Channeling #49
R.P asks: What is the meaning of the suicide energy around me?
GOD: The ego is very well acquainted with suicide for it is the author of it. The ego would have the mind believe that death is the release from all pain. In truth all pain is from the ego. You are extensions of me and I cannot be destroyed, but the memory of me can. In fact the ego moves into your mind and inhabits it like a parasite. It shows up with the charming, smiling face and the mind willingly becomes its servant. In truth, I am the master and your mind is designed be my channel but the clever voice of your ego convinces the mind that ‘being right and being in control’ are “The way – the truth – and the light”.
The guilt born of making a mistake is what ruined the Garden of Eden. I would never punish you for making a mistake, but your ego would. The Garden of Eden was always meant to be the peaceful, guilt-free haven of your mind, the mind that is connected to God and hears my voice, The Holy Spirit. You lost sight of the still, cool light of Christ that is your core. The ego’s anger and raging fires soon blacken your vision of the pure light of self. You no longer see the truth of who you are, but the truth that the ego would have us believe in – guilt, fear, and separation.
The ego instructs you to hide these painful burdens from my sight and carry this insanity all by yourself. You are now convinced that God is the enemy who would punish you if you were to turn to him. This is the ultimate lie and your fear of redemption. The ego strives only to GET and to TAKE and believes in competition, lack and limited resources. It saddens me that many of you carry this illusion often to the grave. I seek not to attack you, but to teach you to relinquish your attack on yourself and your brother. Surrendering this burden would catapult you into the guilt-free place of spirit.
The ego sends out its messengers to ever bring us proof that our brother would attack and destroy us. But your brother is merely the screen your ego projects on. Your brother reflects your buried ghosts, but you would believe that HE is the source of our problems and the root of our pain and dis-ease.
All that we really we see when we look around us, is an image that our mind has projected onto a target. When you see suicide reflected around you, you are being given an opportunity to see where your ego seeks to kill parts of your psyche. The moment you step out of this self-imposed box you step in my light see the truth, of yourself and your life. Awareness like this threatens the ego for healing your mind and your heart would demolish it. The ego is more threatened by this because you are healing.
Watch to see where the ego fools you, controls you, where it tells you that you need to GET love and approval. This is not necessary in my realm, for God simply IS Love and you are this extension. Rebuild the strong bridge that connects our minds. The ego offers only death – yet cloaks it in the robes of everything man strives to get in order to be good enough. If you believe in this illusion, your mind will be split.
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