C.H. asks: How does one measure success – in career, life, relationship?
Your question is one that every human should ask for so many of you are not happy. So many of you feel incomplete, like a large puzzle that you struggle to fill in and finish, but then you realize that one piece is missing! What is even sadder is that humans measure their self-perceived value and happiness according to the level of success they think they have. This is because humans are always seeking happiness and have equated happiness at being successful at something. Whatever you are successful at is a demonstration of one of the many gifts that I have given you. That missing piece you look everywhere for is right in the palm of my hand, always extending itself but you turned your back as you do not trust love. You are afraid to take it for fear that you would be under my control. But this belief is an illusion for you are an extension of me, you share my abilities but to a lesser degree simply because you are bound by the rules and restrictions of a physical body. The only thing you truly control is your current thought so you can choose to learn through joy or through pain. But you would rather learn through pain for your ego mind has told you that this is normal, this is the world. But it is not, it is the illusion you made for yourself.
I designed mankind to be my physical learning and feedback mechanism as through you I can touch and feel, and explore. Where you get yourself into trouble is that your ego steps in and takes you over, viewing the God part of you as the enemy who would take away your control. But deeply connecting to me does not rob you of your control, it makes you all powerful with the faith to move mountains. It gives you the clarity and wisdom to see that the truth of who you are, which is the Observer who watches you running around in circles, driven into craziness, despair, guilt, shame, judgment, confusion, overwhelm and ultimately – separation. The ego wants this. The more it strangles your mind, the more you believe the God voice within to be a threat to your freedom. Yet you were always free right from the moment I created you. Through your hurt and fragility you believed that you needed a bodyguard to keep intimacy away, for intimacy would cause you pain. Truly intimacy with me, your true self, eliminates pain for then you see your world as it really is – a bearer of gifts ready to respond to your prayers. Yet many of you do not even have the faith of the tiny mustard seed which does not judge that it must grow into a tiny plant, but simply grows according to the holographic map I have laid out for it, trusting the process with no judgment or resistance. And this is the plan that I have for you, for your unique part on this earth.
The only question you need ask is “What does it take to break through the chains of my frightened ego mind and live through the truth of my God self?” For that – is true Success!
Why would I say this? I say this for when many of you ask about what would make you successful, what you are really asking is, “What would make me happy? Would success at something make me happy, make me feel good enough or as good as everyone else? What would bring me joy, love, peace, connection?” And it is so very simple you keep missing it. The ego has you believe that you need to DO something or GET something or HAVE something in order to be a success. But that is its strategy to keep you chasing your tail and never finding the truth. For I made you an empowered Light Being with gifts that would bring you and others joy and there is nothing more successful than that. But you would rather listen to the voice of the ego and agree that you are small.
So there IS no answer to your question for you do not ask the right question. When you function within your God Self, in fact you already ARE all of those wonderful things. They never left you and you were never left, you just thought you were and began acting accordingly. But this is your illusion and it is a Global one, like mass hypnosis. I cannot take this illusion from you, as I did not create it, you did. But you can ask for my help in showing you that the ego world is not real – and I do this gladly.
It is not arrogant for you to say, “Truly I am loved and I have great gifts and powers,” for I made you so. It is arrogant to say that you are not great for then is your crazy ego mind arguing with the will of God and that is arrogance.
I did not make you small, I made you great. In realizing the true potential I have given you, you are already successful.