On a lonely day years ago, I told God I was tired of doing it alone - that I needed him to show up and talk to me. And he did. For many years now when I ask God a question, I just have to make sure I have pen and paper, as the answer streams through in automatic writing. I welcome others to offer their deep questions, those things that you just can't figure out for yourself. Blessings and enjoy.
Letters From God

We're Loved
Monday, March 21, 2011
BSE asks: The doctor’s new was bad. How can I create balance in my body with a serious virus in my liver? What do I need to focus on?
GOD: The most urgent requirement is to accept that the body is only as real as the Mind makes it. This being accepted helps relinquish your fear around the body. It is your greatest test of faith, your most urgent teaching of the truth about you – the real You. What I have created cannot die therefore neither can it be ill. Sickness appears to be in the world, yet it is in the minds of those who fear illness by making the body their salvation. Thus does mankind suffer - but this need not be. Heal your mind, turn your fear over to God, and pray for peace for your mind instead. Does this mean that you should not address the healthy requirements of body? Simply address those needs from a place of power, for it is known that the body can be healed by the power of the mind. See your body’s cries for healing as a cry for love. Maintain my vision for you in your mind – wholeness and healing.
Attachment signifies that the ego is grasping onto something – a pill, a diet, an idol in your ego mind that symbolizes wellness. Surely in this alone can you see the ego in all its cleverness and deceit, for have you not already held the wish for health? Your doctor gave you word of a bad virus in your body yet now this has become evidence for your mind to become sick – sick with worry.
The ego sees your body as its greatest evidence that salvation and healing is not for you. Where is God if the body be ill? If your body is ill, your mind often chooses against God. I do not say, “Don’t respect your body”, only that you do not allow it to control your mind and become the ego’s evidence that God has forsaken you.
Your liver symbolizes your adaptability to the world, your willingness to move through apparent change and is the core of your immune system. This system says, ”Do not attack me with your judgment, for I do not wish to defend an illusion!” If your immune system believes it is under threat, then must it deplete its power in trying to defend against further attack.” Thus do you attack yourself through the shadows that the ego haunts you with. The ego convinces you that to stop fighting = death, to turn to God also means annihilation and that your salvation lies in the death of the body. The ego convinces you that surrendering your health to God - is a trick. But I say, “I have made you perfect, so I see only perfection and love in you. So even if your body does become ill, I only ask that you not judge yourself as being ill.
There is no punishment for leaving me, only a welcome home for your return. The ego strives to convince you otherwise, for this would be its demise. I have created you as perfectly as I created the angels; but your body must be honoured by the laws of the physical plane. This still does not make the body real.
You are a light being. What are the foods of light? These are the best foods for your liver, the blue-green foods and the living juices from them. Remember what your immune system really is. It is that within you which rallies when you perceive attack. The body is a physical manifestation of the mind and the body cannot be ill, unless the mind judges it so. Heal your mind and your body will be able to choose growth instead of fear. Remember that the power I have given your mind is capable of recalibrating your DNA.
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