending wise man kind of figure relating to wisdom. It is abstract, "deep structure" perceiving, clear-eyed and conceptually understanding. It is the "male tribal elder". This is essence Wisdom, not necessarily this-life experiential wisdom, though that can become involved as well. WISE OLD MAN "soul types" tend to be "spirit specialists", highly oriented to higher principles, to bringing the spirit into the world, to spiritual aspiration, to concepts and ideals of perfection, to intense spiritual atunement. They can be acutely aware of how far things have strayed from the spiritual path.

The WISE OLD MAN’s wisdom is typically left hemisphere-emphasizing analytic, synthetic, verbal/mental while very deep in terms of their comprehending the Cosmic and spiritual deep structural working of things. They are the far-reaching "overviewer", that understands from the mental body's perspective. They are not stuck in their heads, but are wise with profound understanding.

One of the issues for the WISE OLD MAN soul, is that due to human history thus far they tend to become rather pessimistic and despairing about their observations of the whole human condition. They can get stuck in believing they’re not able to make the necessary difference to change things. Because they are not skilled at the operational level like the WARRIOR is, they tend to generate a certain sense of learned helplessness and a rather sombre point of view.

A male example once said, "I don't know what weapons will be used in World War III. But I do know what weapons will be used in World War IV; Clubs." The seriousness and sombreness of the WISE OLD MAN, is not inherent to the "soul type," but their reaction to man’s continual "win-lose" and "lose-lose" situation. As we move through the great barriers we are in at the present, and go into the co-creative relationship with Cosmos in the future, they will become quite cheerful with the new directional trend.


The MONK soul type calls up the concept of constant meditation, contemplation and rumination. They basically think about things—all the time. And they sort of stay out of the fray because they are so busy thinking about things. Then periodically in one form or another, they share what they have been contemplating with the world. They are "mental body" dwellers, and they seek to understand the larger meanings of things, as well as to expand awareness and to inspire higher aspirations in others. They often experience a great deal of grief due to their pain at what they witness of the human condition, and due to the pain that accompanies their having commerce with the world.

The key to their ‘beingness’ is that they spend a lot of time in solitary contemplation. They frequently find themselves hurt and repulsed by society at large and by other people, and they prefer strongly to minimize involvement with the world around them. Yet at the same time, they are compelled to activate contact with the Cosmos in others somehow or other. So they have an ambivalent relationship with the environment, to say the least. They want to influence, inspire and elevate, while at the same time wanting to withdraw and to reject contact. However, there is another, more specifically focused version of the MONK, namely the "spiritual specialist." These individuals actually do end up in monasteries and convents at times. Or they will be a -mendicant" in India, wandering around with a begging bowl. They spend all their time in meditative activity of the spiritual type, with or without conscious contact with the -Home Office." The guru in the Himalayas or the Tibetan Lama are typical "spiritual specialist" type MONKs. Nevertheless, all MONKs are in one way or another higher plane-oriented, and all seek to activate inspiration and elevation of conceptualization. And in that way, these are rather more representative figures to portray the characteristics of the MONK "soul type" than would be, say an old or transcendent soul mystic. The latter do exist and make major contributions. But most MONKs are more involved in the mundane world than that.


The TEACHER is rarely somebody who gets up in front of groups and gets chalk on their coat, so to speak. That's not what a TEACHER is. A TEACHER is somebody who demonstrates how to be—they teach by BEING. They can't help but educate and elevate with their very ‘beingness’. So they basically live their life and leave a trail of transformed people behind them, like a "Johnny

Appleseed." There is something about them that inspires us to change for the better or to absorb what it is they bring. When they are younger souls, they inspire those at their soul level or younger. When they are older souls, they live well and inspire all the rest of us to do likewise. In effect, they translate all of their soul experience and life wisdom into a manner of manifestation that has the effect of sharing what they have learned from it all. They tend to come from a "wiser but sadder" orientation, at least in this "veil of tears" as it has been.

They are information-disseminators, awareness-generators, consciousness-expanders and manifestation-enhancers who may or may not be aware of this and who may or may not get up in front of people and formally teach. They more typically do it by example, by setting it up so that people learn from circumstances, through writing or creative works, through leaving a legend of a life or whatever. TEACHERs, like SHAMANs, take on many forms and teach many different things and in different ways. They perform, they excel with excellence, they mentor, they inspire, they produce admirable things, and in general, they exemplify how to do things right in whatever their field of work and in whatever manner they live. We all know of people who, for instance, are renowned for their gruff ways, yet whom everyone admires and unconsciously emulates. This is the way the TEACHER "soul type" works. There is a type of TEACHER called the "challenger." This is the type of person who seems to be constantly in mild disdain for other people's manifestation, but who somehow conveys that if you just try hard enough, you might get some recognition from this "very hard audience", so to speak. So people get challenged to try and when they bring the results of their efforts, the TEACHER will give justified recognition, validation and appreciation, and they will also see to it that others are made aware of the achievement.

Then they suddenly revert to form, in effect saying nonverbally or verbally, . . But I'll bet you can't do THIS or go beyond this . . ." To which the individual responds with a massive motivation to prove they can. This is the "challenger" type TEACHER in action. They pull the best out of people.

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